UPA Report 10.19.14 Ebola, Ideology and Common Sense
October 19, 2014 by admin
Filed under Border Control, Ebola, Europe / Islam
Comments Off on UPA Report 10.19.14 Ebola, Ideology and Common Sense
United Patriots of America
Founded December 2001 in response to 911
UPA Report
Sunday, October 19, 2014
Use twitter hashtag: #STOPEBOLASTRIKE:
Administration committing criminal negligence by failing to secure America against outbreak
Infowars.com is calling for a general strike across the United States in response to the federal government’s botched response to the Ebola outbreak and the Obama administration’s refusal to block flights coming in from West Africa.
Numerous airlines have also restricted flights to Ebola-affected countries and yet the United States remains wide open to potential Ebola patients not only via airports but also via the country’s porous southern border, where hundreds of illegal aliens from Ebola-hit countries have poured across in recent months.
Marine Corps Gen. John Kelly, commander of the U.S. Southern Command, has also warned that if the Ebola outbreak continues to rage it could cause “mass migration into the United States” of victims seeking treatment.
By refusing to block flights or tighten border security, the Obama administration is aiding and abetting the spread of Ebola and engaging in dereliction of duty by refusing to adopt the default position under such circumstances.
That’s why we’re launching a national campaign for all non-essential workers in the United States to strike from Monday through Wednesday next week.
We are calling on everyone to get behind the strike by tweeting under the hashtag #stopebolastrike and by personally participating in the general strike from Monday to Wednesday. We also invite other media outlets and media personalities to support the strike.
It you’re for looking for a way to do something then participate in this national strike.
If you can not stay away from your job, just make sure you don’t shop anywhere. No fuel no food nothing for 3 days.
Please pass this on to all on your email list.
This message must go viral.
There may be more Ebola victims in the country our government and the media are not telling us about or there may be cases here that they don’t know about. It makes no sense what so ever to allow Ebola victims into our country with the expectation that our medical facilities will be able to handle and contain the situation. The facts have proven otherwise.
We as a nation must rise up in unison to send the most powerful message that we can with this 3 day strike.
The End.
Video 58:01
Border States Of America
Take the time to watch this.
An Hour Long Hollywood Produced Video Produced along with Breitbart News.. this is a must see..
See how we’ve been lied to by our own Government.
…..political correctness is going to end up killing a lot of us.
Indeed, is not the first duty of the government of the United States to protect the lives, liberty and property of the citizens of the United States?
Ebola, Ideology and Common Sense
By Patrick J. Buchanan
Now we have a government that considers it discriminatory to put troops on our frontiers to halt the invading millions from across the Mexican border, and the mark of a cruel and cold people to send back lawbreakers who have broken into our country.
In dealing with contagious and deadly diseases, common sense says to err on the side of safety. Public safety must come before political correctness. Community and country come ahead of any obligation to the people of West Africa.
If that means no commercial flights to the United States from the three most affected countries of West Africa, and no admission to the USA of any travelers whose visas show they have been in those countries in recent days, then it ought to be done.
Else political correctness is going to end up killing a lot of us.
http://buchanan.org/blog/ebola-ideology-common-sense-7035 .
If this story is true why has it not been reported?
The Video Below Shares A Shocking Call To A Radio Show By A Man Who Gives Us What Might Be The Most Mind-Numbing Ebola Information That We Have Heard Yet.
This Mathematical Model from 2006 Shows How Ebola Could Wipe Us Out
Ebola Scare Turns Dallas Hospital Into a ‘Ghost Town’
Written by Gary North on October 18, 2014
The Presbyterian hospital in Dallas is empty. The ER room is empty. There is no waiting time.
They might as well shut it down. It’s over.
The free market is relentless. It is unforgiving. It asks: “What have you done for me lately?”
It also asks: “What will you do to me today?”
No one organized a boycott. No one sent out warnings: “Do Not Enter.” No one had to.
In this battle, you don’t get a second chance. There is no “Sorry. It won’t happen again.”
It won’t happen again. Nothing will happen again, except the bankruptcy notice.
It’s probably safe to go there. Let me know how you do.
Video 8:11
New Calls For Ebola Travel Ban – Ebola In America – Dr Ben Carson – The Kelly File
Containing Ebola: What it would take
The wrong way to help fight Ebola
Last week, eight members of an aid team, including health-care workers, journalists and government officials, sent to a remoteGuineavillage were hacked to death and thrown into a latrine.
On Tuesday, Red Cross workers helping to bury the dead were attacked by family members of the deceased.
Ebola: Truth, Lies, Human Error, and Common Sense
Aurora, Colo., theater shooter James Holmes converts to Islam
Ebola ruled out as passenger dies on Nigeria flight to JFK
Local jails refusing to hold illegal immigrant offenders, forcing feds to track them down
In the last nine months, 275 counties have refused to honor requests from Immigration and Customs Enforcement that they be notified before releasing an illegal immigrant from custody.
Thousands Released After Immigration Holds Denied
They are fighting back in Sweden!
It makes me sick to see the police clamp down on us Swedes with full force and without warning, using nightsticks and tear gas, while they don’t do a damn thing about the immigrants. We are only trying to help maintain order, while the immigrants set cars and buildings on fire, said a young man who wished to remain anonymous.
Leaked DHS document: 167,000 convicted criminal aliens at large in us
The CIS report released Wednesday and authored by the group’s director of policy studies, Jessica Vaughan, details the decline in immigration enforcement and reveals that there remain nearly 167,000 convicted criminal immigrants with final orders of removal still in theUnited Statesand “currently at large.”
Law and order in America threatened by “the Ferguson Effect”
The Ferguson effect: A cop’s-eye view
We asked why he was so hostile toward us. His response?Ferguson. The cops couldn’t be trusted because of what happened inFerguson,Mo. He told us that he wanted to kill all white cops because of what “they” had done to Michael Brown.
US Border – Patriots on Patrol
Video 11:34
Border Patrol Jamming up Citizen Patrol
Published on Oct 11, 2014
Border Patrol harassing Citizens on patrol along the border.
It is certainly in our best interest to defend and secure our International Borders.
The following group of citizen patriots is doing that right now on the border in Texas.
Note: There are other groups on the border. The UPA is in contact with this group and another group in Arizona.
Any information reported in the UPA report is information that is already in the public domain.
Camp LoneStar Border talk Radio show.
Show will be broadcast live from Brownsville Texas and we will discuss the immediate issues facing us on the Border. We will be talking about Border Patrol and the obstacles they have placed in front of us, the “patriots” who are going around spreading false information and those who are attempting to profiteer from the blood and sweat of those who are actually doing the job of securing our border. We will talk about our immediate Camp needs and how those who want to come help can, and those who want to donate will be given our latest ways to get support to the border. Thanks and we look forward to hearing from you the American People and Patriots.
Archie Seals and I will be on to talk about what is happening on the Border.
P.O.P. Patriots on Patrol – Camp Lonestar
Special 12 page Report
The Posse Comitatus Act does not prohibit US Military on our borders.
US Military is allowed as authorized by the Constitution or Act of Congress
This posting will appear in every report until the US Military is sent to protect our International border.
“I must study politics and war that my sons may have liberty to study mathematics and philosophy.”
John Adams
Putting Your Survival Plans to the Test
This will run every week.
Special Report
This report prints out to 12 pages but worthwhile reading.
The Posse Comitatus Act does not prohibit US Military on our borders.
US Military is allowed as authorized by the Constitution or Act of Congress
IT’S A SET UP! Obama to Kill Tomahawk and Hellfire Missile Programs!
Generals: Constitutional Crisis Could Force Military To Remove Obama
Fighting tyranny in America 2014
Nonviolent resistance (NVR or nonviolent action) is the practice of achieving goals through symbolic protests, civil disobedience, economic or political noncooperation, or other methods, without using violence.
24/7 boycott of corporations.
They take our money and give it to the political elites to trash our Constitutional Republic.
Fight back. Don’t spend your money with them.
Rules of Engagement – Get SASSY
Save America – Shop Smart Y’all
The tyranny emanating from the political, corporate and media world survives because we fund them by doing business with them.
We are actually financing our own national suicide by spending our money every day with them.
Do not spend money with your political enemies.
Avoid corporations, seek out small local businesses
Avoid mainstream media seek out alternative media.
Do business with like minded patriots.
Save America – Shop Smart Y’all (SASSY)
New Jersey
The Saturday Morning Project
An illegal alien labor area behind the Bergenfield, NJ police station.
Location: UPA Bergen County – Bergenfield/Dumont line. 8AM – 10AM
No Eyewitness report for 10.1.14
Peacefully Protesting the U.S. Governments Inability to Control Our Borders
Illegal Immigrants:
Number of Patriots on the line:
Church group: Yes. 2 different groups
Pick ups:
Pro-illegal immigrant counter protesters present today: 0
Police Presence:
Number of thumbs up and horn honks from those in automobiles:
Number of middle fingers displayed:
Number of thumbs down:
Number of hysterical rants from those who don’t agree with our peaceful protest:
New Jersey
Bell can beat Booker.
Candidate for NJ Senate Bell can beat Senator Booker.
Call the Republican Party and tell them to sendBellmoney to win this election in order to take back the Senate from the loony Senator Reid and the Democrats.
Bell for Senate https://www.facebook.com/BellforNJ
Never give in — never, never, never, never, in nothing great or small, large or petty, never give in except to convictions of honour and good sense.
Never yield to force; never yield to the apparently overwhelming might of the enemy.
Sir Winston Churchill, Speech, 1941, Harrow School
I am only one, but I am one. I cannot do everything, but I
can do something. And because I cannot do everything, I will
not refuse to do the something that I can do. What I can do,
I should do. And what I should do, by the grace of God,
I will do.” ~ Edward Everett Hale
Ron Bass
Follow the UPA on
Ron Bass
Subscribe to the UPA Report
Web site is now operational.
http://www.UnitedPatriotsOfAmerica com
E-mail – ronbass2010@comcast.net
UPA Report 10.12.14 A Patriot not a Politician Running for POTUS in 2016
October 11, 2014 by admin
Filed under Border Control, Immigration, Islam in America, Islamic Jihad & Sharia, Survivalists, UPA Report
Comments Off on UPA Report 10.12.14 A Patriot not a Politician Running for POTUS in 2016
United Patriots of America
Founded December 2001 in response to 911
UPA Report
Sunday, October 12, 2014
November elections are coming.
You Can’t Have Homeland Security
Until You Secure the Homeland
US Military needs to be on our Southern Border.
A Patriot not a Politician Running for POTUS in 2016
Dennis Michael Lynch Full Speech 2016
DML tosses his hat in the ring. Talks about veterans, ISIS, immigration, jobs, welfare, Hillary, elections and the American spirit.
JW (Judicial Watch) Confirms: 4 ISIS Terrorists Arrested in Texas in Last 36 Hours
Islamic terrorists have entered theUnited Statesthrough the Mexican border and Homeland Security sources tell Judicial Watch that four have been apprehended in the last 36 hours by federal authorities and the Texas Department of Public Safety inMcAllenandPharr.
Urgent Update on Terror Border Threat
OCTOBER 10, 2014
“Public Schools Introduce Islam” In Mississippi
Mother Stunned at Her Daughter’s Class Assignment on ISLAM
Under the heading, “Introducing Islam,” her teacher presented a whitewashed, lie-filled version of Islam that could have been produced by the radical Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR).
And if that wasn’t bad enough, the assignment compelled students to create Islamic propaganda — in the form of an “informational pamphlet “which would then be created to fit curriculum suitable for third graders,
Creeping sharia creeps along thanks to Barack HUSSEIN Obama
Angry protesters face off with riot police in St. Louis for a second night
Oct. 10, 2014
ST. LOUIS (AP) — Protesters angered by the fatal shooting of a black 18-year-old by police faced off with officers in south St. Louis for a second night as accusations of racial profiling prompted calls for a federal investigation ahead of a weekend of planned rallies and civil disobedience.
Myers’ death comes two months after the Aug. 9 fatal shooting of Michael Brown, a black 18-year-old who physically attacked a white police officer in nearby Ferguson. Brown’s killing sparked dozens of often violent protests in the St. Louis suburb. A state grand jury is deciding whether Officer Darren Wilson will face charges in his death.
With the November elections right around the corner Obama has his political appointments, this Hispanic Judge, in place to expedite voter fraud by not requiring ID’s to be presented when voting.
Many political observers expected Judge Ramos, an appointee of President Barack Obama, to rule against the State of Texas and strike down the law
Death of an American Dream
Uploaded on Apr 8, 2006
Jobs Americans Won’t Do-HA!Raymond Herrera speaks from the heart about what has been given to illegal invaders and animosity regarding shamnesty
Arizona Prop 122 Restores State Power to Reject Federal Mandates
Voters inArizonawill soon be able to manifest the extent of federal overreach they are willing to withstand.
Proposition 122 will appear on the ballot when Arizonans go to the polls on November 4. A website maintained by supporters of the measure explains how the proposed law would work to maintain the correct constitutional boundaries of power:
This constitutional amendment provides a mechanism for the state to recognize a specific federal regulation or law to be an overreach of federal powers. This could be initiated by a 1) ballot measure or 2) vote of the legislature and governor. Upon this determination, the state would withhold state financial resources and personnel from enforcement of such federal action. The federal government would be free to enforce the action with its own personnel (and money) and the state may still pursue relief from the court system.
MORE ON Prop 122 in AZ
This proposed amendment to the state constitution, known familiarly as Prop 122, is at once the most important and most irrelevant question to be decided by citizens of the Grand Canyon State. The explanation of this seeming incongruity is provided below.
First, as the reach of the federal government’s assumed authority lengthens and the scope of state sovereignty correspondingly contracts, the obligation of state legislators to enforce the limits of constitutional federalism grows more urgent.
Resisting federal trampling of the Constitution is not only a right of state lawmakers, it is in fact a constitutional obligation.
Article VI, Clause 3 of the U.S. Constitution reads:
The Senators and Representatives before mentioned, and the members of the several state legislatures, and all executive and judicial officers, both of the United States and of the several states, shall be bound by oath or affirmation, to support this Constitution; but no religious test shall ever be required as a qualification to any office or public trust under the United States.
Simply put, this clause puts all state legislators under a legally binding obligation (assuming they’ve taken their oath of office) to “support the Constitution.” There is no better way, it would seem, for these elected state representatives of the people to show support for the Constitution than by demanding that the officers of the federal government adhere to constitutional limits on their power.
Perhaps a greater number of these state legislators, attorneys general, and judges would be more inclined to perform their Article VI duty if the people who put them in office would sue them and hold them legally accountable for any failures to carry this burden.
Imagine, furthermore, the uproar in state assemblies across the country if, every day the legislators were in session, process servers showed up at their offices armed with lawsuits charging them with dereliction of their constitutional duty!
Fortunately for Arizonans, several state lawmakers and political leaders appreciate the dire circumstances in which their state and all others find themselves. Accordingly, they have published statements in favor of Prop 122. The following is a sample of a few of these statements:
The arrogance of Washington believing it knows what is best for our community is nonsense. Just because Washington passes a law does not mean Arizona taxpayers should have to pay for it. I support Prop. 122 because it lets Arizonans set our own priorities.
The Tenth Amendment Center put a finer point on the issue, writing, “If passed, the state constitutional amendment would make the feds enforce, enact and pay for its unconstitutional actions and programs on their own.”
Should voters approve Proposition 122, it would amend the state constitution to allow Arizona to “exercise its sovereign authority to restrict the actions of its personnel and the use of its financial resources to purposes that are consistent with the Constitution.”
Prop 122 ended up on the general ballot after having been approved last year by the state Senate (16-12) and the state House of Representatives (36-23).
“Politicians in Washington are fond of passing far-reaching laws, but more often than not they depend on state and local governments — and state and local taxpayers — to implement them. This means that not only is Congress making life harder for Arizonans, they’re asking us to pay the bill,” supporters declare on the Yes on 122 website. “That’s why a bipartisan majority of the Arizona Legislature came together to pass Prop 122.”
Intruder got deep into White House, sources say
The intruder who jumped the White House fence earlier this month and sprinted through the mansion’s front door made it much farther into the building than previously claimed, sources told Fox News on Monday.
Al Qaeda Leader’s Chilling Warning to the US: ‘The Battle’ Will Be ‘Transported to the Hearts of Your Own Homes’
The Mexicanization Of Wisconsin, A Non-Southwestern State
Swiss officials have announced that the country is banning the Islamic State and related entities from their lands.
The Islamic State Is Here
“There’s nobody talking about it,” Hunter added. “If you really want to protect Americans from ISIS, you secure the southern border. It’s that simple…They caught them at the border, therefore we know that ISIS is coming across the border. If they catch five or ten of them then you know there’s going to be dozens more that did not get caught by the border patrol.”
Al Qaeda Leader’s Chilling Warning to the US: ‘The Battle’ Will Be ‘Transported to the Hearts of Your Own Homes’
Ebola Outbreak: How the Virus Spread See Maps
Oct 5, 2014 Cases: 8,033 Deaths: 3,879
It has been 10 months since the first known case of Ebola surfaced in West Africa. Already more than 8,000 people have been infected, and more than 3,800 have died. The outbreak has reached at least seven nations — Guinea, Liberia, Sierra Leone, Nigeria, Senegal, the United States and Spain — and health officials warn that as many as 20,000 people may become infected before they can stop the spread.
Outbreaks Chronology: Ebola Virus Disease
Known Cases and Outbreaks of Ebola Virus Disease, in Chronological Order:
Polio-like illness claims fifth life in U.S.
At least five children infected with the respiratory illness known enterovirus D68 (EV-D68) have died in the U.S. in the past month.
The lastest confirmed victim was a four-year-old New Jersey boy, Eli Waller. He died at home on September 25. The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) confirmed the cause of death Friday night. But health officials say they have no idea how he contracted the virus. A health official says Eli was “asymptomatic and fine” when he went to bed but died overnight. He had no known preexisting immune weakness.
Scientist calls for death to humanity
by John Ballantyne, News Weekly, April 15, 2006
A Texas scientist advocates killing nine-tenths of the world’s population by an airborne Ebola virus, writes John Ballantyne.
An award-winning Texas scientist was given a standing ovation after he advocated the extermination of 90 per cent of the Earth’s population by an airborne Ebola virus.
Take action
“A Place for Mom” is the leading advertiser on Al Jazeera America.
The company profits from retirement home referrals generated by their television ads.
Florida Family Association has prepared an email for you to send to retirement home officials that encourages them to discontinue their referral relationship with A Place for Mom as long as they continue to advertise on Al Jazeera America.
Ranchers vent frustrations over wolf management
“There’s not any place in northeast Washington you can go that there isn’t a wolf pack,” Dashiell said, citing the emotional toll on top of financial losses.
“In five years, there will be no cattle, no sheep, no livestock, period, in the Pacific Northwest, at all, especially in this corner of the state,” said Diamond M Ranch co-owner Justin Hedrick, who attended with his grandfather, Len McIrvin, and uncle, Bill McIrvin. “When that’s gone, what is everyone going to eat, especially West Coasters?”
How Wolves Change Rivers
It is certainly in our best interest to defend and secure our International Borders.
The following group of citizen patriots is doing that right now on the border in Texas.
Note: There are other groups on the border. The UPA is in contact with this group and another group in Arizona.
Any information reported in the UPA report is information that is already in the public domain.
Camp LoneStar Border talk Radio show.
Show will be broadcast live from Brownsville Texas and we will discuss the immediate issues facing us on the Border. We will be talking about Border Patrol and the obstacles they have placed in front of us, the “patriots” who are going around spreading false information and those who are attempting to profiteer from the blood and sweat of those who are actually doing the job of securing our border. We will talk about our immediate Camp needs and how those who want to come help can, and those who want to donate will be given our latest ways to get support to the border. Thanks and we look forward to hearing from you the American People and Patriots.
Archie Seals and I will be on to talk about what is happening on the Border.
P.O.P. Patriots on Patrol – Camp Lonestar
Special 12 page Report
The Posse Comitatus Act does not prohibit US Military on our borders.
US Military is allowed as authorized by the Constitution or Act of Congress
This posting will appear in every report until the US Military is sent to protect our International border.
“I must study politics and war that my sons may have liberty to study mathematics and philosophy.”
John Adams
Putting Your Survival Plans to the Test
This will run every week.
Special Report
This report prints out to 12 pages but worthwhile reading.
The Posse Comitatus Act does not prohibit US Military on our borders.
US Military is allowed as authorized by the Constitution or Act of Congress
IT’S A SET UP! Obama to Kill Tomahawk and Hellfire Missile Programs!
Generals: Constitutional Crisis Could Force Military To Remove Obama
Fighting tyranny in America 2014
Nonviolent resistance (NVR or nonviolent action) is the practice of achieving goals through symbolic protests, civil disobedience, economic or political noncooperation, or other methods, without using violence.
24/7 boycott of corporations.
They take our money and give it to the political elites to trash our Constitutional Republic.
Fight back. Don’t spend your money with them.
Rules of Engagement – Get SASSY
Save America – Shop Smart Y’all
The tyranny emanating from the political, corporate and media world survives because we fund them by doing business with them.
We are actually financing our own national suicide by spending our money every day with them.
Do not spend money with your political enemies.
Avoid corporations, seek out small local businesses
Avoid mainstream media seek out alternative media.
Do business with like minded patriots.
Save America – Shop Smart Y’all (SASSY)
New Jersey
The Saturday Morning Project
An illegal alien labor area behind the Bergenfield, NJ police station.
Location: UPA Bergen County – Bergenfield/Dumont line. 8AM – 10AM
No Eyewitness report for 10.11.14
Peacefully Protesting the U.S. Governments Inability to Control Our Borders
Illegal Immigrants:
Number of Patriots on the line:
Church group: Yes. 2 different groups
Pick ups:
Pro-illegal immigrant counter protesters present today: 0
Police Presence:
Number of thumbs up and horn honks from those in automobiles:
Number of middle fingers displayed:
Number of thumbs down:
Number of hysterical rants from those who don’t agree with our peaceful protest:
New Jersey
Bell can beat Booker.
Candidate for NJ Senate Bell can beat Senator Booker.
Call the Republican Party and tell them to sendBellmoney to win this election in order to take back the Senate from the loony Senator Reid and the Democrats.
Bell for Senate https://www.facebook.com/BellforNJ
Never give in — never, never, never, never, in nothing great or small, large or petty, never give in except to convictions of honour and good sense.
Never yield to force; never yield to the apparently overwhelming might of the enemy.
Sir Winston Churchill, Speech, 1941, Harrow School
I am only one, but I am one. I cannot do everything, but I
can do something. And because I cannot do everything, I will
not refuse to do the something that I can do. What I can do,
I should do. And what I should do, by the grace of God,
I will do.” ~ Edward Everett Hale
Ron Bass
Follow the UPA on
Ron Bass
Subscribe to the UPA Report
Web site is now operational.
http://www.UnitedPatriotsOfAmerica com
E-mail – ronbass2010@comcast.net
UPA Report 10.05.14 Pic of armed patriots on the border.
October 5, 2014 by admin
Filed under Border Control, Europe / Islam, Immigration, Patriot Resistance, UPA Report
Comments Off on UPA Report 10.05.14 Pic of armed patriots on the border.
United Patriots of America
Founded December 2001 in response to 911
UPA Report
Sunday, October 05, 2014
November elections are coming.
Our government has abandoned us at the border.
Listen to theDebut of Camp LoneStar Border talk Radio show
at the link posted below after the “smoking gun” story .
Pic of citizen patriots filling the void on the border.
The “smoking gun” at Logan Airport in Boston.
The UPA was founded in response to the terrorist attacks on 911
Now the following eyewitness accounts have been released from Logan Airport in BOS
The eyewitness accounts surfaced in a lawsuit brought by the family of Mark Bavis, a Los Angeles Kings hockey scout who died in one of the hijacked Boston flights. Because the case was settled in 2011 for several million dollars and never went to trial, the evidence never aired in open court.
Over the objections of federal authorities, the Bavis lawyers later made the risky decision to dump the FBI interviews and deposition transcripts into the public archives.
We are not acting in the best interest of our country to protect and preserve our safety, our security and our liberties.
Political correctness amongst other things have removed our ability to act in our own best interest.
In Logan Airport on May 11h 2001 no action was taken. He ( an airline employee) said he reported Atta to higher-ups, who told him, as he relayed to Spagnuolo, that there was nothing they could do about it.
In fact, airport security had clear authority to investigate anybodysurveilling a checkpoint at the time, and such activity should have raised major red flags. Just two months earlier, federal authorities advised airlines, including American, that al Qaeda terrorists typically conduct surveillance before attacking a target.
Airport security ignored pre-9/11 warnings on hijackers: secret docs
At least three eyewitnesses spotted al Qaeda hijackers casing the security checkpoints at Boston’s Logan Airport months before the 9/11 attacks.
They saw something and said something — but were ignored, newly unveiled court papers reveal.
“I’m convinced that had action been taken after the sighting of Atta, the 9/11 attacks, at least at Logan, could have been deterred,” said Brian Sullivan, a former FAA special agent who at the time warned of holes in security at the airport.
The three Boston witnesses were never publicly revealed, even though they were interviewed by the FBI and found to be credible. Their names didn’t even appear as footnotes in the 9/11 Commission Report.
Instead, the worst terrorist hijacker in history was allowed to waltz through security without anyone stopping him, asking his name, checking his ticket, taking a picture, looking at his drivers license or passport, opening his bags or patting him down.
Four months later, on Sept. 11, Atta passed through the same security checkpoint. His carry-on bag got past screeners despite containing box-cutters and mace or pepper spray. He took his seat in business class of American Airlines Flight 11 unimpeded.
But what they testified to seeing — only revealed now as part of the discovery in a settled 9/11 wrongful-death suit against the airlines and the government — can only be described as chilling.
We, as a people, and most particularly our leaders at all levels of government, have lost the ability to act in our own best interest.
It is certainly in our best interest to defend and secure our International Borders.
The following group of citizen patriots is doing that right now on the border in Texas.
Note: There are other groups on the border. The UPA is in contact with this group and another group in Arizona.
Any information reported in the UPA report is information that is already in the public domain.
Debut of Camp LoneStar Border talk Radio show.
Show will be broadcast live from Brownsville Texas and we will discuss the immediate issues facing us on the Border. We will be talking about Border Patrol and the obstacles they have placed in front of us, the “patriots” who are going around spreading false information and those who are attempting to profiteer from the blood and sweat of those who are actually doing the job of securing our border. We will talk about our immediate Camp needs and how those who want to come help can, and those who want to donate will be given our latest ways to get support to the border. Thanks and we look forward to hearing from you the American People and Patriots.
Archie Seals and I will be on to talk about what is happening on the Border.
P.O.P. Patriots on Patrol (Camp Lonestar)
Special 12 page Report
The Posse Comitatus Act does not prohibit US Military on our borders.
US Military is allowed as authorized by the Constitution or Act of Congress
This posting will appear in every report until the US Military is sent to protect our International border.
How is the following presidential memorandum in the national interest?
And how is it in our national interest to allow passengers from Eboli stricken countries to fly here through Brussels.
Presidential Memorandum — FY 2015 Refugee Admissions
The admission of up to 70,000 refugees to the United States during Fiscal Year (FY) 2015 is justified by humanitarian concerns or is otherwise in the national interest; provided that this number shall be understood as including persons admitted to the United States during FY 2015 with Federal refugee resettlement assistance under the Amerasian immigrant admissions program, as provided below.
East Asia………………………..13,000
Europe and Central Asia…………….1,000
Latin America and Caribbean…………4,000
Near East and South Asia…………..33,000
Unallocated Reserve………………..2,000
Stewart Rhodes, founder of Oath Keepers in Grants Pass – 27 Sep 2014
Excellent speech by the founder of Oath Keepers, Stewart Rhodes, inGrants Pass,Oregon- reminding the large audience that preparing for the imminent hard times ahead is necessary prior to the unexpected event.
United States Environmental Protection Agency
EPA overrides Congress, hands over town to Indian tribes
National suicide by political correctness
by LAWRENCE SELLIN, PHD October 1, 2014
The Islamic State Targets US Military Families: “show up [at their homes] and slaughter them.”
Denmark: Christians flee Muslim-dominated areas, “They tell me I ought to be stoned to death”
Europe, wherever it is found, is in a life-or-death struggle against displacement by aliens who will transform our societies in ways that would make them unrecognizable to our ancestors.
Towards a World Brotherhood of Europeans
Men of Europe, my brothers, we must stand together. We must struggle together, so that together we will prevail.
Let me conclude by reiterating the main themes of my talk this evening. First, Europe is wherever we find Europeans, whether they are on the continent of Europe or across the sea. Second, what we Europeans all hold in common is not merely a culture, a history, a way of being, but also the common kinship that we call race. Third, Europe, wherever it is found, is in a life-or-death struggle against displacement by aliens who will transform our societies in ways that would make them unrecognizable to our ancestors. We must be, all of us, comrades in this great struggle for the defense of everything that we love, in this struggle for the defense of Europe.Today, the lines are not so clearly drawn, the crisis is not so sharp, but for our generation, this is Thermopylae, this is Poitiers, this is the Siege of Malta, this is Blood River.
Men of Europe, my brothers, we must stand together. We must struggle together, so that together we will prevail.
Same article as above but different excerpt.
The threat to Europe everywhere is very great.
The official America ideology is “diversity,” which means national suicide through immigration: the replacement of European people by non-Europeans.
As you may know, in 1960, the population of theUnited Stateswas 90 percent white. Until 1965 theUnited Stateshad immigration laws that were designed to keep it European. Since that change in policy, non-white immigrants have poured into theUnited States, and now my country is only 62 or 3 percent white. Current projections are that in just 28 years, whites will be a minority.
The official ideology ofAmericais that “Diversity is our strength,” and by diversity is meant every possible mix of race, language, religion etc. Many people will tell you that “diversity isAmerica’s greatest strength.”
Of course, diversity is a terrible weakness. It pits different groups against each other and destroys trust. In every part of the world, when peoples who are different in language, religion, or race try to share the same territory, there is conflict.
This is virtually a law of nature, but American ideology attempts to rewrite the laws of nature.
What This Rare Interview With ISIS Just Exposed Will Chill You To Your Core
Report from Budapest
It was a bold idea from the beginning. The National Policy Institute (NPI), an American organization, was to hold a conference in Budapeston “The Future of Europe.” In addition to well-known identitarians such as Philippe Vardon of France, Markus Willinger of Germany, and myself, the controversial Russian academic Alexander Dugin, was to take part. Hungary’s Jobbik party would provide essential support on the ground, and one of its elected representatives was to address the meeting.
However, about two weeks before the conference, prime minister Victor Orban came under pressure from the Hungarian Socialist Party and condemned the conference. His statement mentioned Mr. Dugin by name, and characterized NPI as a “xenophobic and exclusionary” organization. Those of us scheduled to take part began to worry that pressure would build on the LarusEventCenter to cancel its contract to host the conference.
Things got worse. A little more than a week before the conference, the Interior Ministry issued a statement forbidding the meeting, and warning that all speakers would be stopped at the border or deported if found within Hungary. Again, Mr. Dugin was cited as a particularly offensive speaker, but others were cited as “racists” who might violate the Hungarian fundamental law that forbids “violating the human dignity of others.”
Despite the risk, Obama continues to issue ‘Ebola visas’
Deport Obama? Petition Urges President’s Removal From The United States
‘Proceedings should be immediately commenced, an investigation undertaken’
Mike Lee: no attorney general who supports Obama’s planned executive amnesty should be confirmed.
Why Instant Oatmeal Should Be in Your Survival Kit
Cold Temps Set Record as Snow Arrives in Chicago
Standard military strategy is to secure your homeland when at war.
Until such time that we secure our borders and repatriate our Islamic enemies we will never succeed in winning this war that Islam has brought to us.
When a country goes to war it must secure its homeland first.
No politicians or military leaders have even mentioned this.
We must take the following steps and many more not listed.
Send US Military to the borders.
All local and state governments should begin immediately to enforce all national immigration laws.
All refugee resettlement programs must stop immediately.
All travel to US must be approved by visas. No more travel by passports.
The visa entry exit program must be put into place along with strict enforcement of violations.
Remove all Muslims from our government and from our military.
This will run every week.
Special Report
This report prints out to 12 pages but worthwhile reading.
The Posse Comitatus Act does not prohibit US Military on our borders.
US Military is allowed as authorized by the Constitution or Act of Congress
IT’S A SET UP! Obama to Kill Tomahawk and Hellfire Missile Programs!
Generals: Constitutional Crisis Could Force Military To Remove Obama
Fighting tyranny in America 2014
Nonviolent resistance (NVR or nonviolent action) is the practice of achieving goals through symbolic protests, civil disobedience, economic or political noncooperation, or other methods, without using violence.
24/7 boycott of corporations.
They take our money and give it to the political elites to trash our Constitutional Republic.
Fight back. Don’t spend your money with them.
Rules of Engagement – Get SASSY
Save America – Shop Smart Y’all
The tyranny emanating from the political, corporate and media world survives because we fund them by doing business with them.
We are actually financing our own national suicide by spending our money every day with them.
Do not spend money with your political enemies.
Avoid corporations, seek out small local businesses
Avoid mainstream media seek out alternative media.
Do business with like minded patriots.
Save America – Shop Smart Y’all (SASSY)
New Jersey
The Saturday Morning Project
An illegal alien labor area behind the Bergenfield, NJ police station.
Location: UPA Bergen County – Bergenfield/Dumont line. 8AM – 10AM
No Eyewitness report for 10.04.14
Peacefully Protesting the U.S. Governments Inability to Control Our Borders
Illegal Immigrants:
Number of Patriots on the line:
Church group: Yes. 2 different groups
Pick ups:
Pro-illegal immigrant counter protesters present today: 0
Police Presence:
Number of thumbs up and horn honks from those in automobiles:
Number of middle fingers displayed:
Number of thumbs down:
Number of hysterical rants from those who don’t agree with our peaceful protest:
New Jersey
Bell can beat Booker.
Candidate for NJ Senate Bell can beat Senator Booker.
Call the Republican Party and tell them to sendBellmoney to win this election in order to take back the Senate from the loony Senator Reid and the Democrats.
Bell for Senate https://www.facebook.com/BellforNJ
Never give in — never, never, never, never, in nothing great or small, large or petty, never give in except to convictions of honour and good sense.
Never yield to force; never yield to the apparently overwhelming might of the enemy.
Sir Winston Churchill, Speech, 1941, Harrow School
I am only one, but I am one. I cannot do everything, but I
can do something. And because I cannot do everything, I will
not refuse to do the something that I can do. What I can do,
I should do. And what I should do, by the grace of God,
I will do.” ~ Edward Everett Hale
Ron Bass
Follow the UPA on
Ron Bass
Subscribe to the UPA Report
Web site is now operational.
http://www.UnitedPatriotsOfAmerica com
E-mail – ronbass2010@comcast.net
UPA Report 9.28.14 Muslims Shouting ‘Praise Allah!’ Surround OK Police Following Beheading Press Conference
September 28, 2014 by admin
Filed under Border Control, Immigration, Islam in America, Islamic Jihad & Sharia, Patriot Resistance, UPA Report
Comments Off on UPA Report 9.28.14 Muslims Shouting ‘Praise Allah!’ Surround OK Police Following Beheading Press Conference
United Patriots of America
Founded December 2001 in response to 911
UPA Report
Sunday, September 28, 2014
November elections are coming.
Sun Tzu says it is very hard to get your enemy out of your country once you have allowed them in.
Why is this in our national interest? This is insane!
Illegal aliens (mostly Somalis) arrive on the island nation of Malta and we transform them into legitimate refugees and fly them to America!
We have been following this perversion of the refugee program for years (longer than the 5 years mentioned in this short article—the Bush Administration started this!). These illegal migrants are the European Union’s problem, not ours!
Will Europe reciprocate and take some of our illegal Mexicans—NO!
And, by doing this we actually encourage more illegals to try to get to Malta.
Mideast Immigrants to US Pose Huge Security Threat
A new study shows that the number of immigrants in the United States jumped 3 percent in three years — to a record 41.3 million in 2013 — and that the nearly 300,000 who came from Muslim countries pose a major national security threat, the report’s co-author told Newsmax on Thursday.
Muslims Shouting ‘Praise Allah!’ Surround OK Police Following Beheading Press Conference
Uh Oh… Oklahoma Terror Beheader Linked to Al Qaeda Leader (Includes Updates on Beheading Story)
The Islamization Of America In 2013
The Islamic supremacist approach is stealthier here in the States than it is in Europe, where we see no-go zones, mass car burnings, etc., because Europe currently has a much bigger Muslim population than the U.S. does.
That kind of aggression is in our future, for nothing is being done to prevent its coming here.
Flashback: Survey: 74% Increase in US Mosques During Past Decade, 80% Of Them Teach Jihad Violence And Islamic Supremacism
Details on the El Paso, TX Border Seminar
Sheriff and State Advisor Border Summits
by Robert Bunker
Sheriff and State Advisor Border Summits: Mexican Cartel, Gang, and Criminal Alien Security Issues
Good Riddance, Eric Holder
Military to allow undocumented immigrants to serve
Litmus test of Obama’s Allegiance [to Islam]
Obama’s allegiance to Islam is consistent: This story was published last year in Egypt’s Rose El-Youssef magazine. It announced the appointments of six Muslim Brotherhood operatives to key positions, thus the White House went “from a position hostile to Islamic groups and organizations in the world, to the largest and most important supporter of the Muslim Brotherhood.”
Under his leadership, his administration ordered the removal of any rhetoric including Islam and Muslim terrorism from official manuals at government institutions, such as the FBI, CIA, DHS, and so on.
When Major Nidal Malik Hassan committed a terrorist attack against his innocent unsuspecting colleagues at Fort Hood, murdering 13 people and wounding 32 others in 2009, his was labeled “workplace violence,” not terrorism, and has remained so until now. He was sentenced to death, unanimously, in August 2013. However,
5 Star article.
ISIS threat: Americans are passengers on Titanic with Obama at helm
by LT. COLONEL JAMES G. ZUMWALT, USMC (RET) September 23, 2014
World Report- The Generals Revolt
Published on Sep 21, 2014
President Obama has failed to listen to his military leaders. They are letting the public know they don’t agree with or believe his Not War strategy will work
Sen. John McCain added Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Martin Dempsey to his list ofpeople the President should fire over the deteriorating situation in Iraq.
‘Sanctuary Cities’ or ‘Safe Havens’ for Terrorists?
Willing Demons
What is the United States? It is not a republic as it follows no semblence of its Constitution, the very foundation of its power, of its authority. It is a system of terror, with the power to destroy lives with contrived charges; offhandedly encumbering citizens with debt and criminal charges on a whim. This is the very system our forefather’s fled and risked everything to resist. In effect, they have taken our citizenship, robbed us of our birthright.
New terror group ‘Khorasan‘ could pose more direct threat to US, Europe: Officials
PTI Sep 21, 2014, 06.34PM IST
Illegals on Obamacare? Feds set to bounce 115,000 from program who can’t prove citizenship
Suspects behind murder of 3 teens killed during capture attempt
The killing of the 3 Israeli kid led to the 50 dayGazawar.
Judge Jeanine Pirro Opening Statement – 09/20/14
DHS Doesn’t Know About The 40 ISIS Terrorists Who Returned To The U.S.
Posted on September 21, 2014 by TMH
Stewart Rhodes, President of Oathkeepers, speaks at the Lamp of Liberty National Press Club sponsored by the CSPOA.
Her Town Was Invaded By Muslim Extremists, Watch What Happens When She Confronts Them
Standard military operations is to secure the homeland.
Until such time that we secure our borders and repatriate our Islamic enemies we will never succeed in winning this war that Islam has brought to us.
When a country goes to war it must secure its homeland first. No politicians or military leaders have even mentioned this.
We must take the following steps and many more not listed.
Send US Military to the borders.
All local and state governments should begin immediately to enforce all national immigration laws.
All refugee resettlement programs must stop immediately.
All travel to US must be approved by visas. No more travel by passports.
The visa entry exit program must be put into place along with strict enforcement of violations.
Remove all Muslims from our government and from our military.
Ferguson officer wounded after confronting burglars; suspects remain at large
Snuffing Out South African Identity
Shooters Grill
American Family Style Restaurant
Combat Mindset Killer Instinct
Combat mindset and killer instinct means knowing the difference between confident assertiveness, animal aggressiveness, and false braggadocio… This confidence provides you the moral and physical courage to “flip the switch” to predatory, animal aggressiveness when necessary.
Muslim Arrested in #Ferguson Threatened to Behead Critics Like “Bitch” Daniel Pearl
In Yemen, Iran-backed Shia Jihadists sweep into capital, kill 340
As I reported yesterday a Shia group backed by Iran has taken effective control of Yemen. Yemen has previously been a partner of the US in the fight against Al Qaeda. Today they have swept into the capital.
Petition Urges Obama To Let Border-Jumper Stay in White House
This will run every week.
Special Report
This report prints out to 12 pages but worthwhile reading.
The Posse Comitatus Act does not prohibit US Military on our borders.
US Military is allowed as authorized by the Constitution or Act of Congress
IT’S A SET UP! Obama to Kill Tomahawk and Hellfire Missile Programs!
Generals: Constitutional Crisis Could Force Military To Remove Obama
Fighting tyranny in America 2014
Nonviolent resistance (NVR or nonviolent action) is the practice of achieving goals through symbolic protests, civil disobedience, economic or political noncooperation, or other methods, without using violence.
24/7 boycott of corporations.
They take our money and give it to the political elites to trash our Constitutional Republic.
Fight back. Don’t spend your money with them.
Rules of Engagement – Get SASSY
Save America – Shop Smart Y’all
The tyranny emanating from the political, corporate and media world survives because we fund them by doing business with them.
We are actually financing our own national suicide by spending our money every day with them.
Do not spend money with your political enemies.
Avoid corporations, seek out small local businesses
Avoid mainstream media seek out alternative media.
Do business with like minded patriots.
Save America – Shop Smart Y’all (SASSY)
New Jersey
The Saturday Morning Project
An illegal alien labor area behind the Bergenfield, NJ police station.
Location: UPA Bergen County – Bergenfield/Dumont line. 8AM – 10AM
No Eyewitness report for 9.27.14
Peacefully Protesting the U.S. Governments Inability to Control Our Borders
Illegal Immigrants:
Number of Patriots on the line:
Church group: Yes. 2 different groups
Pick ups:
Pro-illegal immigrant counter protesters present today: 0
Police Presence:
Number of thumbs up and horn honks from those in automobiles:
Number of middle fingers displayed:
Number of thumbs down:
Number of hysterical rants from those who don’t agree with our peaceful protest:
New Jersey
Bell can beat Booker.
Candidate for NJ Senate Bell can beat Senator Booker.
Call the Republican Party and tell them to sendBellmoney to win this election in order to take back the Senate from the loony Senator Reid and the Democrats.
Bell for Senate https://www.facebook.com/BellforNJ
Never give in — never, never, never, never, in nothing great or small, large or petty, never give in except to convictions of honour and good sense.
Never yield to force; never yield to the apparently overwhelming might of the enemy.
Sir Winston Churchill, Speech, 1941, Harrow School
I am only one, but I am one. I cannot do everything, but I
can do something. And because I cannot do everything, I will
not refuse to do the something that I can do. What I can do,
I should do. And what I should do, by the grace of God,
I will do.” ~ Edward Everett Hale
Ron Bass
Follow the UPA on
Ron Bass
Subscribe to the UPA Report
Web site is now operational.
http://www.UnitedPatriotsOfAmerica com
E-mail – ronbass2010@comcast.net
UPA Report 9.21.14 A Report from El Paso, TX
September 21, 2014 by admin
Filed under Border Control, Islam in America, UPA Report
Comments Off on UPA Report 9.21.14 A Report from El Paso, TX
United Patriots of America
Founded December 2001 in response to 911
UPA Report
Sunday, September 21, 2014
November elections are coming.
U.S Military needed to secure our borders.
Bass attends a FAIR Border Seminar and Border Field trip in El Paso TX
Fri. 9.12.14 – Sat. 9.13.14
See more pics below.
The world’s largest bronze equestrian statue was bolted into place on October 25, 2006 at the entrance to El Paso, Texas’s international airport. It stands 36 feet tall on an eight-foot base, and is the second-tallest statue in Texas, overshadowed only by a titanic Sam Houston in Huntsville.
Special Report
Is there anyone who thinks the continued stream of Muslim immigration from countries with active jihadist groups is a good idea?
Yup! The US State Department and all of its refugee resettlement contractors*** think it’s a perfectly good idea and we,
at RRW (Refugee Resettlement Watch), have been discussing it for years.
How, some of us on this side of the Atlantic have begun to ask, have these people with their baggage of noisome and culturally vetted proclivities come to be among us?
For years we have taken no notice, content to embrace the sedatives and platitudes of multiculturalism, until a moment comes when we are abruptly made aware and taken aback by an alien and unaccommodating presence, one that has been metastasizing for decades while we voluntarily turned a blind eye.
Anyone with a modicum of perceptiveness must be cognizant by now that Islam is advancing its millennial agenda in two ways, that is, via a classic pincer movement: the tactic of terrorism, and the strategy of immigration as elaborated by the Muslim Brotherhood, the latter project an immensely powerful force owing to its stealthy and insidious nature, abetted by leftist and liberal sympathies and policies.
By this time its cover should have been blown, and we must begin to speak out, to agitate for legislation to revise our immigration protocols, to reject outright the social camouflage of political correctness, to expose “outreach” and “interfaith” programs for the confidence games they are, to investigate the hotbed mosques spreading like bunkers throughout the land, and to lobby our congressional and parliamentary representatives to pass laws militating against the depletion of our welfare resources, the exploitation of our legal system to silence critics of Islam (known as “lawfare”), and the use of our human rights tribunals that deprive us of our…human rights.
There is no longer any excuse for apathy, distraction or ignorance, for the evidence of our approaching dispossession is all around us.
The New Colonizers by David Solway
We have a profoundly serious problem of illegal immigration, but we also have a problem of legal immigration, Unfortunately, it is a problem that can barely be discussed. Is there anyone who thinks the continued stream of Muslim immigration from countries with active jihadist groups is a good idea?
The New Colonizers
When prayer space is really occupied territory.
Former head of Marine Corps: ‘Not a snowball’s chance In hell’ Obama’s plan succeeds
Mayor de Blasio of New York City Stands with Jihadists, Condemns AFDI Ads – http://pamelageller.com/2014/09/mayor-de-blasio-stands-with-jihadists-condemns-afdi-ads.html/
See video
Michael Cutler: Sanctuary Cities Are Safe Havens for Terrorists
Friday, 19 Sep 2014 01:56 PM
When we hear sanctuary city, we should think about the word haven, as when the president the night before the 13th anniversary of 9/11 said, ‘we need to deprive the terrorists’ safe haven,'” Cutler explained.
“Sanctuary cities is doing precisely that — providing safe haven, right here in cities across the United States, aided and abetted by this administration that refuses to enforce the laws, and has provided hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens with identity documents,” he said.
Two Marines Are Marching to Washington with a Message for Obama
Vietnamveterans traveling 300 miles by foot for Marine stuck in Mexican prison
Future Americans Will Ask: Why Didn’t Congress Impeach Obama When It Could?
DIANA WEST August 4, 2014
How will future generations look back on our gravest national emergency of all time? And how will they regard what their forebears didn’t do about it?
This will include what we didn’t do about border nullification, which collapsed theU.S.as a sovereign nation. What we didn’t do about the alignment of our foreign policy with that of jihad movements, which meant the end of liberty, also life itself, for our best allies. What we didn’t do about the growth of tyranny from corruption and Marxism in this cradle of liberty.
Thieves Hit PG&E Metcalf Road Substation In San Jose, Site Of 2013 Vandalism Attack
August 27, 2014
Countering Extremism Will Never Defeat Jihad. Really?
by DIANA WEST September 9, 2014
Such mystification wasn’t my first reaction. I know where their thinking comes from. It comes from Islam. Who doesn’t know that but the highly educated and politically empowered? Not for nothing does the immutable Koran say (Surah 47, Verse 4): “Therefore, when ye meet the unbelievers, smite them at their necks,” among other directives of open-ended jihad. Then again, take the life of Muhammad, Islam’s “perfect man.” He followed his jihad campaign against the Qurayzah, a vanquished Jewish tribe, by beheading all of the 600 to 900 men in the tribe, setting the example for Muslims through the ages. Mohammed also condemned the tribe’s women and children to slavery, keeping some women for himself and his companions, which, bonus, set an example of jihad sex slavery.
F-22 fighters intercept Russian military planes 55 miles off Alaska
Security breached: Intruder gets into White House
–sound bite-
100,000 illegals with arrest records were released by ice a department of Homeland Security
186 guilty of homicide were released onto the streets.
NY ICE Thrown Out of NY for Immigration Rally in New York City!
Published on Aug 30, 2014
NY ICE & Border Patrol USAare removed from the rally at Baruch College city university of New York City. NY ICE Thrown Out of NY for Immigration Rally in New York City !
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XX9C-Z2KK3c&feature=youtu.b e
Muslim Beheads Two Christians in New Jersey
Posted on June 25th, 2013
Back in February of 2013 a muslim in New Jersey shot two Christians in the chest at close range, beheaded them, and buried their bodies, heads and hands in separate graves.
According to New York’s WABC-TV, the Muslim was identified as Yusuf Ibrahim, 28. He was taken into custody after the bodies were found.
…..a great many of those “children” crossing the border are actually members of murderous crime gangs such as MS-13.
The “Humanitarian Crisis” and the Coming Crime Wave in U.S. Cities
Back to the U.S./Mexican border today, reports now indicate that a great many of those “children” crossing the border are actually members of murderous crime gangs such as MS-13. Several have been found to be guilty of murder, extortion and money laundering back in their home countries. Inside the rescue centers that are housing the “refuges,” there are reports of fights breaking out between rival gang members. Wait until they join up with their fellow gang members inAmerica’s neighborhoods. American cities are being set up to explode in a crime wave never before experienced in theUnited States.
The latest trend in Jihadist recruitment in the West: Women
Published 16 September 2014
Counterterrorism officials have been dealing with the threat of Westerners traveling to the Middle East to join the Islamic State (IS), but now they must also combat the growing threat of American female Jihadists joining IS and other militant groups, including Somali-based, al-Shabaab. Photos and videos of female Jihadists on Islamic social networks show them enforcing Islamic dress codes on local women in captured villages, and even cooking for their male counterparts.
Bass attends a FAIR Border Seminar and Border Field trip in El Paso TX
Fri. 9.12.14 – Sat. 9.13.14
FAIR, The Federation for American Immigration Reform, hosted Sheriffs from around the country on Thursday and Friday and then on Friday and Saturday the same seminar and field trip was presented to ‘citizen activists” like my self.
Friday night we had a meet and greet then all day Saturday we heard speakers along with videos. Then at 5:00 PM we boarded a large bus that took us down to the next county east of El Paso, to the county sheriffs headquarters where we then got into a caravan of Sheriffs vehicles and headed about a ¼ mile to the border. The roads near the boarder were small dirt roads unfit for our big bus. Our group took pictures and chatted with the well armed sheriffs about life on the border. Then back to the Sheriffs headquarters where we were given a real Texas brisket barbecue dinner. Special thanks to the Sheriffs and the Fair national field team Sue Tully, Bob Nijmulski and Joyce Mucci. This was not there first border rodeo but it was mine.
About FAIR
The Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR) is a national, nonprofit, public-interest, membership organization of concerned citizens who share a common belief that our nation’s immigration policies must be reformed to serve the national interest.
FAIR seeks to improve border security, to stop illegal immigration, and to promote immigration levels consistent with the national interest—more traditional rates of about 300,000 a year.
With more than 250,000 members and supporters nationwide, FAIR is a non-partisan group whose membership runs the gamut from liberal to conservative. Our grassroots networks help concerned citizens use their voices to speak up for effective, sensible immigration policies that work for America’s best interests.
And More
Air Force dumps ‘so help me God’ from enlistment oath
Sovereign Citizens go to top of the domestic terrorist threat list ahead of the Islamic Extremists/Jihadists
A 2014 report by the National Consortium for the Study of Terrorism and Responses to Terrorism stated that a survey of law enforcement officials and agencies across the United States concluded that this movement was the single greatest threat to their communities, now ranking above Islamic terrorists and jihadists
Scroll down to RESULTS to see rankings.
Some American patriots refer to themselves as “sovereign citizens” and they have replaced Islamic Extremists/Jihadist as the group perceived to represent the greates threat toAmerica.
Sovereign Citizens (1)
Islamic Extremists/Jihadists (2)
Sovereign Citizens
A Growing Domestic Threat to Law Enforcement
This will run every week.
Special Report
This report prints out to 12 pages but worthwhile reading.
The Posse Comitatus Act does not prohibit US Military on our borders.
US Military is allowed as authorized by the Constitution or Act of Congress
IT’S A SET UP! Obama to Kill Tomahawk and Hellfire Missile Programs!
Generals: Constitutional Crisis Could Force Military To Remove Obama
Fighting tyranny in America 2014
Nonviolent resistance (NVR or nonviolent action) is the practice of achieving goals through symbolic protests, civil disobedience, economic or political noncooperation, or other methods, without using violence.
24/7 boycott of corporations.
They take our money and give it to the political elites to trash our Constitutional Republic.
Fight back. Don’t spend your money with them.
Rules of Engagement – Get SASSY
Save America – Shop Smart Y’all
The tyranny emanating from the political, corporate and media world survives because we fund them by doing business with them.
We are actually financing our own national suicide by spending our money every day with them.
Do not spend money with your political enemies.
Avoid corporations, seek out small local businesses
Avoid mainstream media seek out alternative media.
Do business with like minded patriots.
Save America – Shop Smart Y’all (SASSY)
New Jersey
The Saturday Morning Project
An illegal alien labor area behind the Bergenfield, NJ police station.
Location: UPA Bergen County – Bergenfield/Dumont line. 8AM – 10AM
No Eyewitness report for 9.20.14
Peacefully Protesting the U.S. Governments Inability to Control Our Borders
Illegal Immigrants:
Number of Patriots on the line:
Church group: Yes. 2 different groups
Pick ups:
Pro-illegal immigrant counter protesters present today: 0
Police Presence:
Number of thumbs up and horn honks from those in automobiles:
Number of middle fingers displayed:
Number of thumbs down:
Number of hysterical rants from those who don’t agree with our peaceful protest:
New Jersey
Bell can beat Booker.
Candidate for NJ Senate Bell can beat Senator Booker.
Call the Republican Party and tell them to sendBellmoney to win this election in order to take back the Senate from the loony Senator Reid and the Democrats.
Bell for Senate https://www.facebook.com/BellforNJ
Never give in — never, never, never, never, in nothing great or small, large or petty, never give in except to convictions of honour and good sense.
Never yield to force; never yield to the apparently overwhelming might of the enemy.
Sir Winston Churchill, Speech, 1941, Harrow School
I am only one, but I am one. I cannot do everything, but I
can do something. And because I cannot do everything, I will
not refuse to do the something that I can do. What I can do,
I should do. And what I should do, by the grace of God,
I will do.” ~ Edward Everett Hale
Ron Bass
Follow the UPA on
Ron Bass
Subscribe to the UPA Report
Web site is now operational.
http://www.UnitedPatriotsOfAmerica com
E-mail – ronbass2010@comcast.net
UPA Report 9.14.14 James O’Keefe crosses from Mexico into US with Osama Biden Laden mask unopposed.
September 14, 2014 by admin
Filed under Border Control, Europe / Islam, Immigration, Islam in America, Islamic Jihad & Sharia, Tyranny, UPA Report
Comments Off on UPA Report 9.14.14 James O’Keefe crosses from Mexico into US with Osama Biden Laden mask unopposed.
United Patriots of America
Founded December 2001 in response to 911
UPA Report
Sunday, September 14, 2014
November elections are coming.
U.S Military needed to secure our borders.
Special Report
This report prints out to 12 pages but worthwhile reading.
The Posse Comitatus Act does not prohibit US Military on our borders.
US Military is allowed as authorized by the Constitution or Act of Congress
Watch this Video and then read the U.S. Customs and Border Protection Mission below.
O’Keefe crossing the Rio Grandedisguised as Osama bin Laden
James O’Keefe as Osama bin Laden crosses border from Mexico to US
Published on Sep 8, 2014
In a Project Veritas investigation released Monday, James O’Keefe exposed the lack of security along our border withCanada. In the follow-up to the investigation that featured O’Keefe crossing theRio Grande disguised as Osama bin Laden, the latest investigation illustrates the lack of border security by simulating a terrorist infiltration across Lake Erie and intoCleveland.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fB37TCDcZBg Same as link above.
U.S. Customs and Border Protection
We are the guardians of our nation’s borders.
We are America’s frontline.
We safeguard the American homeland at and beyond our borders.
We protect the American public against terrorists and the instruments of terror.
We steadfastly enforce the laws of the United States while fostering our nation’s economic security through lawful international trade and travel.
We serve the American public with vigilance, integrity and professionalism.
IT’S A SET UP! Obama to Kill Tomahawk and Hellfire Missile Programs!
This news is 5 months hold but relevant in view of our having to go back to war in the Middle East.
Obama to Kill Tomahawk, Hellfire Missile Programs
Cornerstone of U.S. Naval power eliminated under Obama budget
March 24, 2014
President Barack Obama is seeking to abolish two highly successful missile programs that experts say have helped the U.S. Navy maintain military superiority for the past several decades.
The Tomahawk missile program—known as “the world’s most advanced cruise missile”—is set to be cut by $128 million under Obama’s fiscal year 2015 budget proposal and completely eliminated by fiscal year 2016, according to budget documents released by the Navy.
In addition to the monetary cuts to the program, the number of actual Tomahawk missiles acquired by the United States would drop significantly—from 196 last year to just 100 in 2015. The number will then drop to zero in 2016.
The Navy will also be forced to cancel its acquisition of the well-regarded and highly effective Hellfire missiles in 2015, according to Obama’s proposal.
The proposed elimination of these missile programs came as a shock to lawmakers and military experts, who warned ending cutting these missiles would significantly erode America’s ability to deter enemy forces.
RUSH: Cheney Exactly Right! Obama Has Done Things That Have Supported The Muslim Brotherhood
Breitbart Texas verifies ISIS border threat with leaked doc
LUBBOCK,Texas– BreitbartTexashas exclusively obtained a leaked document warning federal agents about an ISIS-related terrorism threat across the entire US-Mexico border. Though the document focuses on the Texas-Mexico border, BreitbartTexashas confirmed that federal agents across the entire US-Mexico border have received theISISterror warning.
Not all illegal aliens are nice people just looking for a better way of life.
That’s why countries have borders and immigration laws.
We get to decide who gets to come into our country.
MCALLEN, Texas – Four illegal aliens from Mexico received a lengthy prison sentence for kidnapping, torturing, and raping a group of illegal immigrants at a stash house near the South Texas border.
Volunteers patrols along Rio Grande river draws threats from Gulf Cartel
VILLA PANCHO,Texas– The actions of a group of volunteers looking to help secure the border appears to have angered the Gulf Cartel.
Molotov cocktail thrown in Cleaver’s office
A Molotov cocktail was thrown through the window of Rep. Emanuel Cleaver’s (D-Mo.) district office at around 3 a.m. Thursday morning.
The Kansas City Police and Kansas City Bomb and Arson Squad responded to the scene and completed an initial survey. No one was in the office when the object or objects were thrown. The cocktail did not explode, according to local reports.
Sen. Rand Paul Speaks Out Against Senators Voting without Reading the Bills – 6/29/12
Judge Promises Obama Will Serve 10 Years To Life For This Major Crime
At the beginning of this year, President Obama blatantly disregarded Congress when he decided to free five Taliban leaders from theGuantanamoBayprison. The action has since been viewed as “aiding and abetting” the enemy, as well as providing them with “material support.” There are also allegations that the President involved a large sum of cash in the deal—all hoping to return army deserter Bowe Bergdahl.
Generals: Constitutional Crisis Could Force Military To Remove Obama
Judge Denies Release of Michael Brown’s Juvenile Records
Trump National Golf Course Tells Barack Obama To Go Play Somewhere Else
Trump National was among those courses Barack Obama hoped to play, but the White House was told NO, the president was not welcome at the course. This was followed by two more denials from Winged Foot and then Willow Ridge, all world class golf facilities who it seems, did not want the president and his entourage messing up Labor Day golf outings for their members.
Molotov cocktail thrown in Cleaver’s office
Rip Joan Rivers: No one will ever call Michelle Obama a ‘tranny’ again
Grandfather greets returning grandson in Military
Prepping 101 – Home Security
From the dawn of time, man has tried to build a home that would keep him and his family safe. From caves to small huts to castles with moats and now underground bunkers we humans have continued to strive for safety. Safety from what?
Fighting tyranny in America 2014
Nonviolent resistance (NVR or nonviolent action) is the practice of achieving goals through symbolic protests, civil disobedience, economic or political noncooperation, or other methods, without using violence.
24/7 boycott of corporations.
They take our money and give it to the political elites to trash our Constitutional Republic.
Fight back. Don’t spend your money with them.
Rules of Engagement – Get SASSY
Save America – Shop Smart Y’all
The tyranny emanating from the political, corporate and media world survives because we fund them by doing business with them.
We are actually financing our own national suicide by spending our money every day with them.
Do not spend money with your political enemies.
Avoid corporations, seek out small local businesses
Avoid mainstream media seek out alternative media.
Do business with like minded patriots.
Save America – Shop Smart Y’all (SASSY)
New Jersey
The Saturday Morning Project
An illegal alien labor area behind the Bergenfield, NJ police station.
Location: UPA Bergen County – Bergenfield/Dumont line. 8AM – 10AM
No Eyewitness report for 9.13.14
Peacefully Protesting the U.S. Governments Inability to Control Our Borders
Illegal Immigrants:
Number of Patriots on the line:
Church group: Yes. 2 different groups
Pick ups:
Pro-illegal immigrant counter protesters present today: 0
Police Presence:
Number of thumbs up and horn honks from those in automobiles:
Number of middle fingers displayed:
Number of thumbs down:
Number of hysterical rants from those who don’t agree with our peaceful protest:
New Jersey
Bell can beat Booker.
Candidate for NJ Senate Bell can beat Senator Booker.
Call the Republican Party and tell them to sendBellmoney to win this election in order to take back the Senate from the loony Senator Reid and the Democrats.
Bell for Senate https://www.facebook.com/BellforNJ
Never give in — never, never, never, never, in nothing great or small, large or petty, never give in except to convictions of honour and good sense.
Never yield to force; never yield to the apparently overwhelming might of the enemy.
Sir Winston Churchill, Speech, 1941, Harrow School
I am only one, but I am one. I cannot do everything, but I
can do something. And because I cannot do everything, I will
not refuse to do the something that I can do. What I can do,
I should do. And what I should do, by the grace of God,
I will do.” ~ Edward Everett Hale
Ron Bass
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The Posse Comitatus Act does not prohibit US Military on our borders.
September 11, 2014 by admin
Filed under Border Control, Constitution, Immigration
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Special Report
The Posse Comitatus Act does not prohibit US Military on our borders.
US Military is allowed as authorized by the Constitution or Act of Congress
This is from Carlton Meyer’s new book: The Spectrum of Future Warfare.
Myth #1 The US Constitution prohibits posting US troops on the border.
The US Constitution says no such thing. In fact, Article IV states:
Section 4. The United States shall guarantee to every state in this union a republican form of government, and shall protect each of them against invasion; and on application of the legislature, or of the executive (when the legislature cannot be convened) against domestic violence.
So the US Constitution clearly requires the federal government to protect states from invasion. Almost a million aliens illegally pouring across the border into states each year is clearly an invasion.
Myth #2 The Posse Comitatus Act prohibits US troops from guarding US borders.
This 1878 act was enacted to prevent Union troops from continuing to enforce federal laws in the defeated South after the American Civil war. Here is the text as modified by Congress in recent years:
Sec. 1385. – Use of Army and Air Force as posse comitatus
Whoever, except in cases and under circumstances expressly authorized by the Constitution or Act of Congress, willfully uses any part of the Army or the Air Force as a posse comitatus or otherwise to execute the laws shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than two years, or both.
Guarding US borders from foreign invasion is not “law enforcement.”
The US Army exists to defend the US from foreign invasion, which is expressly authorized by the US Constitution. Guarding the Mexican border was the Army’s primary peacetime mission until 1940, and no one ever declared this was in violation of this 1878 act. The US Border Patrol wasn’t even formed until 1924, so claiming the intent of this law was to prevent US Army troops from guarding the border is absurd. The map at left shows US Army forts in Texas in the late 1880s when the entire US Army had fewer than 40,000 soldiers; it has 500,000 today. Clearly, defending the US border was a primary mission of the US Army for decades after this act was passed.
Some may argue that Chapter 18, Section 375 of Title 10 US Code prevents military personnel from direct participation in law enforcement. However, defending US borders from foreign invaders is not law enforcement, it’s the basic purpose of the US military. While defending these United States from invasion, civilian law enforcement may be called upon to assist the US military. Does anyone believe the Border Patrol must operate fighter aircraft because the US Air Force can’t intercept aircraft crossing into the US because that’s “law enforcement”?
When you read about proposals in Congress to put US troops on the border, those are not proposals to allow US troops on the border, but proposals to force the President to put troops back on the border. However, recent Presidents have listened to their corporate advisors and their slogans and ignored the threat of unsecured US borders.
Myth #3 The National Guard should guard the border, not active duty troops.
The National Guard is an organized militia to deal with state and national emergencies. Guarding the US border is a full-time mission that the federal government is required to perform by Article IV, Section 4 of the US Constitution. The few states along the border shouldn’t be expected to defend the entire country from invasion. This myth is also spread by imperial minded Generals who prefer to rule an empire overseas than to defend their own citizens. Whenever citizens demand the Army protect their nation, Generals dodge this issue by stating that it may be a mission for the National Guard, so as not to waste resources of the US Army.
This is absurd; the primary mission of the US Army is to protect US citizens, and the US Constitution requires the federal government to protect states from invasion.
If there is a major war and the Army would like to deploy its border troops overseas, then National Guard troops from any state can be mobilized to guard the border until the war ends.
Myth #4 The US Army hasn’t the resources for border troops.
The active duty army has 500,000 full-time troops supported by over 300,000 civilians. The Border Patrol has 9700 agents. Certainly, the Army can form a infantry division of 10,000 troops to actually defend the USA, or Congress can authorize more troops. This G2mil article: Cut Surplus Army Units identifies more than 10,000 unneeded positions in the US Army that can be cut to form an infantry division. There are several US military bases along the border that can host an infantry battalion for border security: NAS Whidbey Island, WA; Minot AFB, SD; Selfridge ARNG base, MI; Fort Drum, NY; Laughlin AFB, TX; Fort Bliss, TX; Fort Huachuca, AZ, Yuma Proving Grounds, AZ; and NAS El Centro, CA; plus several military facilities in the San Diego area. Some Army officers may express concern that border duty will hurt readiness for Army missions overseas. They don’t understand that defending the USA is their primary mission!
Myth #5 Soldiers aren’t trained for such missions
Soldiers are ideally trained to guard remote areas of the border. All they need are a few days of orientation training and to learn some Spanish or French phrases they can shout into a bullhorn: “Stop, you cannot enter the United States here, go back!” They will not process arrestees, fill out paperwork, search houses, run checkpoints, appear in court, or conduct investigations. They will just confront people who they directly view invading the USA. They will insist that foreign intruders turn back or face arrest by the Border Patrol.
This will prevent odd incidents like in 1997 when a marine on drug war duty near the border shot a local goat herder who had fired in his direction. Some suspect this young man was paid by drug dealers to provoke an incident in hopes of getting the marines removed. He succeeded, but didn’t expect to die. The marines were there because the President had authorized their use after Army Generals refused. The Marine shooter was there on temporary duty and did not view the goat herder entering the USA illegally. The establishment of orientation training and strict rules of engagement can ensure that US troops have no contact with US citizens.
Myth #6 Illegal immigration cannot be stopped
Of course it can. There is no illegal immigration from North to South Korea because that border is heavily guarded. Perhaps some of the 20,000 US troops there can transfer to the US border. Guarding the border will not stop the hundreds of thousands of visitors who overstay their visas in the USA, but at least they were checked and inspected prior to arrival. The Border Patrol estimates that 700,000 unknown persons slipped past them last year, cutting that to 7000 a year is not unrealistic. Some claim that illegals will just find another way to cross. However, most illegals cannot obtain a visa or shopping pass because they haven’t an address and job.
The Border Patrol Needs Help
While the corporate media keeps Americans confused with slogans, it rarely reports on the problems of illegal immigration, except for Bill O’Reily and Lou Dobbs. As a result, few Americans know that most of the US border is not guarded and vehicles routinely drive across. In May 2002, the US Immigration and Naturalization Service was required to pay back wages and cancel suspension and demotion orders for two Border Patrol agents who told a newspaper about security problems along the US-Canadian border. The agents, assigned to the INS field office in Detroit, were recommended for discipline after they told the Detroit Free Press that Michigan’s border lacked the resources to adequately protect the country from terrorists. Agents Mark Hall and Robert Lindemann said the 804 miles of shoreline border were guarded by 28 field agents, one working in a boat, several damaged electronic sensors and one broken remote camera. Keep in mind that these 28 field agents must cover that 804 miles of border 24 hours a day, seven days a week, plus days off for vacation or illness. So there are only about six on duty at any given time, or three teams of two. Then when a team catches someone, they must transport and book him, so they’re gone for hours.
Another major problem is that guarding remote areas of the border is a tough mission, which is not compatible with the unionized Border Patrol. They prefer to work 8-hour shifts and their union contract requires the government to provide them with proper meals and lodging when away from home. Since it can take hours to reach remote areas from the nearest Border Patrol station, it’s not practical to guard vast areas of the border. As a result, agents set up roadblocks or cruise around roadways rounding up who they can. This is much more interesting than standing a post along the border all day. However, the effort becomes pointless as it requires hours for the Border Patrol to process each arrested alien, who is then released on the other side of the border and walks back across for another try. In some urban sectors, the Border Patrol has focused on deterrence by placing most agents right on the border to stand guard. However, this becomes boring, which accounts for the high turnover rate among Border Patrol agents.
Another reason much of the border is not patrolled is that it’s too dangerous. In 2002, six Mexican Army Hummers were two miles inside US territory when Mexican soldiers fired over 150 rounds from vehicle-mounted machine guns, and a dozen MK-19 40mm grenade rounds, at two US Border Patrol agents investigating narcotics trafficking in the Buenos Aires National Wildlife refuge north of Sasebe, Arizona. It is well known that some of the Mexican Army is involved in drug smuggling and Mexican troops are frequently encountered on the US side of the border in remote areas; see the great movie “Traffic” with Michael Douglas. In 2002, a US Park Ranger was killed when drug smugglers sprayed him with bullets from an AK-47, which struck him just below his bulletproof vest. With rogue Mexican army troops chasing off Border Patrol agents, Park Rangers wearing bulletproof vests, and thousands of recently deported criminal aliens walking back across, isn’t it time for the US Army to return to the border?
Two-term Republican Rep. Rick Renzi, in a January 2006 letter to Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, said reports of Mexican military units providing armed escorts to drug and alien smuggling operations represent “narco-terrorism in its purest form. Our borders are under attack by sophisticated organizations that have no qualms about firing on our Border Patrol units. As we get tougher and more committed, so do the organizations committed to smuggling death and terror across our borders.” Mr. Renzi said that during a tour of the Arizona border last month in a US Customs and Immigration Enforcement (ICE) helicopter, the pilot showed him military-style Humvees lining up at dusk just south of the border to move drugs into the USA. He said the preparations occur nightly, noting that 50 percent of the drugs coming into this country pass though the Arizona desert.
Border Patrol agents are so busy rounding up aliens that they haven’t the time, equipment, nor motivation to conduct dangerous squad-size combat patrols into the wilderness. Most Border Patrol agents are hard working and dedicated, but the US Army is better organized for conducting combat patrols and continual surveillance along remote areas of the border. Once the Army sends squads to watch remote areas of the border, Army Generals will be shocked at the number of firefights that break out. Armed smugglers have used routes through remote areas for decades and will be surprised to encounter soldiers who are undeterred by their AK-47s.
The Army will only guard rural border areas and only detain people they observe crossing illegally until Border Patrol agents arrive. This will allow the Border Patrol to focus on running checkpoints, guarding urban areas, and processing arrestees. This is no small task considering the Border Patrol has made over four million arrests since the 9-11 terror attacks, including thousands of Arabs.
Squads of soldiers can deploy to the field for days at a time. A pattern of 72 hours in the field, 72 hours off duty, then 72 hours in garrison for admin and training will work great. This allows an infantry battalion with four line companies to rotate three of them so one is always guarding the border. Each company will go “off line” three months a year for leave, and some traditional infantry training to break up the routine. Since soldiers are transferred every three or four years, they will not face the boring prospect of watching the border for 30 years like Border Patrol agents.
Each border infantry battalion should be supported by a helicopter detachment for emergency medivacs and to move a reaction squad to where shooting has broken out. Some areas may be so remote that helicopters will be needed to rotate squads every three days. However, in most cases troops will be deployed to screen the flanks of border crossings to thwart the common game of just walking around a checkpoint and meeting up with their driver down the road. Squads are likely to rotate to different posts each month to keep border duty interesting.
This will provide great training for soldiers. Unlike canned peacetime exercises, the border is real and unpredictable. Border troops will become experts in map reading, surveillance, field living, and stealthy movement. Their goal will not be to arrest aliens, but to confront aliens near the border and turn them back. Anyone who is suspicious or uncooperative can be detained for the Border Patrol. Soldiers will enjoy the mission of actually protecting the USA, and probably engage in a few shoot outs during their border tour of duty. The first year of border duty will be especially chaotic as soldiers regain control of the wild frontier. Eventually, word will spread that crossing the US border is very difficult and problem will subside.
Rules of Engagement
Four rules of engagement can ensure that soldiers do not clash with innocent US citizens:
1) Soldiers will not enter private property without permission of the landowner.
The Border Patrol is legally allowed to enter private property along the border without permission. Most landowners are happy that someone is protecting their property. However, a few will protest if US troops camp out on their land, and radical groups will sue claiming 3rd Amendment rights are violated. So its best to leave those few alone and let the Border Patrol deal with each issue. There have been cases where smugglers purchased US property on the border to help their operations, so they’d object to US troops. Since a quarter of the land along the Mexican border is already federal property, US troops can stay busy just guarding federal lands. Patrolling American parks along the border has become so dangerous that park rangers are twice more likely to suffer injuries from an assault than DEA agents overseas.
2) Soldiers will only conduct surveillance on Mexico, Canada, or international waters to detect persons entering the USA illegally. They will not conduct intelligence missions at targets within the USA, even at the request of law enforcement agencies.
Many law enforcement agencies work along the border and may ask soldiers to keep an eye on a certain house or building or person they are investigating on the US side of the border. This may seem harmless, but it’s not a role for soldiers. If soldiers see a crime in progress, they should report that immediately and intervene if lives are at stake, but they must not become involved in law enforcement investigations or domestic surveillance.
3) Soldiers will only confront or detain persons who they directly observe entering the USA illegally. They will not confront or detain persons who they suspect have crossed the border illegally.
This will eliminate accidental confrontations between local citizens, unless a US citizen knowingly breaks the law by attempting to enter the US illegally, which is probably because he is involved in other illegal activities. Sometimes soldiers will spot a suspicious group of people on the US side who they didn’t observe crossing the border. They may be 99% certain this group slipped across the border, but they cannot be certain, so all they can do is to radio the information to the Border Patrol. This restriction will ensure soldiers have no contact with local citizens while on duty, except with property owners along the border who have given permission to guard their land.
4) Soldiers will not directly assist other government agencies along the border on a routine basis.
Some Army officers and government officials may decide that Army manpower can help guard the border by assisting other agencies. For example, helping search cars and trucks, guarding prisoners, or assisting in raids. However, this is not a role for the Army or soldiers. There will be occasional emergencies or natural disasters where soldiers help out like they do near all Army bases. However, soldiers should not be used as a federal manpower pool.
Army Transformation
While the Army bureaucracy churns out paperwork about “transformation” the greatest need is for the Army to defend the US border. While Americans were shocked when 3000 citizens were killed by the 9-11 terror attacks, more Americans have been killed by illegal aliens over the years. While they may not be more violent than US citizens, if they cannot cross the border they cannot harm Americans. Most people who illegally cross the border are desperate and they will do whatever it takes to survive. That may require fake IDs, identify theft, shoplifting, robbery, or the transport and sale of narcotics.
As the US tracks international terrorists, restricts visas from certain countries, and tightens port security, future terrorists are more likely to just walk across the unguarded border. While some people worry about China’s military, they should worry about the thousands of former Chinese soldiers that slip across the border each year. Placing troops on the border will require orders from the US President, yet it is doubtful that Army Generals have made proposals. In contrast, Generals continue to spread the myths described in this article. The United States has the only army on Earth that thinks defending its nation from invasion is not their role. It is time for the US Army to transform and assign 2% of its manpower to its basic mission of defending the USA from invasion.
Most Dangerous National Parks –
On June 28, the U.S. Park Rangers Lodge of the Fraternal Order of Police released its third annual survey of the 10 Most Dangerous National Parks. The rangers cited increasing problems with illegal immigrants, drug smuggling, and potential terrorist threats.
Arizona‘s Organ Pipe Cactus National Monument topped the rangers’ list for the third year in a row. Following is the list.
1. Organ Pipe Cactus National Monument (Arizona): After the August 2002 murder of National Park Service Ranger Kris Eggle, the NPS bolstered its force at the monument with tactical teams, since removed, and has failed to restore staff levels to previous levels.
2. Amistad National Recreation Area (Texas): Amistad shares the same problems of drug and alien smuggling as Organ Pipe. Seven rangers attempt to hold the line on 85 miles of an international border. With days off, it means that only one or two are on duty at any given hour of the day, and at night, the park is turned over to the smugglers.
3. Big Bend National Park (Texas): This park, which has the largest boundary with Mexico, struggles with an overwhelming flow of illegal aliens. According to the rangers, the park has violated NPS orders to hire law enforcement staff before hiring other personnel, leaving the few remaining rangers understaffed.
The corporate media in the USA is extremely powerful and dumbs down all Americans. They want cheap labor pouring across US borders to drive down wages, so they invent simple phrases to confuse Americans. “We are a nation of immigrants” is a meaningless phrase used to end rational discussion about what is best for the American people. England and Mexico are also nations of immigrants. In fact, most scientists agree that man originated from a spot in Africa, so every nation on Earth is a nation of immigrants and everyone’s ancestors were immigrants. Even the misnamed “native Americans” came from Asia, albeit a few thousand years before those from Europe.
US citizens are not demanding new immigration laws, they just want the federal government to enforce existing laws. If the nation needs more immigrants, quotas can rise and those selected screened for diseases, criminal records, and motives. People who break the law by entering the US illegally, then break more laws by working illegally using false identification, do not qualify as potential good citizens. To keep the gates for cheap labor open, corporate television along with corporate sponsored politicians have used irrational slogans to convince many Americans that putting US troops on the border is unconstitutional, illegal, impractical, dangerous, and futile. This is why the few thousand “National Guardsmen” recently deployed to the border are prohibited from guarding the nation; they can only perform menial chores.
This report has been prepared by Ron Bass and posted in the UPA (United Patriots of America) web site prior to 2011.
The information in this report was extracted from various documents and the book mentioned at the beginning of the report. This is from Carlton Meyer’s new book: The Spectrum of Future Warfare.
UPA Report 9.07.14 CIA Director John Brennan is a Muslim
September 7, 2014 by admin
Filed under Border Control, Immigration, Islamic Jihad & Sharia, Patriot Resistance, Survivalists, UPA Report
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United Patriots of America
Founded December 2001 in response to 911
UPA Report
Sunday, September 7, 2014
November elections are coming.
U.S Military needed to secure our borders.
An increasing number of US veterans are on the border now and more are going to uphold the oath they took to defend this country and the Constitution since our government officials have abandoned us and are derelict in their duties.
Scroll down and scan to see how to support these vets and non-vets on the border.
ISIS the new wannabe Islamic Caliphate
Real Homeland Security Begins at Home
Send U.S. Military to the Border & begin Interior enforcement of our Immigration laws.
All 50 States are Border States.
It is a deception to say we only have 4 Border States.
Quote from Mike Cutler http://michaelcutler.net/ speaking at the Middlesex County Woman’s Republican Club in NJ
CIA Director John Brennan is a Muslim
Published on Feb 9, 2013
Former FBI Counter Terrorism Agent states that President Obama’s next CIA
Director, John Brennan, has been co-opted by the Muslim Brotherhood and has
converted to Islam.
Ex-FBI Agent Claims Obama’s CIA Nominee Is Really a Secret Muslim Recruited by Saudis
As the anniversary of 9/11 approaches and ISIS establishes itself in Juarez, there’s no question the El Paso Army base is vulnerable, military experts told JW this week.”
ISIS Reportedly Targets Fort Bliss In Texas
Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton maintains that “Ft.Bliss, which is perhaps our nation’s most important domestic military base, is now a forward operating base facing a threat from Islamist terrorism as a result of our unsecure southern border. The major media, who were quick to promote the Obama administration’s ‘denial’ of our report detailing the real threat of a terrorist attack on the border, have yet to pick up on the extraordinary security measures taken at Ft. Bliss in recent days.”
According to oneTexasrancher, the Gateway Pundit reports, politicians have not been straight with the American people about how violent drug cartels/narco terrorists have taken over portions of the borderlands. The same rancher also claims that he has personally spoken to Border Patrol agents who have detained individuals trying to enter theU.S.illegally who hail fromSomalia,Iran,Iraq, andSyria.
Separately, the chairman of the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff has ominously admitted that open borders and immigration provides an opportunity for ISIS terrorists to enter the country.
If the Chairman has admitted this then he should send our US military to the border to protect our homeland.
It is pure hogwash to use the rule of “posse comitatus” which does limit military involvement domestically but there are exceptions and border security is one of them. To that point using our military on our International Border against foreign trespassers/invaders is legal.
Despite the proximity of this large Army post to the Mexican border, the Obama administration has shown no inclination to deploy the National Guard or active duty military assets to assist the overwhelmed Border Patrol in sealing off the border from a surge of illegal immigrants from Central America as well as all over the world, including apparently from the Middle East, many of whom are getting into the country undetected.
Until we throw off the chains of the politically correct governing elite and their lapdog media we will continue to degrade as a nation. The multi-cultural globalists’ ideology fails to see that allowing large numbers of legal or illegal migrations from various cultures into their countries will result in national suicide. Within the next 20 years Europe and Great Britainwill become majority Muslim. Unless a political or military 180 takes place her,e the U.S will follow suit.
In the following article the German Chancellor has acknowledged the problem but it appears no steps have been taken to correct the situation.
Not much has been mentioned about the problem Russiahas with their Muslim population. It turns out that Moscowhas the 2nd largest Muslim population 2.5 million of any European country 2nd only to Turkey. A book titled “Implosion: the End of Russia and What it Means for America” by Ilan Berman exposes the coming threats inRussia that have not been discussed.
Angela Merkel: German multiculturalism has ‘utterly failed’
Sunday 17 October 2010, The guardian.com,
The German chancellor, Angela Merkel, has courted growing anti-immigrant opinion inGermanyby claiming the country’s attempts to create a multicultural society have “utterly failed”.
Lesson of the ‘Mad Mullah,’ the original beheading jihadist
By Amir TaheriSeptember 7, 2014 | 12:21am
Sheikh Hassan was dubbed “the Mad Mullah” and made a habit of capturing and beheading as many Brits as he could get hold of. Among his victims were a British commander Col. Richard Corfield and 57 of his men.
The fight against the Mad Mullah was to last more than seven years simply because Asquith insisted on a “discrete” approach. Force could be used but only in homeopathic portions, enough to keep the caliph busy but not enough to extinguish his jihadi ambitions.
The Jihadi Serial Killer No One’s Talking About
by Michelle Malkin
For two bloody months, an armed jihadist serial killer ran loose across the country. At least four innocent men died this spring and summer as acts of “vengeance” on behalf of aggrieved Muslims, the self-confessed murderer has now proclaimed. Have you heard about this horror? Probably not.
ISIS failure attributed to religious background, ideology, incompetence
NEW YORK – President Obama’s left-leaning political ideology combined with sympathies for Islam acquired from being raised by a Muslim stepfather paralyze him as he faces the threat posed by the Islamic jihadist group ISIS, former House Majority Leader Tom DeLay told WND in an interview.
‘War has been declared … kill them until they raise the white flag’
Political correctness and a “willful blindness” are preventing the FBI from rooting out Islamic jihadists that continue to make headlines in her home state ofMinnesota, says Republican Rep. Michele Bachmann.
Obama to Delay Executive Action on Amnesty Until After Elections, Fearing Huge Losses for Dems,
Study 1 In 10 California Workers Are Illegals – Wake Up America – Cavuto
Michael Cutler, a former INS special agent discusses that statistic with Neil Cavuto.
Pat Condell: No Peace in the Middle East? Blame Israel – תרגום לעברית
Why Abortionists, Islam, and Homosexuals Will Ultimately Lose
Prepping 101 – A Step By Step Plan for How to Get Started Prepping – pt.1
Step 2 – Water
A good rule of thumb for water storage is to have one gallon per person per day. This includes cooking and cleaning, but that amount could change depending on the weather, the health of the individual and the physical activity they are participating. Still, one gallon is a good rule and it is simple to figure out. I like nice round numbers.
We do not have operational control.
U.S. military needed there.
America is now a failed state.
Our homeland is being invaded by criminals and trespassers with diseases along with other assorted undesirables, many of whom will eventually wind up in your state and all the media shows us is pictures of little children.
Go to the border and defend your homeland or send money until such time patriots are replaced by our nations U.S. Military.
Our financial support enables more patriots to make the trip.
The U.S. Federal Border Patrol and their rules of engagement are not up to the task.
Patriots patrolling the border – join them or send money.
Camp Lone Star – DTOM
Thanks to those that have recently donated and/or shared the gofundme link! It is so very much appreciated! These guys and gals out there in the heat day and night are blessed to have your support! Please continue to share the link and donate when you can. Big or small, every bit adds up! ALSO, boots on the ground are still very much needed as well as I have a physical address should you want to directly send them gas cards or care packages. PM me on Facebook for the information!
Thanks 🙂
Cap’t O’Shaunessey AZ
Who we are: We are a groupe of Patriots made up of.ex Police, Millitary,Firefighters, EMT’s, Paramedics, Department of Corrections. And many other public service agencies.
And we are tired of the goverment not inforcing the laws of this Country, And refusing to secure our borders.
Patriots Information Hotline – UPDATE
Patriot Information Hotline
Do you feel something is wrong inAmericatoday? Are you a Fed up? Join us for discussions on this.
*~* 8-23-2014 UpDate *~*
Call line 24/7 559-726-1300 access 639939#
Fighting tyranny in America 2014
Nonviolent resistance (NVR or nonviolent action) is the practice of achieving goals through symbolic protests, civil disobedience, economic or political noncooperation, or other methods, without using violence.
24/7 boycott of corporations.
They take our money and give it to the political elites to trash our Constitutional Republic.
Fight back. Don’t spend your money with them.
Rules of Engagement – Get SASSY
Save America – Shop Smart Y’all
The tyranny emanating from the political, corporate and media world survives because we fund them by doing business with them.
We are actually financing our own national suicide by spending our money every day with them.
Do not spend money with your political enemies.
Avoid corporations, seek out small local businesses
Avoid mainstream media seek out alternative media.
Do business with like minded patriots.
Save America – Shop Smart Y’all (SASSY)
New Jersey
The Saturday Morning Project
An illegal alien labor area behind the Bergenfield, NJ police station.
Location: UPA Bergen County – Bergenfield/Dumont line. 8AM – 10AM
No Eyewitness report for 9.06.14
Peacefully Protesting the U.S. Governments Inability to Control Our Borders
Illegal Immigrants:
Number of Patriots on the line:
Church group: Yes. 2 different groups
Pick ups:
Pro-illegal immigrant counter protesters present today: 0
Police Presence:
Number of thumbs up and horn honks from those in automobiles:
Number of middle fingers displayed:
Number of thumbs down:
Number of hysterical rants from those who don’t agree with our peaceful protest:
New Jersey
Bell can beat Booker.
Candidate for NJ Senate Bell can beat Senator Booker.
Call the Republican Party and tell them to sendBellmoney to win this election in order to take back the Senate from the loony Senator Reid and the Democrats.
Bell for Senate https://www.facebook.com/BellforNJ
Never give in — never, never, never, never, in nothing great or small, large or petty, never give in except to convictions of honour and good sense.
Never yield to force; never yield to the apparently overwhelming might of the enemy.
Sir Winston Churchill, Speech, 1941, Harrow School
I am only one, but I am one. I cannot do everything, but I
can do something. And because I cannot do everything, I will
not refuse to do the something that I can do. What I can do,
I should do. And what I should do, by the grace of God,
I will do.” ~ Edward Everett Hale
Ron Bass
Follow the UPA on
Ron Bass
Subscribe to the UPA Report
Web site is now operational.
http://www.UnitedPatriotsOfAmerica com
E-mail – ronbass2010@comcast.net
UPA Report 8.31.14 Obama switched sides in war on terror.
August 31, 2014 by admin
Filed under Border Control, Immigration, Islamic Jihad & Sharia, Survivalists, UPA Report
Comments Off on UPA Report 8.31.14 Obama switched sides in war on terror.
United Patriots of America
Founded December 2001 in response to 911
UPA Report
Sunday, August 31, 2014
November elections are coming.
See article below
The correct Military strategy in response to the real threat we are facing from ISIS is to secure our homeland first.
A Short list.
All this should have been done the day after 911
Send US Military to secure our borders.
Enforce our interior immigration laws.
Discontinue allowing foreigners from designated countries to enter with a passport only. Require visas for all.
Do not allow any US citizen to return to the US if they have fought for ISIS
Use an entry /exit visa program to stop visa overstayers.
Stop giving automatic citizenship to foreigners who give birth in our homeland by correct interpretation of the 14th Amendment.
Stop Birth Tourism
Stop Refugee Resettlement programs
We all know that none of the above will ever happen .
Not to mention our feckless Congress.
ISIS’ firepower is growing.
On Monday, the Washington Post reported ISIS fighters had stormed a Syrian airbase over the weekend and captured a stockpile of shoulder-fired, surface-to-air missiles.
The missiles, known as MANPADS, or Man Portable Air Defense Systems, are highly advanced and can hit aircraft flying at up to 20,000 feet.
Alarms sound: Terror attack ‘imminent’ on U.S. border
TheU.S.government is scrambling to thwart an “imminent” terror attack on the border betweenTexasandMexico, according to a report issued just moments ago.
WASHINGTON– TheU.S.government is warning a terrorist attack is imminent on the border betweenTexasandMexico, according to the government watchdog group Judicial Watch.
The group said its sources say the Mideast terrorist army ISIS is now operating in the Mexican city of Juarez, the narcotics-trafficking center just across the border fromEl Paso,Texas. ISIS, the sources say, is planning to attack theU.S. with car bombs or improvised explosive devices carried by vehicles.
Police: Las Vegas mentioned as al-Qaida terror target
Metro police have confirmed al-Qaida leaders are encouraging lone jihadists to targetLas Vegasfor terror attacks. That information comes from a recent publication which names the city as a top spot to strike.
CIA expert spills beans on Obama treachery
She said the global war on terror had been an effort to “stay free of Shariah,” or repressive Islamic law, until the Obama administration began siding with such jihadist groups as the Muslim Brotherhood and its affiliates.
Why the switch?
Lopez explained, when the so-called Arab Spring appeared in late 2010, “It was time to bring down the secular Muslim rulers who did not enforce Islamic law. And America helped.”
‘America has moved toward its Muslim enemies’
“In any case, and for whatever motivations, there is no doubt this administration switched sides in what used to be called the Global War on Terror,” she said. (Former CIA agent Claire Lopez)
“Even though President George W. Bush was obviously confused and mistaken when he called Islam a ‘religion of peace’ the day after 9/11, he wasn’t deliberately exonerating the perpetrators. Surrounded by Muslim Brotherhood agents of influence, he simply didn’t understand.”
By 2014, she maintained,U.S.leadership had purged all its training curriculum and official discourse of any terminology that would accurately identify the Islamic enemy, “and the time was right. Al-Qaida receded and [ISIS] arose. TheU.S.couldn’t tell the difference between jihadist militias to save its life anyway, quite literally.”
Military class suspended for its view on Islam
“They hate everything you stand for and will never coexist with you, unless you submit,” the instructor, Army. Lt. Col. Matthew Dooley, said in a presentation last July for the course at Joint Forces Staff College in Norfolk, Va. The college, for professional military members, teaches midlevel officers and government civilians on subjects related to planning and executing war.
Colonel’s class on radical Islam leaves career in limbo
More important, Col. Dooley’s critics include Army Gen. Martin Dempsey, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.
President Barack Obama’s Complete List of Historic Firsts [Updated]
Obama Fails History 101
By Victor Davis Hanson – August 29, 2014
President Obama doesn’t know much about history.
In his therapeutic 2009Cairospeech, Obama outlined all sorts of Islamic intellectual and technological pedigrees, several of which were undeserved. He exaggerated Muslim contributions to printing and medicine, for example, and was flat-out wrong about the catalysts for the European Renaissance and Enlightenment.
ISIS….Who are they?
The terrifying rise ofIsis: $2bn in loot, online killings and an army on the run
They’re too extreme for al-Qaida, they boast of their brutality and they have forced the Iraqi government on to the defensive. How did the insurgent group rise to such terrifying power?
* Who are they?
* What do they want and what’s their link to al-Qaida?
* Where doesIsisget its money from?
* How do they use social media and how effective is their campaign?
Radical Islamist Threat
Douglas Murray -Israel’s Opponents
Survivor of ISIS children’s camp reveals how young boys are whipped and made to watch men being crucified and women stoned to death
Islamist Fighters Just ‘Secured’ an American Compound in Libya
TRIPOLI, Libya (AP) — An Islamist-allied militia group “secured” a U.S. Embassy residential compound in Libya’s capital, more than a month after American personnel evacuated from the country over ongoing fighting, one of its commanders said Sunday.
Muslims in Australia celebrate the end of Ramadan with Eid festival
THU 8 AUG 2013,
Muslims pray in the street outside Lakemba mosque in Sydney during the festival of Eid al-Fitr to mark the end of Ramadan, August 8, 2013. Read the story
Refugees and Undocumented Foreigners
Why so many Somalis in Minneapolis?
Posted by Ann Corcoran on January 21, 2011
New blog: Refugee Racket Exposed!
The purpose of Refugee Racket Exposed (RefugeeRacket.com) is simple – Expose the refugee and asylum system that has developed in theUSand make Congress investigate the fraud and corruption and the negative impact the refugee racket industry has onAmericaand Americans.
The Refugee Racket system is a multibillion dollar racket and controls the importation and/or settlement of over 150,000 refugees and asylum seekers into theUSat taxpayer’s expense. I intend to expose the players who game and corrupt the system and to educate Congress about this abused program.
Congress needs to dramatically scale back and reform the refugee and asylum industry. Taxpayers are on the hook for the refugees and asylum seekers resettlement in more ways than you can imagine. You pay for all of it. The Refugee Racket is the perfect example of the adage ‘The road to hell is paved with good intentions.’ In Americatoday, it is dangerous to rock the boat. You will be attacked, and in some cases, physically harmed by those within the refugee racket. For this reason, I post under the pseudonym Jan Sobieski to protect myself and my family from harm. If you don’t know who Jan Sobieski is, google it.
Feds: Atlanta area counties received hundreds of immigrant children
In town halls, U.S. lawmakers hear voter anger over illegal migrants
Border Patrol agent fires at armed militia member
McALLEN, Texas (AP) — A Border Patrol agent pursuing a group of immigrants in a wooded area near the Texas-Mexico border on Friday fired several shots at an armed man who later identified himself as a militia member.
Obama under pressure to delay immigration action until after midterms
Saturday, August 30, 2014
President Obama is reportedly mulling the possibility of delaying making changes to U.S. immigration policy until after the upcoming midterm elections, after Democrats in tough Senate races have argued that it could damage their chances in November.
The president had been expected to use his executive authority to ease deportations and give temporary work permits to millions of illegal immigrants.
The Economy and Jobs
Enough with Free Trade
In the name of “free trade,” we have lost millions of middle-class manufacturing jobs. Our economy is dying, and for many of us, our standard of living is in free-fall.
What people have been calling free trade is not free trade.
Revolution? Civil War? Voter Fraud?
All Out Political Revolution and war is upon America in 2014,
By William Gheen, President of Americans for Legal Immigration PAC (ALIPAC) www.alipac.us
If you believe that We The People of theUnited States should be self governed and in control of our borders, immigration policies, and national destiny, then you are with us! If you believe that illegal aliens should be allowed to stay in American and become voters, then you are with the traitors in DC!
FEMA Camp Locations in US – state-by-state List & Map – Expel the FedGov from State Lands
Two star Major General Harold Greene was killed in Afghanistan on August 8, 2014
while serving his country in pride for 34 years. He was the highest ranking officer
in the military killed in action since 1972 during the Vietnam war.
President Obama has not mentioned anything in regards to this highly decorated soldier
yet he spoke highly of Robin Williams who committed suicide.
Major General Greene was buried August 14 in the Arlington National Cemetery.
Neither the President, Vice President, Secretary of State nor Secretary of Defense
attended the funeral. President Obama was on vacation, playing golf at Martha’s Vineyard.
No flags were ordered to fly at half mast yet they were for Whitney Houston who also committed suicide.
I find this very offensive and disrespectful to the veterans who have served our great country.
But then again, why does this not surprise me.
Controversial ‘Guns Save Lives’ ads return to Phoenix bus stops
Mexico officials pull off migrants from trains
Talk about motivation. Video 4:53
A baby (born with no legs) who was taught early on to never say the word can’t.
Unbelievable. A baby born with no legs becomes an accomplished gymnast among other things.
You DON’T know what will happen after SHTF so stop acting like you do
Graywolf Survival August 31st, 2014
I see this crap all the time and it really bugs me. Too many people think they have the answer to what will happen after SHTF and that thinking makes their plans suck. Does your plan really make sense? –
We do not have operational control.
U.S. military needed there.
America is now a failed state.
Kill Bill – Soundtrack The Lonely Shepherd
Our homeland is being invaded by criminals and trespassers with diseases along with other assorted undesirables, many of whom will eventually wind up in your state and all the media shows us is pictures of little children.
Go to the border and defend your homeland or send money until such time patriots are replaced by our nations U.S. Military.
Our financial support enables more patriots to make the trip.
The U.S. Federal Border Patrol and their rules of engagement are not up to the task.
Patriots patrolling the border – join them or send money.
Cap’t O’Shaunessey AZ
Patriots Information Hotline – UPDATE
Patriot Information Hotline
Do you feel something is wrong inAmericatoday? Are you a Fed up? Join us for discussions on this.
*~* 8-23-2014 UpDate *~*
Call line 24/7 559-726-1300 access 639939#
Fighting tyranny in America 2014
Nonviolent resistance (NVR or nonviolent action) is the practice of achieving goals through symbolic protests, civil disobedience, economic or political noncooperation, or other methods, without using violence.
24/7 boycott of corporations.
They take our money and give it to the political elites to trash our Constitutional Republic.
Fight back. Don’t spend your money with them.
Rules of Engagement – Get SASSY
Save America – Shop Smart Y’all
The tyranny emanating from the political, corporate and media world survives because we fund them by doing business with them.
We are actually financing our own national suicide by spending our money every day with them.
Do not spend money with your political enemies.
Avoid corporations, seek out small local businesses
Avoid mainstream media seek out alternative media.
Do business with like minded patriots.
Save America – Shop Smart Y’all (SASSY)
New Jersey
The Saturday Morning Project
An illegal alien labor area behind the Bergenfield, NJ police station.
Location: UPA Bergen County – Bergenfield/Dumont line. 8AM – 10AM
Eyewitness report for 8.31.14
Peacefully Protesting the U.S. Governments Inability to Control Our Borders
Patriots: 4
Illegal Immigrants:
Number of Patriots on the line:
Church group: Yes. 2 different groups
Pick ups:
Pro-illegal immigrant counter protesters present today: 0
Police Presence:
Number of thumbs up and horn honks from those in automobiles:
Number of middle fingers displayed:
Number of thumbs down:
Number of hysterical rants from those who don’t agree with our peaceful protest:
New Jersey
Middlesex County Republican Women’s Club
At Our Next Meeting
Tuesday, September 2, 2014 7 PM
Our Special Guest:
Michael Cutler, Retired Special Agent of the former INS
Immigration Expert Seen on FOX News, CNN, Frontpagemag.com and more
Topic: “Immigration and its Effect on National Security”
An eye-opening discussion on one of today’s most critical issues
Please Join Us!
East Brunswick Library
2 Civic Center Drive, East Brunswick NJ 08816
Arrive early – seating is limited
This meeting is FREE and Open to Women and Men
Refreshments will be served
Bell can beat Booker.
Candidate for NJ Senate Bell can beat Senator Booker.
Call the Republican Party and tell them to sendBellmoney to win this election in order to take back the Senate from the loony Senator Reid and the Democrats.
Bell for Senate https://www.facebook.com/BellforNJ
Never give in — never, never, never, never, in nothing great or small, large or petty, never give in except to convictions of honour and good sense.
Never yield to force; never yield to the apparently overwhelming might of the enemy.
Sir Winston Churchill, Speech, 1941, Harrow School
A message to former foreign exchange student Barry Sotero
Osculer, oro pium asinæ
I am only one, but I am one. I cannot do everything, but I
can do something. And because I cannot do everything, I will
not refuse to do the something that I can do. What I can do,
I should do. And what I should do, by the grace of God,
I will do.” ~ Edward Everett Hale
Ron Bass
Follow the UPA on
Ron Bass
Subscribe to the UPA Report
Web site is now operational.
http://www.UnitedPatriotsOfAmerica com
E-mail – ronbass2010@comcast.net
UPA Report 8.24.14 Special from Oath Keepers…focus on the looters, not the protesters…
August 24, 2014 by admin
Filed under Border Control, Islamic Jihad & Sharia, Patriot Resistance, UPA Report
Comments Off on UPA Report 8.24.14 Special from Oath Keepers…focus on the looters, not the protesters…
United Patriots of America
Founded December 2001 in response to 911
UPA Report
Sunday, August 24, 2014
Special from Oath Keepers.
…focus on the looters, not the protesters…
Open Letter of Warning to Governor Nixon From Missouri Oath Keepers
August 22nd, 2014
The militarized police response we saw in Ferguson did not work. All it did was violate the rights of peaceful protesters and media, alienate the community, and make our country look even more like a police state, with big, intimidating displays of heavily armed, militarized officers, in full “battle-rattle” and backed by BearCat type armored vehicles, firing CS gas and rubber bullets into peaceful protesters and even at media personnel,while failing to stop those relative few who were actually looting, throwing Molotov cocktails, and shooting.
One retired Special Forces veteran in our group suggested that instead of grouping the police officers in large blocks (50 to 100 men), that you should break up these groups into rapid reaction teams of 20 to 25 officers and disperse them, staging them in places spread around Ferguson, with a focus on the looters, not the protesters. Our intelligence and police veterans concurred, and added that you should also task some officers to go out in street clothes to blend in to the crowds and work as Scouts, identifying threats and looters.
We do not have operational control.
U.S. military needed there.
America is now a failed state.
The open Border lobby and politicians who refuse to enforce our border and interior immigration laws are in effect saying to America you do not have the right to be a Nation.
Self-inflicted border crisis
We are America. We get to make our rules and laws that protect “our” citizens.
And enforce them.
SIS threat fuels calls to secure Southern border
DHS saw no option but to free 169 illegals convicted of murder
The 116 murderers were a fraction of the 36,007 criminals ICE released in 2013. The criminals had convictions ranging from homicide and manslaughter to drunken driving and sex crimes.
Chained together, Dreamers fight on
Missouri Ahead of the Game in Dealing with Illegal Immigrants
In 2007, the Missouri General Assembly approved HJR 7 to place on the ballot a proposed constitutional amendment designating English as the official language of Missouri.
Voters then went to the polls and approved the measure with nearly 90 percent voting in favor. With that, English became the official language for all governmental proceedings in Missouri. It also means no individual has the right to demand government services in a language other than English. A common language is the cornerstone of a cohesive and united state and country. Ensuring that English is our official language is simply common sense.
Another measure that directly addresses the issue of illegal immigration was passed in 2008. HB 1549 requires our Highway Patrol and other law enforcement officials to verify the immigration status of any person arrested, and inform federal authorities if the person is found to be here illegally.
It also allows Missouri law enforcement officers to receive training to enforce federal immigration laws. Furthermore, the bill makes it clear that illegal immigrants will not have access to taxpayer benefits such as food stamps and health care through MO HealthNet. With the passage of this legislation, Missouri sent a clear message that illegal immigrants are not welcome in our state, and that they are certainly not welcome to receive public benefits at the cost of Missouri taxpayers.
Jihad and Sharia Law
If you do not follow Islamic law you have two choices (1) pay financially to survive along side of Islam as a slave or (2) die.
People forget that the Koran teaches global Islamic acceptance.
Simply put there is no religion but the Islamic Religion.
Every nation of the global community should wake up and except the fact that Islam is a threat to any one who is not a Muslim.
When the Islamic nations stop fighting among themselves they will spread the fight for Islam around the world.
Suicide bombers will be knocking on your door.
Above is a readers comment to the True Essence of Islam article. Very good info.
The True Essence Of Islam And The Evolution Of Modern Jihad
Gitmo Prisoner Swap
Oversight Report: Obama Admin Violated Law by Freeing Taliban Members
GAO: Congress not legally notified before Obama freed Gitmo inmates
Foley Rescue Attempt Failed Because Obama ‘Dragged His Feet’
The Muslims’ Trojan Horse
Muslim indoctrination in public schools
Interestingly enough, in recent years American public schools have been indoctrinated with the Muslim religion. Studies have shown over 500 historical errors in public school textbooks, giving an Islamic slant to our youth.
As a result, our youth are subject to the following teachings and practices:
Learning to become a Muslim
Fasting for Ramadan
Learning the five pillars of Islam
Memorizing verses of the Quran
Adopting a Muslim name
Staging a Jihad (war against non-Muslims)
In WWII POW’s were released after the war was over.
Baghdadi the head of ISIS was released by Obama.
Now that we are desperately looking for ways to stop ISIS from their continuing advance, perhaps Obama setting free the merciless warlord, Abu Bakr al Baghdadi – who is now leading the ISIS army — wasn’t such a brilliant idea. Just let it come out that the militant who sawed off the head of our American journalist was a detainee released by Obama; I guarantee that the rage and anger that will ensue against our “stellar” leader will be inconceivable.
Chicago A Top Terror Target; Ominous Tweet Connects ISIS Threat In City
Pentagon broke law with Bergdahl prisoner swap, government watchdog says
Russian Government Gets Sick Of Muslim Violence, Has Police Officers Search Veiled Women And Islamic Schools
He added, “The drug cartels use the same operational plan as terrorist groups do … They kill their opponents, they behead their opponents, they brag about it and they have operational control of many portions of the southern border of the United States. They’re vicious as some of these other terrorist organizations.”
Fergusen and Black America
A Grotesque Pantomime of Repression and Redemption
Activists and journalists are stuck in the racial resentments of the 1960s.
The virtue of disruption, academics and observers argue, is that it gives African-Americans a crisis with which to bargain. But after 50 years, what has this bargain achieved, except to cultivate a community that excels in resentment?
18 August 2014
Black Cop Kills Unarmed White Youth — Media and Feds Silent
Black on white crime under reported.
Beaten to Death at McDonald’s
August 21, 2014
Ferguson and Eric Holder’s Violent Past
August 21, 2014
Just What Is an Unarmed Man?
So, those of you so quick to condemn this Ferguson police officer for shooting an unarmed man might want to put yourselves in that scenario and wonder just what you might do with an exceptionally large, very angry, violently threatening man charging toward you with unknown intentions – plus the certain ability, by virtue of his size, to do you grave injury, even to beat you to death with nothing more than his large, hard fists.
We need to take the Senate back in November. Bell can beat Booker. Tell the national Republican Party to support Bell. They are not doing so.
Bell for NJ Senate
New Army Manual Calls for the Use of Lethal Force Against Peaceful Protesters
http://freedomoutpost.com/2014/08/new-army-manual-calls-use-lethal-force-peaceful-protesters /
546,335 Acres in 9 Western States Proposed as Protected Critical Habitat for Yellow-billed Cuckoos
Protection Will Benefit Rare Songbird and Health of Rivers in
Arizona,California,Colorado,Idaho,Nevada,New Mexico,Texas,UtahandWyoming
Resistance in Sweden
Swedish Nationalists’ popularity on the rise as Syrians flood into Sweden; unemployment rises
See The Claustrophobic Underground Tunnels Left Over From The Vietnam War.
Kill Bill – Soundtrack The Lonely Shepherd
Our homeland is being invaded by criminals and trespassers with diseases along with other assorted undesirables, many of whom will eventually wind up in your state and all the media shows us is pictures of little children.
Go to the border and defend your homeland or send money until such time patriots are replaced by our nations U.S. Military.
Our financial support enables more patriots to make the trip.
The U.S. Federal Border Patrol and their rules of engagement are not up to the task.
Patriots patrolling the border – join them or send money.
Cap’t O’Shaunessey AZ
Patriots Information Hotline – UPDATE
Patriot Information Hotline
Do you feel something is wrong inAmericatoday? Are you a Fed up? Join us for discussions on this.
*~* 8-23-2014 UpDate *~*
Call line 24/7 559-726-1300 access 639939#
Learn to Shoot with Both Eyes Open
You don’t walk around with one eye closed, do you? Why should you shoot with one eye closed? Closing one eye while shooting decreases both situation awareness and depth perception. In a tactical situation this can be deadly. You need to learn to shoot with both eyes open in order to maneuver properly as you shouldn’t be standing still in a firefight. You also need the extra vision to “keep an eye out” for other targets. So check out the video below and start training to shoot with both eyes open.
Fighting tyranny in America 2014
Nonviolent resistance (NVR or nonviolent action) is the practice of achieving goals through symbolic protests, civil disobedience, economic or political noncooperation, or other methods, without using violence.
24/7 boycott of corporations.
They take our money and give it to the political elites to trash our Constitutional Republic.
Fight back. Don’t spend your money with them.
Rules of Engagement – Get SASSY
Save America – Shop Smart Y’all
The tyranny emanating from the political, corporate and media world survives because we fund them by doing business with them.
We are actually financing our own national suicide by spending our money every day with them.
Do not spend money with your political enemies.
Avoid corporations, seek out small local businesses
Avoid mainstream media seek out alternative media.
Do business with like minded patriots.
Save America – Shop Smart Y’all (SASSY)
New Jersey
The Saturday Morning Project
An illegal alien labor area behind the Bergenfield, NJ police station.
Location: UPA Bergen County – Bergenfield/Dumont line. 8AM – 10AM
No Eyewitness report for 8.23.14
Peacefully Protesting the U.S. Governments Inability to Control Our Borders
Illegal Immigrants:
Number of Patriots on the line:
Church group: Yes. 2 different groups
Pick ups:
Pro-illegal immigrant counter protesters present today: 0
Police Presence:
Number of thumbs up and horn honks from those in automobiles:
Number of middle fingers displayed:
Number of thumbs down:
Number of hysterical rants from those who don’t agree with our peaceful protest:
New Jersey
Bell can beat Booker.
Candidate for NJ Senate Bell can beat Senator Booker.
Call the Republican Party and tell them to send Bell money to win this election in order to take back the Senate from the loony Senator Reid and the Democrats.
Bell for Senate https://www.facebook.com/BellforNJ
Never give in — never, never, never, never, in nothing great or small, large or petty, never give in except to convictions of honour and good sense.
Never yield to force; never yield to the apparently overwhelming might of the enemy.
Sir Winston Churchill, Speech, 1941, Harrow School
A message to former foreign exchange student Barry Sotero
Osculer, oro pium asinæ
I am only one, but I am one. I cannot do everything, but I
can do something. And because I cannot do everything, I will
not refuse to do the something that I can do. What I can do,
I should do. And what I should do, by the grace of God,
I will do.” ~ Edward Everett Hale
Ron Bass
Follow the UPA on
Ron Bass
Subscribe to the UPA Report
Web site is now operational.
http://www.UnitedPatriotsOfAmerica com
E-mail – ronbass2010@comcast.net