United Patriots of America
Founded December 2001 in response to 911
UPA Report
Sunday January 11, 2014
World leaders – whose multicultural, politically correct ideology is responsible for the migratory invasion of Europe by Muslims – join mass Paris march to honor victims of Islamic Jihad.
Stop the Refuge Resettlement of Muslims immediately.
Stop the illegal Executive Amnesty which would include Muslim terrorist.
Obama Imported 300,000 Muslims Into the US in 2013
The idea that America has better assimilated its Muslims than the UK and Europe is ridiculous on its face. It’s a matter of numbers. The only difference between the US and France, the UK and the rest of that doomed continent is that they began importing Muslims decades earlier than the US.
We are on the same path. The number of immigrants in the United States jumped 3 percent in three years — to a record 41.3 million in 2013 ( the pop. of Germany is 80.2 million) — and that the nearly 300,000 who came from Muslim countries pose a major national security threat. – See more at:
Amnesty by Illegal Executive Order
Update on Repeal Executive Action Act of 2015
FAIR expects that the DHS Appropriations bill that reaches the president’s desk will include specific language defunding executive amnesty and, in the event that he vetoes the bill, FAIR will support efforts to override that veto.
Sep 27 2014
He’s going to give full-scale amnesty to millions of illegal aliens, which by the way would include terrorists who are currently in this country who came in illegally.
Senator Rand Paul has a lot of nerve to question French immigration policy!
How can a man whose own home town was traumatized by the arrest of Muslim refugee terrorists, and whose home state of Kentucky is a prime US State Department resettlement site for Somali, Iraqi, Burmese and soon-to-arrive Syrian Muslims have the audacity to tell the French that they need to re-think their immigration policy!
Message Geert Wilders on Paris attack 2 Min 33 Sec
Our Muslim President
No other American President has ever been so partial to Islam and Muslims as Obama and it is not beyond the reach of logic or the imagination that he too is a Muslim
Muslim terrorists Boko Haram reportedly kill 2,000 and raze 16 towns in Nigeria
Posted on January 10, 2015
Resistance is futile when your children are standing between you and Terrorism
This is what rampaging terrorists already own in their arsenal: governments that look the other way; the freedom of movement courtesy of lax immigration law, freedom of speech that applies only to them, and now their very own built-in cheering section.
This is what the modern-day terrorist can now count on: thousands of teen girls ‘crushing’ (having a crush) on them. Support goading them on from Facebook, Twitter and other social networks.
The Islamization of France in 2013
January 6, 2014 at 4:30 am
On January 1, 2013, Interior Minister Manuel Valls announced that a total of 1,193 cars and trucks were torched across France on New Year’s Eve. He also said he was “shocked” by an RTL Radio report which estimated that more than 40,000 cars are burned in France every year.
Worth watching
David Wood on the 3 stages of Jihad (24 min 50 sec )
Jihad proceeds in stages.
Stage One: Stealth jihad
Stage Two: Defensive Jihad
Stage Three: Offensive jihad
Mosques on the front lines in the war against America
January 8, 2015
As the Islamic invasion advances, mosques are proliferating across the United States at breakneck speed. And there appears to be no end in sight.
Since 9/11, the number of mosques in America has grown by 75%. The timing of this is no coincidence. Mosques are a symbol of Islamic supremacism. Islam attacks. Then it plants a triumphal mosque on the battlefield. And another. And another. And another.
Muslims Busted in Gross Welfare Fraud Against US Taxpayers
Posted on December 28, 2014
What is America’s survival plan? (repeat)
By Carol Brown, December 26, 2014
We’re facing the greatest national security threat we have ever known and there is no coherent plan to battle the enemy. This nation is so far behind the eight ball, the president and his minions won’t even name the enemy, no less fight it.
Name = Islam
Rep. Womick (R-TN) Calls For Purging Military of Muslim Americans
Posted on December 29, 2014
‘Every single French Jew I know has left Paris’: Editor of Britain’s Jewish Chronicle claims people are fleeing terror-hit French capital
F.B.I. and Justice Dept. Said to Seek Charges for Petraeus
WASHINGTON — The F.B.I. and Justice Department prosecutors have recommended bringing felony charges against David H. Petraeus, contending that he provided classified information to a lover while he was director of the C.I.A., officials said, and leaving Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. to decide whether to seek an indictment that could send the pre-eminent military officer of his generation to prison.
Ex-FBI agent’s epic open letter to Eric holder stuns administration
Common Core
Chinese Immigrant Against Common Core
Rage Against the Common Core (A view from the left)
May be a good program.
Understanding the Visa Waiver program
Monday, October 13, 2014
Halting a system for screening out adversaries is no way to enhance U.S. security
Indeed, far from compromising our security, the Visa Waiver program enhances it. Heritage Foundation analyst Riley Walters notes one example: Before traveling, VWP tourists are prescreened via the databases of all VWP members through the Electronic System for Travel Authorization. The ESTA determines whether they’re eligible to travel to the United States. It screens out adversaries.
10 Reasons Why Mitt Romney Would Be a Great Candidate in 2016
This Map Shows How Much of Each State Is Foreign-Born
Hot Air and the Paris Atrocities
January 9, 2015
Today’s Immigration Headlines – January 11, 2015
New Bill Would Do More than Just Defund Obama Amnesty
The bill to fund DHS beyond February 27 may come to the floor of the House as early as next week and the only way to ensure that it include a meaningful response to the president’s numerous abuses is included is for the American public to make its voice heard directly, and by encouraging more House members to co-sponsor the Repeal Executive Amnesty Act.
John Boehner, You Can’t Serve Two Masters
Rep. Aderholt introduces legislation to repeal Obama’s executive actions
UPDATED: Thu, JAN 8th 2015 @ 7:41 am EST
Rep. Robert Aderholt (R-Ala.) has introduced H.R.191, the Repeal Executive Amnesty Act of 2015, that addresses most of the executive actions taken by the Obama Administration over the last several years. The bill goes beyond simply defunding the President’s actions to grant amnesty and work permits to millions of illegal aliens, but also reverses a number of executive actions taken by the Administration over the last several years, including reinstating the Secure Communities program, ending excessive extensions to Temporary Protected Status, and limiting abuses of the asylum system.
Tenth Amendment Center!
The 10th Amendment
The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.
A Ten-Step Program for Constitutional Recovery
When enough people put Madison’s advice into practice, there’s not much that the federal government can do to force their unconstitutional acts, regulations and mandates down our throats.
Nullify Common Core
Rejection of common core through state legislation delaying or banning implementation of it restores education to local control – and nullifies the unconstitutional federal “incentives” of race to the top.
Judicial Watch Weekly Update
Meth Smuggling at All-Time High on Mexico-Calif. Border
As if there weren’t plenty of good reasons to secure the famously porous southern border, a San Diego newspaper reports a record-high number of methamphetamine seizures at U.S. ports of entry on the California-Mexico border. Figures provided by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) reveal an astounding 300% increase in…
Survival Gear List
Dry Fire Training Cards at Sealed Mindset
This will run every week.
Special Report
This report prints out to 12 pages but worthwhile reading.
The Posse Comitatus Act does not prohibit US Military on our borders.
US Military is allowed as authorized by the Constitution or Act of Congress
Fighting tyranny in America 2014
Nonviolent resistance (NVR or nonviolent action) is the practice of achieving goals through symbolic protests, civil disobedience, economic or political noncooperation, or other methods, without using violence.
24/7 boycott of corporations.
They take our money and give it to the political elites to trash our Constitutional Republic.
Fight back. Don’t spend your money with them.
Rules of Engagement – Get SASSY
Save America – Shop Smart Y’all
The tyranny emanating from the political, corporate and media world survives because we fund them by doing business with them.
We are actually financing our own national suicide by spending our money every day with them.
Do not spend money with your political enemies.
Avoid corporations, seek out small local businesses
Avoid mainstream media seek out alternative media.
Do business with like minded patriots.
Save America – Shop Smart Y’all (SASSY)
I am only one, but I am one. I cannot do everything, but I
can do something. And because I cannot do everything, I will
not refuse to do the something that I can do. What I can do,
I should do. And what I should do, by the grace of God,
I will do.” ~ Edward Everett Hale
Ron Bass
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