United Patriots of America
The United Patriots Of America was founded December 2001 in response to 911

The Coming National Crisis

August 6, 2020 by  
Filed under Civil War 2020

The Coming National Crisis
August 5, 2020


Can’t believe it? Science Fiction? It can’t happen here in America? It was just a matter of time and that time is here. It just so happens that we are living during this time. It happened to Poland in the 1930’s. It happened to Czechoslovakia in the the 1930’s – Belgium, France, and other eastern countries. These countries fell prey to the propaganda and didn’t realize what was happening until it was too late. Now it’s time for the west to fall. That is their goal. How will we handle it? How will you handle it?


Unfortunately I believe there are still many that have no idea what is happening. They are totally clueless. They are wrapped up in their own little world without a care in the world. They wear their mask and follow the crowd. Right now their only concern is wearing the mask waiting for the virus to end. And I still believe that they will continue to wear the mask because they have been conditioned. They will continue to FEAR the virus.


In today’s world CONNECTING THE DOTS is vital to survival. Look at the history of the 1930’s, BLM, Antifa, our politicians lack of response, rioting, looting, the police state, state governors and mayors, our judicial system, no rule of law and on and on and on. Connect the dots and what do we have? A failing government, the destruction of America, our lose of freedom, a failed education system. The dumbing down of America’s children. You know the rest.


With the 2020 election only months away, it is reasonable to wonder whether the election could spark widespread violence nationwide.

With a probable hung election and accusations flying left and right, we may be approaching the time in 1860 when the election became a choice of whether a divided country could stay united.

  • This election could trigger full-scale violence beyond anything we have seen so far.
  • No, this won’t be just another election.
  • It may be our Fort Sumter.

Both left and right detest each other, and with no resolution in sight, things could get ugly.

With China on the march, COVID in the air, and racial unrest in the streets, the mix could not be worse and may finally boil over.

What has been a cold civil war up until now could very well go hot.

Black Lives Matter (BLM), Antifa thugs, and their deep-state supporters

Worse still, the election will probably not be resolved on November 3.  As the vote goes into overtime with counting and recounting ballots, many of them fraudulent, the far-left anarchists will take to the streets, burn down buildings, and reach deeper into suburban strongholds of republicanism.

The police may or may not side with the mobs as private citizens try as best they can to protect their property, often armed with a gun. 

As we approach the November elections, the probability is increasing of the current low-intensity battle between the left and traditional Americans boiling over into full-scale insurgency.

  • If Donald Trump wins the election, the left will probably double down on the violent “resistance” they have been pushing since 2016.
  • If Joe Biden wins, the left will undoubtedly enact legislation that would destroy the republic and enslave the citizenry touching off a revolt by the right.
  • Conservative patriots will fight to save the republic and the future of the nation.
  • Either way, violence looms.

It is not inevitable, but all true patriots need to be ready to stand firm for our American heritage.  The costs of blood could be high.  This could be war.

And unlike other wars in our past that respected innocent civilian lives, it would likely become an ugly guerilla war on the streets of our cities doing irreparable harm to innocent bystanders.

The battle on the left will be waged by Black Lives Matter (BLM), Antifa thugs, and their deep-state supporters.

For them, innocent victims and killings are not atrocities, but a piece of their broader scheme to remake America into their utopian socialist ideal.

Their goal is to topple our constitutional system and deprive us of our liberties, property, and way of life.

Much of the rioting centers on the belief America is a racist nation.

Many people righteously march to give the black community their support.

However, the BLM organization isn’t concerned with black lives.

BLM has raked in millions in funding from corporations and people just trying to do the right thing.

In reality, these supporters are being played as chumps to funnel money to ActBlue who in turn finance Democrat candidates and the most liberal subversive groups in America today.

Democrats and their friends in the mainstream media broadcast that the gangs causing the destruction and violence are non-violent

  • Democrats and their friends in the mainstream media broadcast that the gangs causing the destruction and violence are non-violent as they are looting and lighting fires to a police station.
  • They justify it as an unfortunate response by downtrodden victims of a debased and immoral nation.
  • Yet, at the same time, they seek to deprive the public at large of their First Amendment rights to speak and worship freely,
  • and Second Amendment rights to defend themselves with firearms.
  • Do not be deceived.  Vast numbers of Americans will protect those rights with their lives if need be. 

Conservatives did not agree with Barack Obama while he was in office, but they accepted him as president because they realized he was the people’s choice and was duly elected.  The left has never given and will never give Trump the same courtesy.

Donald Trump was duly elected as president, but there has been nonstop treasonous resistance against him since the day he was elected.

We can only expect more of the same if he is reelected.

Blaming an open civil war on Donald Trump will be like blaming the American Civil War on Abraham Lincoln.  In both cases, the forces had been on a collision path for years before the conflict, and it reached its culmination during the time these two great men were in office. 

  • The warning lights of a collapse of civil order have been coming for a long time and could be fully triggered this November. 
  • If elected officials at all levels are incapable of gathering the will to protect our most essential ways of life from thuggery and incendiary accusations of racism, then they have abandoned their official duties to the mob. 
  • Trump understands his obligation to keep order and the rule of law. 
  • Unless Democrats and their henchmen come to the unlikely understanding they also must preserve our laws and traditions, the country will be heading for a bloody disaster, and civil war will be upon us.



Gen. Flynn: This Is My Letter to America

August 5, 2020 by  
Filed under General Flynn

Gen. Flynn: This Is My Letter to America

We are witnessing a vicious assault by enemies of all that is good, and our president is having to act in ways unprecedented in decades, maybe centuries.

The biblical nature of good versus evil cannot be discounted as we examine what is happening on the streets of America.

It’s Marxism in the form of antifa and the Black Lives Matter movement versus our very capable and very underappreciated law enforcement professionals, the vast majority of whom are fighting to provide us safe and secure homes, streets and communities.

When the destiny of the United States is at stake, and it is, the very future of the entire world is threatened.

As Christians, shouldn’t we act? We recognize that divine Providence is the ultimate judge of our destiny. Achieving our destiny as a freedom-loving nation, Providence compels us to do our part in our communities.

It encourages us in this battle against the forces of evil to face our fears head-on. No enemy on earth is stronger than the united forces of God-fearing, freedom-loving people.

We can no longer pretend that these dark forces are going to go away by mere prayer alone. Prayers matter, but action is required.

This action is needed at the local, state and federal levels. Action is also required in the economic, media, clerical and ecclesiastical realms.

Decide how you can act within your abilities. Stand up and state your beliefs. Be proud of who you are and what you stand for. And face, head-on, those community “leaders” who are willing to allow dark forces to go beyond peaceful protests and destroy and violate your safety and security.

Bottom of Form

Churches and houses of worship must return to normal. We invite everyone of goodwill to not shirk their responsibilities and instead act in a fraternal fashion. If for no other reason or with no other ability, act in a spirit of charity.

We cannot disrespect or disregard natural law along with our own religious liberties and freedoms.

I am witnessing elderly people lose their connection to all that is good in their lives: connections to their faith, their families and their individual freedoms, especially the simple act of attending church, something they’ve been doing for decades.

Let us not be intimidated or fear those who cry out that we are in the minority; we are not.

Good is always more powerful and will prevail over evil.

However, evil will succeed for a time when good people are divided from each other and their personal lives — children away from their teachers, preachers from their congregations, customers from their local businesses.

America will never give in to evil. Americans work together to solve problems.

We do not and should not ever allow anarchy and the evil forces behind it to operate on any street in our nation.

No one should have to fear for their very life because some dark, disturbed force is challenged by the very essence of what America stands for.

We are “one nation under God” and it is our individual liberties that make us strong, not liberties given to our government. Our government has no liberty unless and until “we the people” say so.

God bless America and let’s stand by everything that was and is good in our lives, in our communities and in our country.

Otherwise, America as the true North Star for humanity will cease to exist as we know it.

Gen. Flynn


UPA Report 8.2.20 Joe Biden Wants More Islam Taught in Public Schools [Video]

August 1, 2020 by  
Filed under Fighting the Left, Prepping, UPA Report


United Patriots of America

Founded December 2001 in response to 911

UPA Report
Sunday August 02,  2020

Biden Speaks to Hamas

Joe Biden Wants More Islam Taught in Public Schools [Video] https://marypatriotnews.com/joe-biden-wants-more-islam-taught-in-public-schools-video/

19 min 39 sec
UTT Reviews Biden Speech to Hamas dba EMGAGE
July 28, 2020

Boycott Starbucks — Drink Red Bull
Starbucks is one of our worst night mares. Read why

Middle American Resistance Organizing—But Who Will Lead?
The Old America Is Dead. Where Do We Go From Here?
The next step: A leader, or group of leaders, must organize these scattered resisters and counter the Blob through coordinated and purposeful action. The strategic objective: carving out havens for Middle Americans to live their lives as they see fit.

Our Summer of Cultural Suicide
By VICTOR DAVIS HANSON, July 30, 2020 6:30 AM
Sports, movies, and schools go woke. And broke? 

3 min 41 sec
Video: Clashes Erupt at BML Protest for Confederate Statue Removal in Weatherford, TX
RT YouTube, July 26, 2020

Saying Goodbye: Photos of Southern Monuments Felled in 2020
Posted on July 28, 2020

 Destroying Monuments Is Cultural Genocide
Gregory Hood, American Renaissance, January 9, 2020

Communists, Ethnomasochists, and Weirdos: Portland’s BL Mania
Chris Roberts, American Renaissance, July 30, 2020

 Major League Baseball  loves BLM
Robert Hampton, American Renaissance, July 30, 2020
Conservatives’ favorite sport is embracing Black Lives Matter. Major League Baseball players and teams are wearing BLM shirts, spreading BLM propaganda, and kneeling for the national anthem.

USA: Thousands of “Blue Lives Matter” protesters hold demo in support of NYPD

Black Lives Matter pressuring smaller cities, suburbs with list of demands based on Marxist critical race theory
Posted on July 27, 2020

13 min 20 sec
NFACs Militia Leader Doesn’t Know How an AR Works

National teacher union supports strikes over reopening plans.
I agree with Glenn, but would reword it to say “Abolish public schools and return the money from whom you stole it, the American taxpayers.”


Michael Hammond Published: 28 July 2020

Atlanta ‘Protesters’ Embedded Nails into Fireworks, Leaked FBI Document States

Should school districts be teaching a message of violence to young children?
BLM founder interviewed by Al Jazeera:

Black Lives Matter Co-Creator On The New Civil Rights Movement
Ferguson sparked a new national Black Lives Matter movement that’s sweeping across the U.S. And its young people leading the charge. They’re demanding the end to what they see as systemic racism in law enforcement that targets black people. Alicia Garza, co-founder
of #BlackLivesMatter, tells Dena Takruri who these activists are and the tactics they’re using to get what they want.

100 Police Agencies Quit Democratic National Convention over Tear Gas Ban
JOEL B.POLLAK28 Jul 2020

 Nolte: Violent Crime Explosion Forces Minneapolis Residents to Form Militias

Black Lives Matter pressuring smaller cities, suburbs with list of demands based on Marxist critical race theory
Leo Hohmann.com
The DHS source I spoke with said most of the upper-level civil service positions within Homeland Security were changed out under the eight years of President Obama, whose administration made personnel decisions based on diversity and political allegiance, not experience or competence in law enforcement.

 NBA in PANIC Mode After Allowing this HORRIFYING Jersey to Be Created & Sold
Posted by American Continental Militia on July 15, 2020 at 3:43am
This Goes #BeyondBoycott: Criminal Charges should be filed against the NBA for inciting mayhem & murder!

Trump Is WINNING The Propaganda War Over BLM Rioting And Even Some BLM Leaders Agree
3 hours ago1 min read

Mike Ditka Says Kneeling Athletes Should ‘Get the Hell Out of the Country’

 Violent Rioters Torch Courthouses In California And Colorado, Attack Police, Chant Racial Slurs
By  Ryan Saavedra, Jul 26, 2020
Antifa has set a fire in the Alameda County courthouse in Oakland, CA.

Extremists Injure Nearly 2 Dozen Seattle Police, Attack Police Station, ‘Explosives’ Used
By  Ryan Saavedra, Jul 26, 2020

 Man At BLM Event In CO Allegedly Fires At Jeep That Was Allegedly Fleeing Incident; TX Driver Kills BLM Protester Who May Have Aimed AK-47 At Him, Police Say
By  Ryan Saavedra,Jul 26, 2020   DailyWire.com

Rioters Torch Justice Center Construction Site In Seattle, Attack Stores At Apartment Complex, Hit Store Owners [Updated] By  Ryan Saavedra,Jul 26, 2020   DailyWire.com
Violent rioters torched a construction site at a justice center in Seattle and attacked a Starbucks store that was at the bottom of an apartment complex on Saturday as far-left rioters caused significant damage in other cities across the U.S.

1 hour 4 minutes
Full NFAC “Grandmaster Jay” Speech in Louisville Kentucky
Uncut video: The all-Black “Not F***ing Around Coalition” aka NFAC Militia held an armed march throughout Louisville, KY on Saturday, concluding with a nearly hour-long speech by NFAC leader John Fitzgerald Johnson, aka The Real Grandmaster Jay.Grandmaster Jay demanded answers in the death of Breonna Taylor, and pledged that the group would return and “we are going to burn this motherf***er down” in four weeks if that doesn’t happen.

Violent Riots Strike Richmond: Vehicle Torched At Police Station, Officers Come Under Attack
By  Ryan Saavedra Jul 27, 2020

Chief Gerald M. Smith, Mayor Levar M. Stoney and RFD Chief Melvin Carter on Saturday night’s unrest
Chief Gerald M. Smith, Mayor Levar M. Stoney and RFD Chief Melvin Carter speak to reporters on Sunday about Saturday night’s unrest in Richmond

Hundreds protest in Grayson

Are You Prepared for Forced Vaccinations? Protect Our Rights & Keep Families Safe w/ Sheriff Mack

This Activist’s Marxist Brainwashing Explains Why Antifa Has Terrorized Portland for 51 Nights
By Tyler O’Neil Jul 19, 2020 10:30 PM EST
This comes from Marxist critical theory, which analyzes the world in terms of power and oppression. The evils perpetrated against both black slaves and Native Americans supposedly sully the entire American project, which must be uprooted in order for people to be truly free.

BLM Leader Turns Sights from Abolishing Police to US Military Bases All Over World
Now, granted, Philadelphia Black Lives Matter organizer and activist YahNé Ndgo isn’t representative of the whole organization.
However, in an illuminating interview, if for no other reason than because it offered a glimpse into who holds power in the decentralized Black Lives Matter organization, Ndgo suggested not only the abolition of police — that goes without saying — but the abolition of American military bases not on our soil.

Portland Antifa Gets A Surprise When They Open Man’s Car Door
BY HERSCHEL SMITH, 2 days, 19 hours ago

EDC Everyday Carry For Preppers

List Of 50 Things You Should Get Right Now To Prepare For The Chaotic Events Of The Next 12 Months

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Facebook –  https://www.facebook.com/UPA.RonBass

Web site – http://www.UnitedPatriotsOfAmerica.com  



BLM founder interviewed by Al Jazeera: Should school districts be teaching a message of violence to young children?

July 28, 2020 by  
Filed under BLM

This came in an email from the Jersey Conservative

BLM leader defends violence in video distributed by NJ schools
By Rubashov

Should school districts be teaching a message of violence to young children?

And if they do, wouldn’t it be better to do so balanced by a message of non-violence, so that young minds could be challenged by alternatives?

We’re looking today at a “summer reading list” distributed by the Martin J. Ryerson Middle School in Ringwood, New Jersey.    It is a formatted program distributed across the state and around the country.  An accompanying letter from the “Middle School Language Arts Team” carries the names “Eric Erler, Principal” and “Carrie Leonard, Dean of Students”.  The letter reads:

Students are urged to read one book every 1-2 weeks, or more over the summer, maintaining the same momentum as in the classroom.  We highly recommend students working in partnerships or small book clubs to add to the enjoyment of reading.

Students are expected to arrive on the first day of school ready to discuss their books.  This book talk should include evidence of reading in the form of journal entries to reflect important thinking.  For each journal entry created (1 book read), points will be earned to increase the first marking period grade.

…Here are a list of websites to find great books:

Great Suggestions For Books About Racism and Justice


Goodreads.com Middle School Tag


Amazon.com Books



Clearly then, this is a required activity on which students academic performance will be graded.  This is a taxpayer-supported education program run by a unit of government that imposes property taxes and penalties for failure to pay, up to and including foreclosure and homelessness.  Such power cries out for scrutiny.

Great Suggestions For Books About Racism and Justice, is the first link on the suggested reading list.  It takes you to the webpage of the Oakland Public Library, in California.  This page is titled, “Listen, Learn, Participate: a #BlackLivesMatter Resources Series”.

Featured prominently in the Series is a video by #BlackLivesMatter founder Alicia Garza.  The video was produced in 2014 by Al Jazeera.  It is recommended for Grades 7 and up.



At the 3:05 mark the Al Jazeera interviewer asks:

“…there’s also been some incidents of vandalism and things getting a little more violent.  What tactics do you advocate and where do you draw the line?”

Alicia Garza replies:

“We advocate those types of tactics that really, um, shake up the comfort level.”

The Al Jazeera interviewer interjects:

“What do you say to people who, critics, what do you say to critics who say, you know, smashing property windows and store fronts and some looting is actually counterproductive to the movement?”

Alicia Garza replies:

“My response to that would be, do we have the same level of outrage when a window gets broken as we do when a young black person is killed in our communities, and if we don’t there’s a real disparity there and we need to figure out what that is.”

No commentary is necessary.  Garza’s intent is quite clear.   So when a BLM protest turns violent, please recall that these words were spoken in 2014.

Who is Alicia Garza?

Wikipedia reports:  “Garza was born in Oakland, California, on January 4, 1981. She grew up as Alicia Schwartz in Marin County in a mixed-raced and mixed-religion household, with a Jewish stepfather and an African American mother.[1] Garza identifies as Jewish.[2] The family ran an antiques business, assisted later by her younger brother, Joey.[1] In her teens, Alicia engaged in activism, promoting school sex education about birth control.[3] Enrolling in the University of California, San Diego (UCSD), she continued her activism by joining the student association and calling for higher pay for the university’s janitors. In her final year at college, she helped organize the first Women of Color Conference, a university-wide convocation held at UCSD in 2002.[4] She graduated in 2002 with a degree in anthropology and sociology.[5] In 2003 she met Malachi Garza, 24, a transgender man and a community activist. In 2004, Alicia came out as queer to her family. In 2008, she married Malachi and took the name Garza, settling in Oakland.[1][3]”  Note the connection to Oakland.

Who is Al Jazeera?

From Wikipedia:  “Al Jazeera (Arabic: الجزيرة‎, romanized: al-jazīrah, IPA: [æl (d)ʒæˈziːrɐ], literally “The Island”, though referring to the Arabian Peninsula in context[3]) is a Qatari state-owned[4] broadcaster in Doha, Qatar, owned by the Al Jazeera Media Network.”

The choice of a state-owned platform controlled by the nation of Qatar is a curious one for someone who claims to hold the views that Alicia Garza does.  According to Human Rights Watch…

Qatari laws continue to discriminate against migrants, women, and lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) individuals. Throughout 2018, the diplomatic crisis persisted between Qatar on one side and Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Egypt, and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) on the other, over Qatar’s alleged support of terrorism and ties with Iran, impacting the rights of Qataris.”

Further, migrant workers in Qatar exist under a form of modern day slavery, according to Human Rights Watch.  From the group’s website…

“Qatar has a migrant labor force of over 2 million people, who comprise approximately 95 percent of its total labor force. Approximately 800,000 workers are employed in construction while another 100,000 are domestic workers. Qatar’s kafala (sponsorship) system governing the employment of migrant workers gives employers excessive control over them, including the power to deny them the right to leave the country or change jobs.”

In 2017, a leading British newspaper, The Independent, ran this headline:  “World Cup 2022: Qatar’s workers are not workers, they are slaves, and they are building mausoleums, not stadiums”.  You should read the entire article:


At a recent meeting of the Ringwood School District, officials defended the “Listen, Learn, Participate: a #BlackLivesMatter Resources Series” as helping to train Ringwood’s children to be “global citizens”.  Leaving aside the fact that the parents of Ringwood’s children pay taxes to the school district, the town, the county, the state, the government of the United States of America – but not as of yet to some global entity that they are supposedly “citizens” of – might we suggest that a truly “global” outlook would include a discussion about such topics as modern slavery in countries like Qatar?

Yes, modern slavery in the country that owns the medium that sponsored that Alicia Garza video that Ryerson Middle School hyped to its students. 

Of course, there’s far more to the “Listen, Learn, Participate: a #BlackLivesMatter Resources Series” being promoted in Ringwood.  The Al Jazeera video is only a part of it.  There will be more on this subject tomorrow…

“Government ought to be all outside and no inside. . . . Everybody knows that corruption thrives in secret places, and avoids public places, and we believe it a fair presumption that secrecy means impropriety.”

UPA Report 7.26.20 Yugoslavian women issues warning to all Americans

United Patriots of America

Founded December 2001 in response to 911

UPA Report
Sunday July 26,  2020

Issues Warning To All Americans
Jul 23, 2020

Matt Bracken – this is a comment made by Bracken found at the next article below entitled “Marxism in the Classroom, Riots in the Streets The production of brainwashed generations of automatons”.

Make no mistake, the communists are winning. “Anarchist,” “Anti-fascist,” and “Black Lives Matter” are simply masks of convenience for the relentless communists.
 And now in 2020 the American communists are going for broke. The generation of Bill Ayers, Bernadine Dorhn, Bob Avakian (chairman of the
Revolutionary Communist Party of the USA / RevCom.us since 1979) and Susan Rosenberg never quit, they have succeeded beyond their dreams. Now they are in their 70s, and this is their last chance to see the fulfillment of their Marxist mission on earth.

Emblematic of their rise from within and near victory today, Rosenberg and others of her cohort had to resort to bank and armored car robberies to finance their campaigns circa 1970. A half century later, convicted revolutionary communist terrorist Rosenberg helps run Thousand Currents, and the communists are awash with millions in cash donated by Soros groups, sold-out corporations, and private donors to their various fronts.
Marxists even rose to lead the CIA (Brennan) and FBI (Comey, who calls pseudo-Christian but actual covert Marxist Reinhold Niebuhr the greatest inspiration of his life). Brennan and Comey were not exceptional cases. College output is federal government input, and college has only gotten
worse since they graduated.

Make no mistake, the communists are winning, and this cannot be fixed from within the thoroughly infiltrated and Marxist dominated federal
government and mainstream media.
e should fight just as hard, even harder, to preserve Capitalism and bury Marxism as the Marxist do
to overthrow Capitalism and replace it with cultural and economic Marxism.


Marxism is a political revolt against Nationalism. The Nation-State is the great enemy of Marxism because the Nation-State is the greatest bulwark of individual personal liberty. This is why Marxism and Globalism go hand-in-hand.

Social justice,’ like ‘cultural Marxism,’ is a term used by far more people—friend and foe—than can actually define it in any coherent way, but, broadly speaking, it is used today to refer to perceived inequalities, be
they matters of race, gender, sexuality etc.

 Marxism in the Classroom, Riots in the Streets The production of brainwashed generations of automatons.
Clare M. Lopez, Posted By Ruth King on July 24th, 2020
The explosion of lawless rioting on American streets was only a matter of time. Sixty-two years ago, former FBI agent W. Cleon Skousen wrote
“The Naked Communist” to warn Americans about how communists planned to destroy our system from within, not by means of sudden revolution as envisioned by Karl Marx, but through a version of Italian communist Antonio Gramsci’s “cultural Marxism.” With a nod to the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and its People’s Liberation Army (PLA), it has been a “long march through the institutions” that has brought us to the brink of catastrophe—and much of it began in our schools.

Trump BLINDSIDES Chicago Mayor, ORDERS Federal Troops in, Her Response is UNFORGIVABLE
Jul 23, 2020

A second American civil war is nothing to look forward to
October 13, 2019, By William Marbury

Why This Revolution Isn’t Like the ’60s
Victor Davis HansonVictor Davis Hanson|Posted: Jul 23, 2020

Every Player On The Nationals And Yankees Kneels Prior To The National Anthem

 Putting ‘Americans First’ Begins At Our Nation’s Borders
Trump’s vision for America parallels Lincoln’s.
Thu Jul 23, 2020 Michael Cutler 28

NYC banner shows Commie de Blasio holding Lady Liberty’s severed head

At least three federal officers may be PERMANENTLY BLIND after Portland rioters attacked them with

Can Trump Pull a Truman?
July 14, 2020 by Patrick J. Buchanan


President Trump Shuts Down Chinese on U.S. Soil
July 22, 2020by John D. Guandolo
The communist Movement in the United States is well coordinated, and the Chinese are the heavy hand guiding it.These actions by the President constitute a real concrete step forward to destroy the communist Antifa and BLM support structure. There is much more to do, but this is a good first step.

It is Never About the “Issue”
July 21, 2020, by John D. Guandolo
When a front organization for a terrorist group – CAIR – tells you they are concerned with civil rights, you know they are lying. They are taking actions to further the coordinated efforts by jihads in the United States to overthrow the Republic and replace it
with a totalitarian Islamic State.
When communist organizations like Black Lives Matter and Antifa say they are protesting something, you know they are actually taking actions to further the coordinated efforts by communists in the United States to overthrow the Republic and replace it with a totalitarian communist regime. It is never about the issue – it is always about control of the state and power.

What is the Freedom Road Socialist Organization?
Freedom Road Socialist Organization (FRSO) is a national organization of revolutionaries fighting for socialism in the United States.
FRSO is recruiting and building towards the creation of a new Communist Party based on Marxism-Leninism. This is necessary to lead the way to socialism and liberation. Our newspaper Fight Back! is popular at protests, read by union workers and community activists, and can also be found at https://frso.org/about/

Tom Cotton Compares Portland Antifa To Confederate Rebels – BUT HE IS WRONG
Nope. ANTIFA and BLM are seditionists and insurrectionists who are domestic terrorists. They are trying to overthrow our Constitutional Republic. The Southern Confederacy was a Constitutional movement which was peaceably seceding from the Union which was a creation and an agent of the States.

Young White Mother KilledBy Black Lives Matter Mob for Allegedly Saying ‘All Lives Matter,’ National
Media Fully Ignores
July 12, 2020 3 Minutes

 1 hr 8 min 11 sec
President Trump Delivers Remarks on Operation Legend: Combating Violent Crime in American Cities

Nick Cannon Shows Us Who Is Really Privileged
Gregory Hood, American Renaissance, July 19, 2020
What holds whites back is our collective fear. Our opponents’ power seems great, but it’s brittle. Censorship, economic blackmail, and force
are their last remaining weapons. We have the truth, and if we survive these conditions, we will win.

One Nation Under Anarcho-Tyranny
Michelle Malkin,  July 22, 2020
The America you grew up in is not the America we live in now.One nation under God? Ha. Land of the free? Ha.Domestic tranquility? Ha.Equal
protection under the law? Ha.The right to bear arms? Ha.
Freedom of speech? Association? Peaceable assembly? Ha. Ha. Ha.


MORE UPA Report at

List Of 50 Things You Should Get Right Now To Prepare For The Chaotic Events Of The Next 12 Months

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Web site – http://www.UnitedPatriotsOfAmerica.com  



UPA Report 7.26.20 MORE

July 25, 2020 by  
Filed under UPA Report



United Patriots of America

Founded December 2001 in response to 911

UPA Report
Sunday July 26,  2020

Repeat: worth listening again.

Issues Warning To All Americans


Trump Signs Executive Order Excluding Illegal Immigrants from ‘Being Counted’ for Voting Districts
posted by Hannity Staff – 18 hours ago

Insanity.in Seattle
>This is a comment made:
They’re domestic terrorists Arrest them all and, if they fight back, shoot them. I have no more sympathy for them than I would a
roadside bomber in Afghanistan. YOU CAN’T JUST CONTINUE TO IGNORE IT AND HAND OVER YOUR COUNTRY.  If politicians
continue to allow it, same proscription

What a Second American Civil War Could Look Like
Via David Codrea, this thought experiment by Mark Nuckols atTownhall.

5 min 10 sec
The Fall of The Republic is The Rise of The Corporation. Wake Up!
Jul 8, 2020

The Ugly Truth About The BLM Protests

6 min 36 sec By Grandmaster J

 Dear Black Militia (NFAC), From a Good Ol’ Texas Boy, Go See Mat Best

Black Militia (NFAC)
Messed Up Bad – Stolen Valor?

 Police: Armed black militia’s march through Stone Mountain Park no cause for concern




Leftista info. Sign the petition: Tell Congress to stop Trump and his secret police!

July 23, 2020 by  
Filed under Watchdogs


It was bad enough when Donald Trump sent his secret police to Portland, Oregon to attack protesters and violate their constitutional rights by grabbing them off the streets.

Trump just announced he is sending his paramilitary forces to do the same thing in cities across America.1 We have to stop him. Our democracy and our basic rights and freedoms are at risk like never before.

We’ve all fought hard these last four years to stop Trump’s abuses of power. But this latest step, sending secret police to American cities, is a terrifying new step. With the November elections looming, we need to reclaim our democracy and stop Trump and these federal agencies from any further violations of our basic rights. Will you help?

Sign the petition: Tell Congress to stop Trump and his secret police!

It’s horrific to tell you that we now have secret police in the United States — but it’s the truth. Federal officers from the U.S. Marshals Service, Customs and Border Patrol, and other agencies of the Department of Homeland Security are operating in Portland without any identification.2

Trump’s goons are grabbing protesters off the street without charge, without reading them their rights. They’re shooting tear gas and flash bang grenades at protesters, including a group of mothers who stood guard over the weekend to stop the federal violence.

Oregon’s leaders have demanded that Trump and the DHS withdraw these forces. Trump has refused. Instead he’s vowing to send his secret police to attack civilians in cities across America.3

Even worse: Trump refused to promise to respect the result of the November election despite being asked multiple times in a Fox News interview on Sunday.4 I don’t have to tell you how alarming it is for Trump to say that, especially when he’s using actual secret police in our cities.

We have to put a stop to this right now. Congress has the power to act. Right now Oregon’s two U.S. Senators, Jeff Merkley and Ron Wyden, have proposed an amendment to a military spending bill that would stop Trump from deploying his secret police.5

We also have to roll back decades of militarization of law enforcement in this country, particularly at Homeland Security, to ensure no president can ever do this again.

This is an urgent moment to protect what remains of our democracy from Trump’s authoritarian rule. Will you act now and protect our most basic rights?

Add your name and tell Congress: Stop Trump’s secret police!

Thank you for taking action for our democracy,

Robert and the team at Watchdog

UPA Report 7.19.20 Black Lives Matter co-founder describes herself as ‘trained Marxist’


United Patriots of America

Founded December 2001 in response to 911

UPA Report
Sunday July 19, 2020

Black Lives Matter: A Civil Rights Movement or a Communist Inspired Terrorist Organization?
July 14, 2020, By John Bennett, Vice President
BLM supports the destruction of America, and Americans need to educate themselves very quickly before it gets completely out of hand. For those of you supporting the BLM organization; you have endorsed it and the leadership is just laughing at you. America cannot afford to capitulate and hide behind political correctness any longer. BLM is a communist organization that is terrorizing our country. Black Lives Matter rioters have attacked statues and attempted to destroy monuments across America including
the monuments that memorialize the exact thing they claim to be fighting for, freedom.

Know your Enemy
Black Lives Matter co-founder describes herself as ‘trained Marxist’
June 25, 2020
The center, which describes its philosophy as “an urban experiment,” uses grassroots organization
to “focus on Black and Latino communities with deep historical ties to the long history of anti-colonial, anti-imperialist, pro-communist resistance to the US empire,” according to the outlet.
In 1968, Mann was a coordinator for Students for a Democratic Society, from which a more radical wing –- the Weather Underground — was splintered the following year.

‘Racism Against White People’ Is Only Systemic Racism In US, Says Black University Professor
July 3, 2020 6:06 am
“It’s very clear to me that the Black Lives Matter organization is about something much bigger than black people, that it really is pushing a socialist, Marxist agenda.

Know your Enemy
Voices From the Frontlines

Know your Enemy
18 min 20 sec
Eric Mann Speaks at the Scientific Soul Sessions
Feb 20, 2014

Prepare for the French Solution in November
By Andrew Wallace|July 17th, 2020
I think the Communists have gone too far to turn back now, and will proceed to further attack patriotic Americans, burning, looting, and killing. That will be their downfall. What are they going to do? Attack us with the cowardly thugs of Antifa and Black Lives Matter, who only function in mobs. Or maybe they will have the Communist teachers attack us. In Florida the gutless teachers refused fire arms training to protect themselves and their students. Patriots are the most heavily armed people in the world.

4 min 54 sec
Susan Rosenberg convicted terrorist is on the fund raising arm of the BLM
BLM is a Revolutionary Marxist Group
Bernie Kerek escorted Susan Rosenberg from the Newark Federal courthouse in 1985
For instance, one of the board of directors for the leftist
group Thousand Currents, which handles donations to Black Lives Matter is Susan Rosenberg. She was identified as the vice-chair of the Thousand Currents board of directors on the organization’s website until recently when the page was taken down after the conservative think tank Capital Research Center detailed her involvement with a communist terrorist group that had carried out bombings in New York and Washington, D.C., in the early 1980s.

Fake flag burning at Gettysburg was only the latest hoax by a Pennsylvania man
By SHAWN BOBURG AND DALTON BENNETT | The Washington Post Published: July 17, 2020

Massive nationwide “Back The Blue” rally planned Saturday July 18. We will be silent no more.

The Rise of Black Lives Matter Coincides with Some of the Worst Violent Crime Recorded in Nearly 3
Posted on July 16, 2020

These federal officers(?) just rushed up and arrested someone for no reason

‘Good Shepherd’ Jesus Statue Decapitated Inside Florida Church
The Chattanooga Police Department is probing the recent beheading of a statue of the Blessed Virgin Mary at the St. Stephen Catholic Church. As Breitbart News previously reported, two monuments depicting the Virgin Mary were vandalized in Queens, New York City, and Boston, Massachusetts. On Wednesday, a group of Catholics in Boston held a vigil to pray the Rosary at the site of a Virgin Mary statue that had been set on fire.

Red Bull Fires Three Execs Who Called for Company to Make a Statement in Support of BLM
Posted on July 16, 2020

The Progressive’s Problem With Guns, BLM and Police
BY HERSCHEL SMITH, 2 days, 17 hours ago
Here is the real worry that should be keeping the progressives up at night.I said earlier that police protection is a myth.Yes, to some degree, at least in theory and law.But not in practice.In practice, most of the police protection in the last two or three months has been for the rioters, looters and arsonists.The police are there to protect the criminals from the otherwise peaceable men and women, not the peaceable from the criminals.
The worry for progressives is that this abates one day soon, and the police turn their backs on the rioters.That will be an awful
day for the rioters, because they have subsisted on the backs of police protection these last months.That’s the ultimate irony.The police have worked thus far to protect the rioters and arsonists because of local politicians.But local politics is a fickle thing.

When The Mob Attacks Your Car
BY HERSCHEL SMITH, 1 day, 18 hours ago

21 min 50 sec
Statue toppling
What Are Our Founding Values?

Black Lives Matter Murals Are Being Defaced In Cities Throughout The Country
Tommy BeerForbes Staff

Could America Become Like South Africa?
Dan Roodt, American Renaissance, July 10, 2020
South Africa is the Western country that leads the pack. We got the most extreme forms of black supremacy and cultural Marxism, but the ANC regime is showing so many signs of weakness it may have almost passed the low point. Elsewhere in the West, including America, the anti-white movement is still ascendant. If the US gets a Democrat president and Senate, it will be nearly “game over” for whites. There would be a flood of immigrants as well as legalization of uncounted millions of illegals who would become instant Democrats. Whites could then face what we
face in South Africa: exclusion from jobs, government contracts, and from majority-ownership of companies.

Even the woke eventually fear the guillotine.
The Jacobin Left is just now beginning to get edgy.
Victor Davis Hanson July 14, 2020

Enemy event
Sat Aug 1st 12:00pm – 3:00pm
US Department of Justice, 500 1st St SE, Washington D.C. 20003 map

WATCH: BLM protestors crash church service, assault worshipers
July 6, 2020 6:07 PM

Matt Bracken on the Coming “Dirty Civil War”
Feb 26, 2020

16 min 59 secGood video
Episode 346 – When the Music Stops Part 2 – Matt Bracken

Make This GO Viral!!
Doctor Jensen Being Investigated By United State Board After COVID-19 Comments

Links To Prepping Plus


Twitter – http://twitter.com/ronbassUPA

Facebook –https://www.facebook.com/UPA.RonBass

Web site – http://www.UnitedPatriotsOfAmerica.com



UPA Report 7.12.20 Part 2 Missouri couple who defended home have rifle seized during police search


United Patriots of America

Founded December 2001 in response to 911

UPA Report Part 2
Sunday July 12,  2020

Missouri couple who defended home have rifle seized during police search

Who is Kimberly Gardner, St. Louis prosecutor investigating gun-toting couple?
Published June 30
Gardner described encounter as “a violent assault” against the protesters

Timeline: Key events in the month since George Floyd’s death

 A Culture War Battle Trump Can Win
Trump just played the patriotism card, the correct card to play, and it may just work for his reelection.

The Old America Is Dead. Where Do We Go from Here?
Wayne Allensworth, VDARE, June 27, 2020

17 min 31
Kelly victory, M.D.Disaster prepredness and Response

How Small Communities can COMMAND Law and Order ~ Rex Reviews

Six Weeks, Six Cities, 600 Murders
Kevin McCullough Jul 05, 2020

Watch: Pro-Palestinian BLM Rallies in U.S. Call for ‘Death to Israel, Death to America’

The New Minutemen

Activist Mommy Breaks Down the Marxist Takeover of America
Jesus said occupy till I come ,https://activistmommy.com/

This guy has balls of steel

 Welcome to the largest community for amateur Unmanned Aerial Vehicles!

Written in 2012
Posted by Matt Bracken | May 31, 2020 |

 Unconstrained Analytics
Richard Higgins

 Obama Appointees in the Communist Orbit
May 24, 2019, By Karin McQuillan

 Message from the Militias to President Trump
Jul 5, 2020

 Can We be Allowed to be Adults, Please?
July 6, 2020  By Shawn Antoine
So, here we are, months into this pandemic with no end in sight. No idea when, or if, there will be an inoculation or a viable treatment that cures the virus. The media is still gleefully scaring the hell out of everyone even suggesting this is all a “new normal” and the Governors are retreating on allowing us to live our lives again by issuing new executive orders. So, the time has come to ask, can we be allowed to be adults please?

 The black power militia has declared themselves seperate from BLM, no whites allowed.
Stone Mountain Georgia… Armed Black Panthers

Black Militia stops white guy in car they talk

 Info on the leader of the Black Militia at Stone Mountain, GA

NFAC Not F_cking Around Coalition
59 min 56 sec

 Intifada Realism
What can happen in America when radical Islam allies with the radical Left.
Tue Jun 23, 2020 Lloyd Billingsley 25

Done with your bullshit Young lady.

 How Long Will the Vandals Run Amok?
June 23, 2020 by Patrick J. Buchanan

WATCH: Car Violently Plows Into 2 Protesters on Seattle Highway, Video Shows

 United Nations Now Muscling In on U.S. Police Reform

 1 hr 4 min
Unruly Protest Results In Looting, Fires In La Mesa
May 31, 2020

 Mayor: BLM Attackers Intended To Burn Down La Mesa
Posted on June 22, 2020

Behind Burning City
Protests, Barack Obama’s New Army
• Behind Burning City Protests, Barack Obama’s New Army
• Burning America Is On Barack Obama & His Rolling Coup
• America Dealing With Insurrection, Not Media-Described Unrest
https://canadafreepress.com/article/behind-burning .

Liberation Road (LEFTIES)

The New Era Social Murder

Video by a black police officer.

Black Lives Matter is a Modern Totalitarian Revolution
By Douglas V. Gibbs —— Bio and Archives–June 19, 2020
If we allow the Black Lives Matter movement to become America’s Bolshevik Revolution, we will lose our liberty, and many of us will likely lose our lives, as well, for daring to question them.  This was never about racism.  It has been about power.

Black Lives Matter is the New KKK
By Douglas V. Gibbs —— Bio and Archives–June 22, 2020
If we don’t take a firm stand against the new KKK, and we allow BLM to continue their Marxist infiltration, agitation, if we continue to kneel to their demands, our system of liberty is in grave danger, could be witnessing a turning point in history

How to Spy Legally

 Black-Lives-Matter Organizer Threatened to Burn National City, Posted on June 15, 2020
Three major buildings in downtown La Mesa were burned to the ground. Stores were widely ransacked and buildings were vandalized all over town, including the police station. The protests are continuing in La Mesa. Residents are still in fear of violence and another firebombing by a mob organized and incited by Tasha Williamson. Williamson is the most prominent organizer with the greatest voice.

 Virus-Immune Rioters Latest Coronavirus Con
While the majority of civilized society is held under government-imposed lockdown, meaning with no place to work, no place to
worship, no place to go—purportedly for their own safety in a raging pandemic—hundreds of thousands of ‘protesters’—(millions if counted worldwide) are allowed out to protest, pillage and burn cities down.
Let that sink in if only in order to clearly see how a pandemic panic can be used to help take down Western society.

 My Interview With Former White House NSC Member Richard Higgins
Jan 11, 2020

56 min
Corona Covid19
The Coverup of the Century | Zooming In’s one-hour documentary movie | ZOOMING IN SPECIAL

Antifa’s Field organization

Alex Jones
It’s Official: The Criminal Deep State Has Triggered a Civil War – FULL SHOW 6/29/20

 What to always keep in your pantry. Good basic list.

Links To Prepping Plus


Twitter – http://twitter.com/ronbassUPA

Facebook –  https://www.facebook.com/UPA.RonBass

Web site – http://www.UnitedPatriotsOfAmerica.com  



UPA Report 7.12.20 Message from the Militias to President Trump

July 11, 2020 by  
Filed under UPA Report


United Patriots of America

December 2001 in response to 911

UPA Report
Sunday July 12,  2020


Message from the Militias to President Trump  must see 2 min 17 sec

 Black Lives Matter Was Violent From The Start, And Media & Politicians Knew It
JULY 8, 2020 By Christopher Bedford
By the end of a year five police officers were killed and dozens wounded and hospitalized by Black Lives Matter radicals, BuzzFeed fondly looked back on 2016 as ‘the year Black Lives Matter went global.’
As a refresher, the group was founded in 2013, during President Barack Obama’s second term and after the fatal shooting of Trayvon Martin in Florida. It wasn’t until a rash of viral police-related deaths the next year that its national profile began to rise,
including protests over the killing of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri, Eric Garner in New York City, and then the following year Freddie Gray in Baltimore and Walter Scott in North Charleston, South Carolina.

A Call to ARM
Fri Jul 3, 2020 Lloyd Billingsley
The case for an American Revolution Movement for Self-Defense.

 In warfare, reliable information on your enemy is more important than the size of your army.

POTUS & POLITICAL WARFARE: Why Republicans are useless.and act as unknowing agents for the left.
May 2017
Reads this excerpt from Higgins memo
Republican Leadership – More afraid of being accused of being called a racist, sexist, homophobe or lslamophobe than of failing to enforce their oaths to “support and defend the Constitution,” the Republican Establishment accepts and enforces cultural Marxist memes within its own sphere of operations. In doing so, knowingly or not, it becomes an agent of that.
More at https://www.unitedpatriotsofamerica.com/?p=3870

PURGED   In warfare, reliable information on your enemy is more important than the size of your army.
A Detailed Look at ‘The Purge of U.S. Counterterroism Training by the Obama Adminisration
Patrick Poole February 2017
This “purge” has contributed to clues being missed by the FBI in major terrorism cases, including the April 2013 bombing of the Boston Marathon, and more recently the June 2016 massacre at The Pulse nightclub in Orlando, Florida, by Omar Mateen, who had been the target of previous FBI investigations in 2013 and 2014.

 In warfare, reliable information on your enemy is more important than the size of your army.

Cultural Marxism spread effectively because it was able to subvert the United States educational system
quickly, spreading a message that encourages societal dissidence to the upcoming generations of college students.

Armed black militia’s march through Stone Mountain Park no cause for concern
An armed militia marched through an Atlanta-area suburb on Independence Day toting AR-15 rifles and shotguns, shouting black-power slogans and demanding reparations from white motorists.

 Missouri couple who defended home have rifle seized during police search: report

 Warning: The Left has deployed, Islamic Movement joining in
June 25, 2020
When American’s are stabbed by Islamic Movement attackers, remember that Hamas announced the form of attack and that we still can’t get the Muslim Brotherhood declared a terror organization.

The Revolutionaries Would Have You In Poverty And Danger Because Of The Color Of Your Skin
Read comments

The Bolshevik army shows its face in Atlanta suburb of Stone Mountain

 Welcome to the new abnormal: How to survive the growing civil unrest

 Attorney General William P. Barr Announces Launch of Operation Legend
Posted on July 9, 2020 Office of Public Affairs, Department of Justice, July 8, 2020
Today, Attorney General William P. Barr announced the launch of Operation Legend, a sustained, systematic and coordinated law enforcement initiative across all federal law enforcement agencies working in conjunction with state and local law enforcement officials to fight the sudden surge of violent crime, beginning in Kansas City, MO.  Operation Legend was created as a result of President Trump’s promise to assist America’s cities that are plagued by recent violence.


Is the Communist Takeover of America happening right in front of us?
July 9, 2020. by John Bennett, Vice President
Skousen said “Communists possess the fortitude and knowledge to slowly reengineer society.” Is this what we see happening in America today? It now seems that Mr. Skousen was somewhat prophetic, especially if you compare the list of the Communists Goals to take over America and the eerie similarity between these goals and the events unfolding within society today.
Throwback Thursday: Do Not Forget the Threat of Mosques in America
July 7, 2020 by John D. Guandolo
The mosque is the center and seat of Islamic government. Mohammad used the mosque as a place for the community to gather and learn about Islam. It is a place to store food, water, weapons, and ammunition. It is a place where jihadis live and train. It is also the place where battles are planned, and the place from which battles are launched.
Today in America there are over 3400 mosques/Islamic Centers in all 50 states.

Militias flocked to Gettysburg to foil a supposed antifa flag burning, an apparent hoax created on social media
July 4th, 2020

House “Squad” members’ “BREATHE Act” is the most radical piece of legislation yet (Op-Ed)
|July 9, 2020 |CategoriesFeatured, Must Reads, News, Politics and Policing

How Black Lives Matter Is Bringing Back Traditional Marxism
By Thurston Powers SEPTEMBER 28, 2016
Marxist theory could be making a comeback. That means less trigger warnings and safe spaces, but more entrenched racial conflict.

23 min 53 sec
Inside America’s Largest Right Wing Militia
Oct 18, 2017

America is under attack. The threat is real.
American Bedrock Foundation Administered by Ron Bass and Associates.
This is a brand new operation in response to the recent riots, looting, arson and attacks on police that we all have been watching on TV recently. Just as the UPA was founded in responses to the attacks on 911 we are now responding in kind. We are employing professional security experts for tthis project which we are calling CPT (Community Preparedness Teams) The patriot who
running this operation was formally a State leader for the Minutman Project in 2005 and he is based in the South West now.
Any questions on this send an email to ronbass2010@comcast.net. You may want to have one of our teams come to your community for training.
By donating to American Bedrock Foundation, you are helping to send security professionals to small towns and communities in need of a viable security program to combat the threat posed to our neighborhoods by anarchist and communist groups bent on the destruction of the United States.
We do not have a George Soros to support us so we, the deplorable silent majority have to support ourselves.
All donations go to travel, lodging and payments to the security professionals.
We are looking for five dollar donations or more if you can. We have a team contracted to go out next week to do our first training session.
Please do not ignore this request. The threat is real. The fight is real.

30 min 58 sec
How Small Communities can COMMAND Law and Order ~ Rex Reviews
You need to become a hard target.

CWT stands for Civil War Two.
#1 prepping factor is your location or cube.
If your serious about increasing your chances of you and your family surviving, relocate if you’re
not presently living in the right cube now. To find out details on this see video by Matt Bracken
Matt Bracken on the Coming
“Dirty Civil War” – YouTube

Links To Prepping Plus


Twitter –  http://twitter.com/ronbassUPA

Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/UPA.RonBass

Web site – http://www.UnitedPatriotsOfAmerica.com  


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