UPA Report 6.25.17 Antifa to burn flags and desecrate graves in Gettysburg on July 1st.
June 25, 2017 by admin
Filed under Fighting the Left, Islam in America, Prepping, UPA Report
United Patriots of America
Founded December 2001 in response to 911
UPA Report
Sunday June 25, 2017
Event Saturday July 1st, 2017 at Gettysburg, PA
This is exactly why we we are coming together to Protest ANTIFA. You don’t show up with a plan to Desecrate the flags on the Anniversary of the Bloodiest Battle in American History. We have the Permit to Assemble. We are located at 160 Taneytown Rd. Across from the Rangers
Office. 1500-1800.
Patriots of America come defend the Gettysburg Battlefield
There is a group planning to have a Rally and burn Confederate Flags on this Day at Gettysburg National Battlefield! They say to make Trump Supporters Upset. Well we know this group, ANTIFA, also burns Old Glory! You don’t have to be a Trump Supporter to be an American Patriot! Well enough is enough. Show up, Stand Up, in your support for AMERICA!
Yes she’s not perfect but she’s is our Chosen Country! If you hate US, Leave! This is not the Iron Curtain. REMEMBER CONFEDERATE SOLDIERS ARE AMERICAN VETERANS! And you don’t Disrespect a Veteran!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The coming civil war. The left has been at war against America for decades.
The deck is stacked against us. We must get off the defense.
Trump vs. the Neo-Fascists
We must recognize that we are at war in America. While conservatives accepted Obama’s elections and even stuck to the legal process when Obama repeatedly violated the Constitution, the neofascists, nee liberals, are willing to use violence and illegal actions by the Deep State to negate the peoples votes.
In 1968 England was warned.
Enoch Powell’s ‘Rivers of Blood’ speech
This is the full text of Enoch Powell’s so-called ‘Rivers of Blood’ speech, which was delivered to a Conservative Association meeting in Birmingham on April 20 1968.
Those whom the gods wish to destroy, they first make mad. We must be mad, literally mad, as a nation to be permitting the annual inflow of some 50,000 dependants, who are for the most part the material of the future
growth of the immigrant-descended population. It is like watching a nation busily engaged in heaping up its own funeral pyre.
Washington DC
Obviously Kelly has never read the Koran.
DHS’ Kelly: Jihadis have “corrupted the whole concept of Islam as a religion”
By Pamela Geller – on June 24, 2017
Senate Judiciary Committee Opens Investigation Into Loretta Lynch
She’s in hot water…
By Randy DeSoto, on June 23, 2017
Trump’s State Department slaps down Hungarian PM, supports George Soros
Posted by Ann Corcoran on June 22, 2017
Number of refugees admitted to U.S. drops by almost half
WATCH: Incredible Montage Of Fed Up Drivers Who Blast Through Anti-Trump Protesting Roadblocks
Charlie Daniels Slings Outlaw-Style Insult Right at Chuck Schumer
Trump Supporter CUTS DOWN Freeway Overpass NO ICE Sign
We The People Rising , Published on
Jun 18, 2017, 6/13/17 Azusa, CA
Los Angeles County: 210 Freeway Overpass
No Immigration & Customs Enforcement NO ICE sign REMOVED!
Video by Robin Hvidston
Jack Posobiec and Laura Loomer Press Conference
Islam’s Conquest of America One Town at a Time
From Minneapolis (MN) to Hamtramck (MI) to Falls Church (VA) to Paterson (NJ) and many other towns and cities across the fifty states, the Islamic Movement is quietly conquering America.
The federal government sleeps, many state governments – including those controlled by Republicans – do their best to accommodate muslims waging Civilization Jihad
against America, and the hard-left Marxists – including nearly all of the local and national media – are collaborators in the enemy’s efforts.
As UTT has previously reported, Minneapolis, Minnesota is currently enemy-held territory and will require force to take back.
How ‘Sanctuary Cities’ Are Helping Immigrants Outwit
Communities across the country are defying the Trump administration on immigration.
Hear Muslim Speakers
American Security Rally of Montana
Irving Texas Says No To Sharia
Texas House bill 562
4 min 22 sec
Shariah Law? Not in Texas, says Irving Mayor
17 min 16 sec
Peaceful Muslim’s Terrorize Lake Calhoun MN – Max Bauer
Violent somalis In Minneapolis – Please Watch All Of It
What Sharia Prescribes: Same as the Ten Commandments?
Nonie Darwish, June 25, 2017
Islam was created 600 years after Christianity not to affirm the Bible, but to discredit it; not to co-exist with “the people of the book” — Jews and Christians — but to replace them. It is hard to read Islamic law books without concluding that Islamic values are essentially “a rebellion against the Ten Commandments.”
Sweden on the Brink of CIVIL WAR, National Police Commissioner: “HELP US, HELP US!”
Sweden it is only a question of time be4 they will need military intervention from abroad in order to avoid a humanitarian catastrophe.
Sweden: “I am Muslim, f*ck Swedes” say Arab men while assaulting disabled man; blame Swedes for
being racist
Europe Surrenders to Radical Islam
by Guy Millière, June 24, 2017
Germany: Police Powerless Against Middle Eastern Crime Gangs
“The clans simply have no respect for the authorities.”
by Soeren Kern June 18, 2017
Vet owned answer to Starbucks.
Black Rifle Coffee Company
Exclusive Clip: American Blackout: “There’s Someone At The Fence… They Want Food”
The Survivor good site
Twitter – http://twitter.com/ronbassUPA
Facebook – www.facebook.com/UPA.RonBass
E-mail – ronbass2010@comcast.net
UPA Report 6.18.17 Scalise took one for all of us. Summer Of Hate: The Arrival Of The Crisis & The Second Civil War?
June 18, 2017 by admin
Filed under Prepping, UPA Report
United Patriots of America
Founded December 2001 in response to 911
UPA Report
Father’s Day Sunday June 18, 2017
Rep. Steve Scalise ‘took a
bullet for all of us’.
We wish him a speedy and
complete recovery.
Summer Of Hate: The Arrival Of The Crisis & The Second Civil War?
by Tyler Durden Jun 16, 2017 Thanks to Tyler for this article at Zero Hedge website, link below.
And as if this wasn’t enough to convince you that the US is on the cusp of a hot civil war, Wednesday
morning’s events, in which a former Bernie Sanders campaign staffer attacked an early morning GOP baseball practice, is all of the confirmation that we need.
This attack came as surprise to anyone who has been paying attention to the constant death
threats and assassination references made in the media and by celebrities over the last few months since the election. As the Russian collusion narrative falls apart and the spectre of impeachment becomesmore unlikely with each day, this last ditch attempt to seize the power back from the hands of the people is to destabilize the United States by fomenting civil unrest, and if necessary a second civil war. Commentators have noticed an eerie similarity between the Democrat-led anti-Trump movement and other George Soros ‘color revolutions’ around the world.
This wouldn’t be the first time such color revolutions have been implemented in the United States:
Black Lives Matter and the Occupy Movement both were funded by Soros front groups.
What’s different this time is that Soros and the Deep State seem to be playing for keeps.
Their goal of electing Hillary Clinton and securing the US as the final lynchpin for globalist control was thwarted by the election of President Trump. Their movement is mortally wounded, but has kicked into survival mode and will stop at nothing to continue its stranglehold on us politically, socially, and economically.
The events of this past week have proved this, and I’m just wondering if this will be the week that historians look back upon as the week when the American Cultural Cold War shifted gears and became the Second American Civil War.
Currently, Washington DC laws make it virtually impossible for anyone in the city to get a concealed
carry license.
GOP Congressmen Want The Right To Self-Defense Following Wednesday’s Shooting
Rep. Chris Collins (R-N.Y.) said on Wednesday that after the shooting, which has left Scalise in critical condition with serious internal damage, he will carry a gun at all public events.
10 min 23 sec
ANTIFA and Muslim Thugs Violently Interrupt Americans Protesting Sharia Law
The protests, headed up by “ACT for America,” a group which monitors radical Islamism, are taking place in more than 20 cities across the nation.
“Participants in the anti-Shariah rally say they’re worried that Islamic law could influence U.S. courts and harm women, among other concerns,” The Wall Street Journal reports.
ANTIFA gets smashed by Patriots when they try to block marchers,Trump rally,Huntington Beach,CA
Bikers Stop Flag Burning and Scare Protesters
Shots fired at truck with ‘Make America Great Again’ flag in IndianaIndiana State Police
said a Chevrolet Malibu with Louisiana license plates pulled up next to the truck along I-465 in Indianapolis and a male passenger pointed a handgun out the window and fired “several shots” at the blue 2001 Dodge pickup truck.
CONSERVATIVE ACTIVIST, Author Mike Chernovich Calls On Americans To Join Him In Disrupting TRUMP ASSASSINATION Play In Central Park
Patriots Shut Down Julius Ceasar Yelling “You Are Goebbels”
New Jersey High School to Reprint Yearbooks After Student’s Trump T-shirt Was Censored
However, a Trump quote selected by one student to appear under her photo was also edited out.
A Long History of Leftist Hatred
Afghan soldier wounds 7 US soldiers in insider attack
Suzanne Shattuck video on why……..
We need to fight the enemy on our own soil. Designate the Muslim Brotherhood a Foreign Terrorist Organization. #MAGA
Top 10 Reasons to Avoid Amazon.com
Two additional reasons from the UPA.
1. Bezos, the owner of Amazon, supports the Islamization of America and Europe because he believes Islam can co exist, when those of us who “Understand the Threat” know better.
2. He bought the Washington Post and is unmercifully attacking President Tump with fake news
and leaks.
Democrats Quickly Realized They Made The Biggest Mistake Of Their Lives
Dems thought they could force Sessions into uncomfortable answers on Russia and the Comey firing that would create political embarrassment.
The only parties embarrassed by the hearing – however – were Democrats and members of the media when their conspiracy theories came crashing down on their heads.
Not much new in Trump’s Cuba policy
Trump also demanded the return of U.S. fugitives including Joanne Chesimard, a black militant convicted in 1977 of the murder of a New Jersey state trooper.
“The harboring of criminals and fugitives will end,” Trump said. “You have no choice. It will end.”
Are We Nearing Civil War?
Restore the USA
Restore the USA is a platform that is set up geographically in order to unite concerned citizens at the local level to work
together to continue Restore our Republic at all levels – Town and City, County, State and Federal.
Remember Trumps term is either 4 years or 8 if re-elected. He won’t be around forever.
Vet owned answer to Starbucks.
Black Rifle Coffee Company
Exclusive Clip: American Blackout: “There’s Someone At The Fence… They Want Food”
The Survivor good site
Twitter – http://twitter.com/ronbassUPA
Facebook – www.facebook.com/UPA.RonBass
E-mail – ronbass2010@comcast.net
UPA Report 6.11.17 for United Patriots of America
June 11, 2017 by admin
Filed under Border Security, Islam in America, Islamic Jihad & Sharia, Prepping, Refugee Resettlement program, UPA Report
United Patriots of America
Founded December 2001 in response to 911
UPA Report
Sunday June 11, 2017
Islam is the real threat to America not Russia.
The real story in the United States
is the ongoing Islamization of our nation and the obsession with Donald Trump’s
alleged Russia links is a dangerous distraction.
We are financing Islamic immigration Jihad by transporting Muslims into towns across our country and then paying for their settlement and any other goods and services that they need. How stupid is that. Do you think the Muslim Brotherhood (CAIR) Council on American-Islamic Relations is laughing at us?
See Utica article here.
“My hometown (Utica) is gone”
When I moved back home one of the first things I noticed was that an old Methodist church was being converted into a bright shiny white new mosque.
Where do I start? Utica had always been “the city that loves refugees” but under Obama things
accelerated. Muslim immigrants were suddenly in these local bureaucratic
positions where they had power over you.
So let me just summarize: the social worker at the school is Muslim, the administrator who ok’s homeschooling is Muslim, the CPS worker is Muslim, the nurse practitioner at the ER is Muslim, the doctor at the ER is Muslim. These are positions of authority that wield a lot of power.
Are you starting to get the picture?
Take Action. Go to http://www.actforamerica.org/contact andsend an email to Brigitte Gabriel at Act for America. Copy the message below or write your own if you agree.
“Why don’t you consider having your nationwide demonstrations directed at our legislators and executives to convince them to stop the Muslim refugee program.
Protesting Sharia is good for awareness but doesn’t stop the Muslim Hijra that we are paying for.”
4 Stages of Islamic Conquest:
Muslims begin moving to non-Muslim countries in increasing numbers and the beginning of cultural conflicts are visible, though often subtle.
Muslim immigrants and host country converts continue demands for accommodation in employment, education, social services, financing and courts.
Open violence to impose Sharia law and associated cultural restrictions; rejection of host government, subjugation of other religions and customs.
Islam becomes the only religious-political-judicial-cultural ideology.
Europeans should have an escape plan ready.
Essentially Argentina is European,
South America‘s Southern Cone
As Europe succumbs to the opening waves of Islamic settler colonialism, the youth of Europe should consider their options. I am not saying that European youth should abandon their continent just yet, but if things get worse, they should have an escape plan ready.
Wide Awake with Suzanne Shattuck – 06/07/17
Join Suzanne as she discusses everything from immigration to foreign policy…
Bill Warner
Political Islam has subjugated civilizations for 1400 years
28 min 14 sec
Political Islam Explained by Bill Warner (part 1 of 2)
ACT for America Stages Marches Against ‘Sharia Law’ Nationwide
America, which the Southern Poverty Law Center designates as an anti-Muslim hate group, is spearheading several rallies across the country Saturday in what is slated to be the group’s largest protest against Islam.
The “March Against Sharia” has taken place in more than 20 cities, including New York, Dallas,
and Atlanta.
In New York City, about 100 protesters and more than 200 counter-protesters verbally clashed in downtown Manhattan Saturday morning, as police officers stood between the groups.
More on the Anti-Sharia demonstrations
Police stand between pro-, anti-Sharia sides in NC
Take Action. Go to http://www.actforamerica.org/contact
andsend an email to Brigitte Gabriel at Act for America. Copy the message below or write your own if
you agree.
“Why don’t you consider having your nationwide demonstrations directed at our legislators and executives to convince them to stop the Muslim refugee program. Protesting Sharia is good for awareness but doesn’t stop the Muslim Hijra that we are paying for.”
The Law of Nations: Border Security is National Security
by Jason Mrochek • June 10, 2017 •
Great Britain
Meet the party that saved the UK from a full-blown Marxist
June 09, 2017
On Thursday, the United Kingdom came dangerously close to electing an anti-Semitic, terrorist-supporting Marxist as its next prime minister. Had it not been for Northern Ireland’s Democratic Unionist Party (DUP), Great Britain would have been in jeopardy of having Labour Party leader
Jeremy Corbyn as the prime minister of America’s closest ally.
Trump’s reversal allowing amnesty for Dreamers enrages conservative base
Trump Pulls out of the Paris accord and the oceans rise.
Guns Don’t Kill People; Liberalism and Radical Islam Do
Trevor Thomas, June 9, 2017
Pennsylvania: Lawmakers Ask Gov to Void 143-acre Property Sale to Shady Islamic Org
JUNE 9, 2017
The company bid $400,000 to purchase the 143-acre site with 13 buildings, but KDKA’s research finds that the company claims only one employee in an apartment in Newark, New Jersey, and has not reported income of more than $50,000 in each of the past three years.
In addition, the state of New Jersey has revoked HIRA’s non-profit status for failing to
submit required financial reports for two consecutive years. KDKA’s Andy Sheehan called the company phone number, but got only answer machine. And no one from HIRA returned the calls.
Trump Grows Discontented With Attorney General Jeff Sessions
Weather Channel Founder John Coleman Reveals The TRUTH About Global Warming
18 min 52 sec If your offended by F bombs do not watch this video.
Linda “Cockroach” Sarsour is your enemy
After Middle East, Will Islamists Uproot Christians in Europe?
Giulio Meotti, June 4, 2017
Restore the USA
Restore the USA is a platform that is set up geographically in order to unite concerned
citizens at the local level to work together to continue Restore our Republic at all levels – Town and City,
County, State and Federal.
Remember Trumps term is either 4 years or 8 if re-elected. He won’t be around forever.
Vet owned answer to Starbucks.
Black Rifle Coffee Company
Exclusive Clip: American Blackout: “There’s Someone At The Fence… They Want Food”
The Survivor good site
Twitter – http://twitter.com/ronbassUPA
Facebook – www.facebook.com/UPA.RonBass
E-mail – ronbass2010@comcast.net
UPA Report 6.04.17 for United Patriots of America. ICE continues crackdown on criminal illegal aliens. Trump scores TKO against the globalists climate treaty. Muslims pray in front of Trump tower.
June 4, 2017 by admin
Filed under Europe / Islam, Prepping, UPA Report
United Patriots of America
Founded December 2001 in response to 911
UPA Report
Sunday June 04, 2017
ICE arrests nearly 200 in Los Angeles-area operation
targeting criminal aliens, illegal re-entrants, and immigration fugitives
Trump Steps on the Paris Agreement, Stands for Sovereignty
Updated NASA Data: Global Warming Not Causing Any Polar Ice Retreat
See video of Linda Sarsour
leader of the womans march to DC
Muslims Take Over New York Street – Start Praying in Front of Trump Tower for Ramadan (VIDEO)
Muslims Take Over New York Street – Start Praying in Front of Trump
Tower for Ramadan
Cristina Laila
Jun 2nd, 2017 1:24 pm 1202 Comments
New York – Muslims continued on with their civilization Jihad as they took over the street in
front of Trump Tower during ‘Iftar’ or ‘breaking their Ramadan fast’.
John Brennan and others in the Obama administration used America’s taxpayer-funded national security apparatus to engage in espionage against an opposition presidential campaign, an incoming administration, and that administration’s transition team.
The whole campaign aimed at convincing Americans that President Trump was a tool of Russia
was created by Democrats for their illicit purposes.
Almost every day new evidence emerges proving that point.
Jeff Bezos/ Amazon buys Washington Post with money from the CIA
Amazon won a $600 million cloud computer contract from the CIA.
That was the difference – more than the difference.
Later that year, Jeff Bezos bought the Washington Post for $250 million.
CIA Director Once Voted for Communist Presidential Candidate
Brennan said he decided to acknowledge his vote for Communist Gus Hall, the Communist Party USA’s four-time presidential candidate, when undergoing the lie detector test.
U.S. Has Admitted 46,371 Refugees So Far in FY 2017; Up 19% in May
4 min 20 sec
FAIR – Federation For American Immigration Reform VideoTrump’s Immigration Promises
Executive Order: Border Security and Immigration Enforcement Improvements
ICE arrests 2 undocumented immigrants released from N.J. jail
undocumented immigrants who the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement had ordered to be held for deportation were released from the Middlesex County jail in April without the telling the agency, ICE officials said.
The Honduran national and Mexican citizen were picked up by ICE’s Enforcement and Removal Operations a month later and remain in custody awaiting deportation, according to an agency release.
ICE Operation Targeting Criminal Aliens, Immigration Violators Nets 186 Arrests Across Pennsylvania, West Virginia, Delaware
Judicial Watch: Hearing Monday, June 5 Over Homeland Security Assertion of ‘Privacy Rights’ to
Prevent Release of Names of Freed Criminal Aliens
Judicial Watch Asks U.S. Supreme Court to Review California In-State Tuition Benefits for Illegal Aliens
Attacking the Past: The Removal of the Confederate Monuments
Evergreen State College excuses student protesters from homework
The left used Polar Bears to stop drilling for oil. Now trying to use jaguars to stop the
border wall. They sue, then find a liberal judge to uphold their silly argument.
Feds and Wildlife Groups Use Bogus Endangered Species Science to Block Border Fence
Under the plan, large areas of Arizona and New Mexico would be prohibited from erecting a border wall so that jaguars—which don’t even occupy the area—can roam back and forth between the two countries.
Time to awaken Middlesex legislators. This is NOT a sanctuary State/County.
ICE arrests Mexican, Honduran nationals after New Jersey County declines detainers
U.S. Missile Defense Test Over Pacific Ocean a Key Milestone
Why It’s So Hard to Shoot Down a Nuclear Warhead
London Bridge – Islamic Jihadist attack by Muslims
Terrifying moment three Jihadis were shot dead after killing seven and hurting 48: Gang yell ‘This is for Allah’ after mowing down crowd on London Bridge then going on stabbing frenzy
A Lot More Than London Bridge is Falling Down
Mark Steyn on Britain June 3, 2017
12 min 32 sec
The Truth About ‘Refugees’ to EuropePalermo, Sicily is now a middle eastern town in Europe.
MorePolitically Incorrect Hollywood: Some Films to see
June 2, 2017
“March Against Sharia” on Saturday June 10th
Foley Square
111 Worth Street, New York, NY 10013
10 a.m. – 2 p.m.
NY Oath Keepers are providing security and a presence at a free speech event in NYC at Foley Square. We are called to this event to show our support of free speech and stop the Anti-Fa movement from gaining any prominence. Since NYPD will be on the scene, we do not expect there will be any physical contact with them. We can not guarantee that and you are advised to stand ready to defend yourself.
Our presence has already stood them down on many other occasions. See the message from Stewart Rhodes.
March Against Sharia — March for Human Rights
Sponsored by Act for America – Brigitte Gabriel.
Check for 25 rallies across the country.
Restore the USA
Restore the USA is a platform that is set up geographically in order to unite concerned
citizens at the local level to work together to continue Restore our Republic at all levels – Town and City,
County, State and Federal.
Remember Trumps term is either 4 years or 8 if re-elected. He won’t be around forever.
Vet owned answer to Starbucks.
Black Rifle Coffee Company
Exclusive Clip: American Blackout: “There’s Someone At The Fence… They Want Food”
The Survivor good site
Twitter – http://twitter.com/ronbassUPA
Facebook – www.facebook.com/UPA.RonBass
E-mail – ronbass2010@comcast.net
UPA Report 5.28.17 Trump State Dep’t increases refugee intake per NY Times, Fake news? Montana: Gregg Gianforte wins election.
May 28, 2017 by admin
Filed under Europe / Islam, Prepping, Refugee Resettlement program, UPA Report
United Patriots of America
Founded December 2001 in response to 911
UPA Report
Sunday May 28, 2017
Remember Those
Who Served This Day
God Bless the USA – Lee Greenwood (A Capella)
Please note: This NY Times story has not been verified and could be fake news.
Stunning news: Trump State Department opens the flood gates, refugee admissions will explode in coming weeks – Refugee Resettlement Watch
Betraying the voters who elected Donald Trump, the Department of State slipped the news to the
contractors on Thursday who then slipped the news to the New York Times just as
you were packing up for the beach or getting ready for a family barbecue using
the federal government’s favorite holiday weekend trick to bury the news.
Secretary of State Rex Tillerson will not be hosting
an event for the Islamic holiday of Ramadan, breaking with a “bipartisan tradition” for the past 20 years.
Punch back twice as hard
May 26th, 2017
Republican Greg Gianforte won Thursday’s special election for the U.S. House in Montana, defeating
Democratic challenger Rob Quist despite being charged with misdemeanor assault the day before.
The election results — with Gianforte winning over 50% of the vote and leading by a seven-point margin — were a major blow to Democrats’ anti-Trump efforts, and to the media’s expectations, after Gianforte had allegedly “body-slammed” a reporter before his final campaign event on Wednesday.
Montanans are “sending a wake-up call to the Washington D.C. establishment,” Gianforte told a jubilant crowd outside his campaign headquarters, after multiple outlets called the race.
Trump fulfills ambitious agenda on first trip abroad, eclipsing Obama’s record during first year
On his nine-day trip, Mr. Trump has hit most, if not all, of the notes he wanted to on a broad range of issues: defeating the Islamic State, isolating Iran, linking symbolically three of the world’s great
religions against terrorism, challenging the Muslim world to shut off the financing of extremism, promoting Middle East peace talks and confronting Western allies to get serious about their own security.
HERE’S THE COMPLETE AND UPDATED LIST: Deep State ‘Leaks’ to Far Left MSM Outlets
With Analysis
Jim Hoft May 26th, 2017
Manchester, England.
Suicide bombing at concert on 5.22.17
Europe Fights Back with Candles and Teddy Bears
by Giulio Meotti, May 28, 2017 at 5:30 am
Radical Islam is the greatest threat to Europe since Nazism and Soviet Communism.
But we still have not been inclined to question any of the political or ideological pillars that have led to the current disaster, such as multiculturalism and mass immigration.
How to fight the Islamic jihad.
The Manchester Massacre: More Fuel for Nationalism
By J. Robert Smith, May 27, 2017
Candlelight vigils, marches for peace, hugs, “getting on with it,” and the like substitute for recognizing
war for war, albeit an unconventional one.
Pacifism and therapy are the remedies for jihad. Weren’t those approaches tried just before Churchill? Wars require securing the homeland.
In this war, that’s aggressively expelling suspected jihadists, supporters, and sympathizers. Deporting radical Muslim clerics. Shuttering mosques that are hotbeds for militants. Ending the import of Muslims.
And taking the fight to the enemy. That’s not just fighting conventionally militarily, but asymmetrically, to destroy the ideo-religious underpinnings that animate jihad.
Mark Steyn says lock up those on terror watch lists. It is cheaper to do that then monitor them and if
locked up they are not able to kill us.
video 8 min 35 sec
Monitoring and Madness
May 25, 2017
On Wednesday night Mark joined Tucker Carlson and Nigel Farage on Fox News to discuss the aftermath of the Manchester attack, what to do about Britain’s thousands of Soldiers of Allah, and the ever more ludicrous lies of officialdom.
Terrorism: Libya’s civil war comes home to Manchester
Terror attack puts focus on failed state whose troubles have been overshadowed by Syria
List of Islamist terrorist attacks
US Department of Education
The Real Betsy DeVos
By Larry
Alton. May 27, 2017
The second thing you can expect from DeVos is the abolishment of Common Core
and decentralization of education. She’s in support of giving the decision-making back to individual states and removing Washington from the equation as much as possible. In other words, her goal is to essentially eliminate some of her own authority.
Federal Judge Dismisses Lawsuit Against Hillary Clinton Regarding Benghazi Massacre
May 27th, 2017
Farmer on trial for plowing his own land
means United Services Automobile Association and its insurance, banking, investment and other companies.
USAA Now to Stop Running Ads on Maddow’s Show After Facing HUGE Backlash For Pulling Ads From Hannity
Cristina Laila May 27th, 2017
After the Confederates, Who’s Next?
Pat Buchanan, American
Renaissance, May 26, 2017
Don’t think this will end in New Orleans.
Alabama governor signs law protecting Confederate monuments from removal
Muslim Attacks Street Preacher
Killing C.I.A. Informants, China Crippled U.S. Spying Operations
Federal Prosecutor Investigating Fraud Found Dead in Debbie Wasserman Schultz’s District
Carter May 26th, 2017 5:37 pm 596 Comments
A federal prosecutor’s body was discovered on a Hollywood, Florida beach with potential head
“Drip-Drip” Genocide: Muslim Persecution of Christians, February, 2017
by Raymond Ibrahim. May 28, 2017
“They are burning us alive! They seek to exterminate Christians altogether! Where’s the military?”
— Christian man fleeing Al-Arish, Egypt;
France: Macron, President of the Elites and Islamists
by Guy Millière, May 26, 2017
at 5:00 am
3rd US Naval Strike Force Deployed to Deter North Korea
Restore the USA
Restore the USA is a platform that is set up geographically in order to unite concerned
citizens at the local level to work together to continue Restore our Republic at all levels – Town and City, County, State and Federal.
Remember Trumps term is either 4 years or 8 if re-elected. He won’t be around forever.
Vet owned answer to Starbucks.
Black Rifle Coffee Company
Exclusive Clip: American Blackout: “There’s Someone At The Fence… They Want Food”
The Survivor good site
Twitter – http://twitter.com/ronbassUPA
Facebook – www.facebook.com/UPA.RonBass
E-mail – ronbass2010@comcast.net
UPA Report 5.7.17 A Domestic enemy is our own US State Department and their Refugee program. Healthcare bill to Senate and French to the polls.
May 7, 2017 by admin
Filed under Europe / Islam, Immigration, Islam in America, Prepping, Refugee Resettlement program, UPA Report
United Patriots of America
Founded December 2001 in response to 911
UPA Report
Sunday May 07, 2017
France election: Voting begins in major election that could shakeup Europe
Obamacare repealed in House Bill. Tax savings in the house bill.
‘How Dare You!’: Meghan McCain and Juan Williams Go At It Over Health Care
Rep. Jim Jordan: Pre-Existing Conditions Covered In GOP
Healthcare Bill | MTP Daily | MSNBC
1 min 32 sec
GOP Rep. Brian Mast Rips Democrats On Health Care Bill ‘Lies’
Domestic Enemy – Our own Department of State, along with Congress and the POTUS
Demographics define who a country was, who that country is
now and what that country will be in the future.
Our own DOS has been systematically overthrowing our country by changing the demographics through massive immigration into our
country through the Refugee Resettlement Program which began in 1980. Since the government controls the DOS it is our own government that is “overthrowing” its people by changing our demographics.
This is happening in Europe and all other Western countries.
We are told the success of our nation was through immigrants. In the past that may have been true when White Europeans were
immigrating into an America with a 90% population of White Europeans. Since the immigration act of 1965 changed the quotas, we have spent the last 52 years changing our demographics. We are now a divided third world nation and becoming more so every day as our own Department of State continues to bring in non White Europeans. The situation lately has gotten even worse now since a majority of those refugees belong to Islam, whose goal is not to assimilate but to dominate and replace our Constitution with Sharia.
See for yourself.
United States Department of State (DOS)
Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration
Take action #1
Pres. Trump said he would stop this. He has not done so yet. How long do we have to wait?
Call the POTUS and your Congressmen. Tell them the midterm elections are down the road so do not
take us for granted,
Take action #2
Go local.
Go to your Republican organization in your town and request they start an additional program to have
all committee men and women and general members attend all local town council meetings to monitor and influence town affairs.
See the following video from San Diego as an example of how important it can be for patriots to get local.
Repeat from last week.
Local American Resistance to the Islamization of America
Must see this 17 min 8 sec
Citizens Speak Out Against Sharia in San Diego Schools
Ted Cruz CRUSHES James Comey’s Defense of Huma Abedin
Why We Fight (Political) Islam
Why fight Islam? The short answer is because Islam fights us and since it knows no borders and it knows no mercy, it will keep fighting us until we are defeated or we – hopefully – stop them forever…
New Jersey: Law Center Seeks to Pierce Veil of Secrecy Surrounding Approval of Mosque
MAY 4, 2017
FBI Records Show Boxer Muhammad Ali’s Racist Mosque Tirades
MAY 5, 2017
Iran and Canada: An Awkward Embrace?
Iran‘s Forward Operating Base against the U.S.
by Thomas Quiggin, May 4, 2017
The nation’s first female Muslim state legislator.
First Somali Muslim state legislator in U.S. votes against bill to deny insurance to terrorists who kill Americans
APRIL 24, 2017
48 min 56 sec
Robert Spencer on Islam and free speech at Gettysburg College
Antifa Chick Goes to Turkey with Muslim Loverboy, Gets Raped and Beaten
Cristina Laila May 3rd, 2017
Ongoing Refugee Resettlement Program
If your city has low income housing (or a greedy meatpacker nearby!) you could get refugees
Leftie socialism/communism has destroyed Venezuela
Venezuela Is Starving
Once Latin America’s richest country, Venezuela can no longer feed its people, hobbled by the nationalization of farms as well as price and currency controls
In Venezuela’s Chaos, Elites Play a High-Stakes Game for Survival
ISLAM – Europe
32 min 42 sec
Tommy Robinson: What To Do About Islam
Hungary slammed for tough new anti-migrant measures
1 min 32 sec
Europe‘s Childless Leaders Sleepwalking Us to Disaster
by Giulio Meotti May 6, 2017
FBI: Media, Black Lives Matter Behind Spike in Anti-Cop Violence
Edmund Kozak, LifeZette, May 4, 2017
The document revealed that many assailants see violence against police as a sort of justified revenge.
Biased, politically motivated reporting by the mainstream media — which sought to bolster the progressive narrative of a systemically racist America and garner sympathy for the Obama administration’s war on police — is also responsible for the current anti-police milieu, according to the report.
What the Left Gets Right
How Berkeley Birthed the Right
Pat Buchanan, American Renaissance, May 5, 2017
The left looks to be starting a fight it can’t finish.
More seriously, the radicalism, intolerance, arrogance and fanaticism of the far left in the ’60s and ’70s helped to revive the Republican Party and bring it victories in five of the next six presidential elections.
Was Trump Right on the Civil War and Andrew Jackson?
The 10 Best Things About Trump’s First 100 Days in Office
Tebow huge draw in the minors, fans packing small stadiums
Restore the USA
Restore the USA is a platform that is set up geographically in order to unite concerned citizens at the local level to work together to continue Restore our Republic at all levels – Town and City, County, State and Federal.
Remember Trumps term is either 4 years or 8 if re-elected. He won’t be around forever.
Vet owned answer to Starbucks.
Black Rifle Coffee Company
Exclusive Clip: American Blackout: “There’s Someone At The Fence… They Want Food”
The Survivor good site
Twitter – http://twitter.com/ronbassUPA
Facebook – www.facebook.com/UPA.RonBass
E-mail – ronbass2010@comcast.net
UPA Report 4.30.17 Trump evaluates his first 100 days. Trump ends Obama’s African Ebola Amnesty.
April 30, 2017 by admin
Filed under Europe / Islam, Islam in America, Prepping, Refugee Resettlement program, UPA Report
United Patriots of America
Founded December 2001 in response to 911
UPA Report
Sunday April 30, 2017
Listen to Pres. Trump evaluate his first 100 days.
President Trump Full MAGA Rally Speech in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania
Ann Corcoran
For the umpteenth time, Trump did not have to include the US Refugee Assistance Program in an
Executive Order that was stopped by the judges.
It is a separate issue from the ‘travel ban.’
The Trump team has the legal power to stop the flow of refugees altogether IF THEY WANTED TO! (Now they have this handy excuse which Nancy has bought, hook, line and sinker—it is all about the judges!)
Trump Ends Obama’s African Ebola Amnesty, Judicial Watch
Illegals from Liberia, Guinea, and Sierra Leone can now be sent home.
6 min 49 sec
Judge Napolitano explains….
Sanctuary Cities, Fed Money, and 9th Circuit Judge Block!
Ivanka Trump reportedly differs with President Trump on Syrian refugees
Trump signs stopgap spending bill to avert shutdown
President Trump signed a one-week stopgap spending bill Friday night to avert a governement shutdown that Congress passed earlier in the day, giving lawmakers more time to negotiate a broader budget deal – as lawmakers also pushed off talks on a new health care package.
Exposing the hidden structures behind an Antifa riot
Exposing the hidden structures behind an Antifa riot
2017 National Rifle Association Annual Meeting
NRA CEO Wayne LaPierre… Bashes Media…. During Speech at 2017 Convention in Atlanta
13 min 19 sec
Ted Cruz Full Speech NRA Atlanta Event 2017!
11 min 42 sec
Allen West Full Speech NRA Atlanta Event 2017!
13mi 6 sec
Sheriff David Clarke! Full Speech NRA Atlanta Event 2017!
Local American Resistance to the Islamization of America
Must see this 17 min 8 sec
Citizens Speak Out Against Sharia in San Diego Schools
Law Enforcement in America – At last.
ICE arrests 76 criminals across the state of Florida and PR
95 arrested in Southeast Texas during 5-day ICE operation targeting criminal aliens, illegal re-entrants and immigration fugitives
Fugitive Operations“We remove criminals from our communities.”
ICE Most Wanted
25 APR , 2017
This is how you deal with rioters!
The Islamization of America
Sharia, Arkansas Style, Frontpage Magazine
Saudi money funds “Islamic studies centers” across the country.
LA Public School Teaching Kids “Allah is the One True God”
This should remove any doubt that the Muslim Brotherhood is well entrenched in the Whitehouse
Topic – Matthew Dooley
Islamic Sexuality A Survey Of Evil
Freedom from religion
Europe: What Happens to Christians There Will Come Here
April 30, 2017
Today in History: Muslim conquest of Spain begins (711)
New Orleans Destroys Confederate Monuments—But Partners with Murderous Racist Regime
Judge: Mostly white Southern city may secede from school district despite racial motive
Ret. Air Force Captain and Whistleblower: Pentagon Covered Up Real Story on ‘Extortion 17’ Navy SEAL Helicopter Crash
Cristina Laila
Apr 24th, 2017 9:04 pm 165 Comments
Did Trump get a Muslim Brotherhood operative freed from an Egyptian prison?
By Robert Spencer on Apr 22, 2017 06:09 pm
Retired HEAD OF FBI Tells ALL “Illuminati, Satanism, Pedophile Rings”
Restore the USA
Restore the USA is a platform that is set up geographically in order to unite concerned
citizens at the local level to work together to continue Restore our Republic at all levels – Town and City,
County, State and Federal.
Remember Trumps term is either 4 years or 8 if re-elected. He won’t be around forever.
Vet owned answer to Starbucks.
Black Rifle Coffee Company
Exclusive Clip: American Blackout: “There’s
Someone At The Fence… They Want Food”
The Survivor good site
Twitter – http://twitter.com/ronbassUPA
Facebook – www.facebook.com/UPA.RonBass
E-mail – ronbass2010@comcast.net
UPA Report 4.23.17 FBI whistleblower: Video on Islam being compromised in Trump Whitehouse.
April 23, 2017 by admin
Filed under Europe / Islam, Islam in America, Prepping, UPA Report
United Patriots of America
Founded December 2001 in response to 911
UPA Report
Sunday April 16, 2017
We are currently doing little or nothing to stop the Islamization of America.
We are only focused on terrorism.
This war has to be fought at the local and State level.
FBI Whistle-Blower : Trump White House Has Been COMPROMISED
(4/2017), Paul Plourde1 day
Why has the Muslim Brotherhood not been designated a s a “domestic terrorist organization”?
Jared Kushner, the Presidents son-in law met with the Muslim Brotherhood to see how to work with peaceful Muslims. This is the same strategy that Bush took after 911 and the stealth Jihad keeps growing.
This man is highly correct! Americans really don’t understand the threats we truly face! We
need to start taking back our country! I fully understand about Wahhabism and Islam and we need them out!! These Politicians have not heaved warnings from our Previous Presidents in History!!
Sharia in the State of Delaware
No, this is not Europe or the Middle East.
This is the Delaware State Legislature, opening session with a Muslim prayer.
Jihad in South Dakota – Muslims Threaten, Officials Do Nothing
These incidents are occurring all over the United States with similar results. This comes from a lack of training of police officers, prosecutors, and judges at the state and local level.
Saudi Cultural Event at the University of Delaware
Pres. Trump
Trump visits Walter Reed hospital to award Purple Heart
Shakeup At Fox News – Bill O’Reilly Out, Broadcast Line-up Changes W/ Tucker Carlson Move to 8:00pm…
Abolishing America (cont.): Charlottesville Council Votes To Remove Lee Statue—
GOP (!!) Gubernatorial Candidate Opposes!
When Councilman Bellamy was interviewed last week by CBS This Morning about his motivations for moving the statue he said: “Symbolism
matters…it’s a symbol, in my opinion, of white supremacy. It’s a symbol that we can’t have in the middle of the city.” [Removing Confederate statues, April 20, 2017]
Bellamy has a history of anti-white racism
How Liberals Are Poisoning The Minds Of Young Americans
Our kids are no longer taught about patriotism, morality, honor or self-reliance. They’re not taught economics. They’re not
taught about the Constitution. The boys aren’t taught to be men and the girls aren’t taught to be women. In fact, if you find kids who know anything about
these subjects, it is almost certainly because their parents bent over backwards to jam that knowledge into their heads.
Fox News Parting with Bill O’Reilly
Remembrance Project Members Give Their Take on Jeff Sessions-John Kelly Address
Yet GOP leaders will still withhold the funds for a wall along the U.S./Mexican border.
Your Choice: a Green America or a Brown America
Ann Coulter, American Renaissance,
April 19, 2017
Most “environmentalists” choose brown.
Why the H-1B Visa Racket Should Be Abolished, Not Reformed
Ilana Mercer, American Renaissance, April 21, 2017
Almost 5,000 Somalis to Be Deported
By Pamela Geller Report Staff – on April 19, 2017
Marine Le Pen gets poll boost after Paris attack as Donald Trump says her chances
of victory have improved
France: A Guide to the Presidential Elections
April 22, 2017
Islam in the Heart of England and France
A Month of Islam and Multiculturalism in France and Belgium: March 2017
Who Lost Turkey? (Revisited)
Atatürk’s modern secular Turkey has simply been outbred by fiercely Islamic Turkey. That’s a lesson in demography from an all-Muslim sample: no pasty white blokes were involved.
“Turkish Democracy Has Just Died”.
The fundamental problem is not Turkish democracy, but Turkish demography. Whether or not
demography is always destiny, it certainly is in a democratic age.
You can have a functioning democracy in a relatively homogeneous society in which parties
compete over tax policy and health care.
But, when a nation is divided into two groups with fundamentally opposing views of what that society
is or should be, then democracy becomes tribal, and the size of the tribe determines the outcome.
Demography Vs. Peak Reason—In Turkey And The West
But the peasants had an advantage over the urban Turks: their birth-rate. Turkish nationalism simply
out-bred globalism. Turkish Islamism out-bred secularism. It took 94 years. But in the long run, yes, demography is destiny.
Trump OKs DACA Amnesty: ‘This Is a Case of Heart’
Argentina: A Mirror of Your Future
President Trump Signs “S.544” Veteran’s Choice in Healthcare Act…
So this is called the Choice Program Improvement Act This bill will extend and improve the Veterans Choice Program so that more veterans can see the doctor of their choice and don’t have to wait and travel long distances for VA care.
South America
Death toll jumps to 20 in Venezuela protests
NYC, San Francisco and Los Angeles
“Total Chaos” – Cyber Attack Feared As Multiple Cities Hit With Simultaneous Power Grid Failures
A series of subsequent power outages in Los Angeles, San Francisco, and New York City left commuters stranded and traffic backed up on Friday morning. Although the outages occurred around the same time, there is as of yet no evidence that they were connected by anything more than coincidence.
‘Suspicious’ wildfires force evacuations in Polk Co.
American Blackout 2013 NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC
Restore the USA
Restore the USA is a platform that is set up geographically in order to unite concerned citizens at the local level to work together to continue Restore our Republic at all levels – Town and City, County, State and Federal.
Remember Trumps term is either 4 years or 8 if re-elected. He won’t be around forever.
Vet owned answer to Starbucks.
Black Rifle Coffee Company
Exclusive Clip: American Blackout: “There’s Someone At The Fence… They Want Food”
The Survivor good site
Twitter – http://twitter.com/ronbassUPA
Facebook – www.facebook.com/UPA.RonBass
E-mail – ronbass2010@comcast.net
UPA Report 4.16.17 Murderer of Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry Arrested. Candidate Trump said he would bomb the shit out of ISIS, and he did.
April 14, 2017 by admin
Filed under Border Control, Border Security, Immigration, Prepping, UPA Report
United Patriots of America
Founded December 2001 in response to 911
UPA Report
Sunday April 16, 2017
Campaign promise kept.
Candidate Trump said he would bomb the shit out of ISIS.
Murderer of Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry Arrested
The cartel member suspected of shooting and killing Border Patrol agent Brian Terry in 2010 with
a gun supplied by the U.S. government was arrested in Mexico Wednesday, senior law enforcement, Border Patrol, and congressional sources told Fox News.
Trump sends message in terror fight with big bomb drop
North Korea
China ‘mobilises 25,000 extra troops to North Korea’ & puts country on ‘NATIONWIDE ALERT’
Intelligence and Military Sources Who Warned About WMD Lies Before Iraq War Now Say that Assad Did NOT Use Chemical Weapons
Syrian president calls poison gas attack ‘fabrication’ to justify U.S. strike, according to report
APRIL 13, 2017, 10:57 A.M.
United States of America
U.S. Should Designate Muslim Brotherhood a Terrorist Organization; Egyptian Government ‘Not
Strong Enough’ to Combat Its Ideology
Apr 4, 2017 by Cynthia Farahat, Egyptian born.
13 reasons to declare Muslim Brotherhood a terrorist organization
President Trump has decided not to designate the Muslim Brotherhood as a foreign terrorist
organization, at least for now, according to published reports citing pressure from the U.S. State
Department and the King of Jordan. Anonymous sources told the Washington Times that the administration “backed down from a plan to designate the Brotherhood” after an […]
Another Campaign promise kept
by selecting Sen. Jeff Sessions as Attorney General
Sessions Announces Illegal Aliens Who Illegally Re-Enter The U.S. Will Be Charged With a Felony
153 Arrested in South Texas During 12-Day ICE Operation Targeting Criminal Aliens, Illegal Re-Entrants and Immigration Fugitives
ICE, April 3, 2017
ICE arrests 82 individuals during 5-day operation focused in VA, DC68 were convicted criminal aliens
Border Crossings Over Rio Grande Dry Up as Trump’s Wall Looms, RT 78 Comments
“Are you going to risk a 1,000-mile journey and pay $8,000 to be smuggled if you’re not sure you’ll get to stay?”
America’s new Cookie Monster.
How Secretive Manhattan Heiress Rebekah Mercer Became One of the Most Powerful Women in Politics
A decade ago, Mercer was running a Hell’s Kitchen cookie bakery. Now she’s advising the president.
The Mercers, Mysterious Manhattan Billionaires, Are Revealed to be theOwners of Breitbart News
Stealth caucus gains ground in Trump White House
BY JONATHAN EASLEY – 04/14/17 06:01 AM EDT
Conservatives are panicked that Cohn, Powell, Kushner and Ivanka Trump — derided by their GOP critics as “the Democrats” or “the globalists” in the White House — are gaining power amid growing speculation that Bannon’s job, and subsequently those of his allies, like Priebus, are in jeopardy.
Gary Cohn Democrat from Goldman Sachs
Within Trump’s inner circle, a moderate voice captures the president’s ear
History of the National Economic Council (United States)
2nd Amendment
Supreme Court May Take Case That Would Restore Concealed Carry in NJ
Michigan capital rescinds calling itself ‘sanctuary city’
Geert Wilders and the Suicide of Europe
by Guy Millière, April 11, 2017 at 5:00 am
Oh Lord, have mercy… The first video of the explosion of the Church of Tanta .. The video is difficult ..
Anyone whose heart is weak do not watch it
African Migrants sentenced for Brutal Rape of Swedish Teen, Leave Male Friend with Brain Damage
Two migrants have been given sentences of three and two-and-a-half years for beating a young Swede almost to death before violently raping his female friend. The government will try to deport only one of them, temporarily.
Fearing for future, some Turks seek new lives abroad
ISTANBUL (Reuters) – Lawyer Savas Ersoy and his wife turned down many chances to leave Turkey and work abroad. But after a failed coup, a wave of bombs and the referendum on expanding presidential powers on Sunday, they are packing their bags.
Limbaugh: Obama ‘Weaponized’ America’s Spies Against Trump’s Team“It’s becoming increasingly clear…”
By Jack Davis on April 3, 2017 at 4:43pm
3min 35 sec
WORLDS LARGEST Non Nuclear Bomb GBU-43 B Massive Ordnance Air Blast
A Tale of Violence in Two Cities: Augusta and Biloxi
By Colin Flaherty, April 14, 2017
More than 65,000 black people gathered in Biloxi for the annual ball of confusion called Black Spring Break. Cops and residents are calling it the worst Black Spring Break ever.
Restore the USA
Restore the USA is a platform that is set up geographically in order to unite concerned
citizens at the local level to work together to continue Restore our Republic at all levels – Town and City,
County, State and Federal.
Remember Trumps term is either 4 years or 8 if re-elected. He won’t be around forever.
Vet owned answer to Starbucks.
Black Rifle Coffee Company
The Survivor good site
Twitter – http://twitter.com/ronbassUPA
Facebook – www.facebook.com/UPA.RonBass
E-mail – ronbass2010@comcast.net
UPA Report 4.9.17 Trump sends global message with missile strike. Tancredo: Gorsuch nomination to SCOTUS a great victory .
April 9, 2017 by admin
Filed under Europe / Islam, Islam in America, Prepping, UPA Report
United Patriots of America
Founded December 2001 in response to 911
UPA Report
Sunday April 09, 2017
Neil Gorsuch Confirmed by Senate as Supreme Court Justice
Tancredo: Thanks Mr. President and Mitch McConnell, the GOP Is My Political Home Again
Donald Trump kept his word, Mitch McConnell played hardball, and together they triumphed over Chuck Schumer and the liberal establishment. April 7 should be marked on every patriot’s calendar as a turning point in history.
With Strike on Syria, Trump
Sends a Global Message
The Syrian Gas Attack Persuasion – Suicide by Trump
Syrian President Assad – who has been fighting for his life for several years, and is only lately feeling safer – suddenly decided to commit suicide-by-Trump. Because the best way to make that happen is to commit a war crime
April 6th, 2017 @ 9:07am
According to the mainstream media – that has been wrong about almost everything for a solid 18 months in a row – the Syrian government
allegedly bombed its own people with a nerve agent.
The reason the Assad government would bomb its own people with a nerve agent right now is obvious. Syrian President Assad – who has been fighting for his life for several years, and is only lately feeling safer – suddenly decided to commit suicide-by-Trump. Because the best way to make that happen is to commit a war crime against your own people in exactly the way that would force President Trump to respond or else suffer humiliation at the hands of the mainstream media.
President and Commander – In – Chief Mr. Donald Trump.
Now it is time to direct your attention to our homeland and designate the Muslim Brotherhood as a terrorist organization.
Why did the White house not designate them as a terrorist organization?
While the administration has denounced the Muslim Brotherhood, its plans to issue an
executive order designating it a terrorist organization appear to have fallen at least temporarily by the wayside as a number of Middle East experts and U.S. allies in the region have warned against such a step….
We elected you Sir, not your Middle East experts, to defend our homeland.
United Patriots of America
Federal judges finally approve settlement agreement to a Muslim lawsuit that tried to stop NYPD from surveilling mosques.
More than 22,000 emails to each judge and Mayor DeBlasio made a difference.
All Politics is local – Patriot Boots on the Ground in California.
Robin Rvidston, long time Local Caifornia activist at “We The People Rising” monitors local politics at City Council
Victorville councilwoman’s nominee arrested during Tuesday night’s meeting
Council Member Blanca Gomez
Council Member Blanca Gomez
Oath Keepers Call to Action: Stand and Defend Free Speech at Berkeley Patriots Rally, April 15, 2017
The Trump Administration
Gatestone article. Very long but worth reading. List all the bad folks
from previous administrations still at State Dep’t, DOD and NSC.
White House Officials Divided on Islam, ISIS, Israel and Iran
by Soeren Kern, April 5, 2017 at 5:00 am
Bad apples in the Trump Administration
Mattis withdraws Obama stooge and terror supporter Anne Patterson as choice for undersecretary of policy
Obama’s DOJ Protected Alien Child Rapist Now Accused of Murder
President Barack Obama appointed Richard L. Durbin, Jr., as the U.S. Attorney for the Western District of Texas in December 2014. He remains in that position following the swearing in of
President Donald Trump in January.
Distribution of Mosques in USA 2015
San Diego public schools will create ‘safe spaces’ for Muslims while forcing non-Muslim students
to learn about Islam
By Pamela Geller – on April 7, 2017
For the Islamists, once you submit to their religion, your freedom of speech and of the press belong to Allah.
If (Islamics) they are such violent and oppressive people, you might wonder how they are ever able to gain power. They do this through manipulation, charm and countless false promises.
Why Trump is bombing Syria, explained in 2 sentences
Updated by Zack Beauchamp@zackbeauchampzack@vox.com
Apr 6, 2017,
11:31pm EDT
The war in Syria, explained
How Syria’s civil war became America’s problem.
Syria Bombing: How Do Tomahawk Missiles Work?
By Tia Ghose, Senior Writer April 7, 2017 04:23pm ET
EUROPE / Egypt
Palm Sunday in Egypt: Muslims bomb church packed with worshipers, killing at least 21
By Pamela Geller – on April 9, 2017
Subway removes ham and bacon from nearly 200 stores and offers halal meat only after ‘strong demand’ from Muslims
185 branches across UK and Ireland now sell halal-only meat
Breaking: Terror in Sweden, Many Injured at Least 3 Dead
France’s Le Pen Warns Against Repeating Iraq Scenario in Syria
“For me, the bad guys are the IS. Does [Syrian President] Bashar Assad
send Syrian soldiers to kill children in our streets? It is the IS that sends
its soldiers to kill our children,” Le Pen told the BFM TV, asked whether France
would be in the camp of Assad with her in charge.
U.S. withdraws funding for U.N. Population Fund
It comes after Trump in January reinstated the so-called Mexico City
Policy that withholds U.S. funding for international organizations that perform abortions or provide
information about abortion.
U.S. Trade Gap Shrinks as Exports Rise
U.S. factories benefiting from global economic stability
WASHINGTON—The U.S. trade deficit shrank sharply in February as overseas customers snapped up American products and services, the latest sign U.S. factories are benefiting from global economic stability.
Border wall contractors brace for hostile site
With bids due Tuesday on the first design contracts, interested companies are preparing for the worst if they get the potentially lucrative job.
The Border Patrol and local police would establish a buffer zone around the construction site if necessary, the U.S.
official said. The San Diego police and sheriff’s departments said Monday they will respect constitutional rights to free speech and assembly for any peaceful, law-abiding protesters.
Restore the USA
Restore the USA is a platform that is set up geographically in order to unite concerned
citizens at the local level to work together to continue Restore our Republic at all levels – Town and City,
County, State and Federal.
Remember Trumps term is either 4 years or 8 if re-elected. He won’t be around forever.
Vet owned answer to Starbucks.
Black Rifle Coffee Company
The Survivor good site
Twitter – http://twitter.com/ronbassUPA
Facebook – www.facebook.com/UPA.RonBass
E-mail – ronbass2010@comcast.net