UPA Report 10.04.15 Christianity is being eased out of children’s education and replaced with Islamic “indoctrination.”
October 4, 2015 by admin
Filed under Europe / Islam, Islam in America, Prepping, Refugee Resettlement program, UPA Report
Comments Off on UPA Report 10.04.15 Christianity is being eased out of children’s education and replaced with Islamic “indoctrination.”
United Patriots of America
Founded December 2001 in response to 911
UPA Report
Sunday October 04, 2015
“Restore the Republic – I’m In”
We the people have lost control of our country.
“Sign up at- http://restoretheusa.ning.com/
Islam Invading the USA
This is not Iran, Iraq or Saudi Arabia. THIS IS BROOKLYN, NEW YORK! We are being invaded by a foreign culture attached to foreign laws, Sharia. The reason we created our Government was to protect US from this kind of invasion. When will we stand up against this invasion, when Islamist number 30 million? Why are we being so tolerant toward a ideology that wants to kill us? Islam will be no different in the USA.
Islam is being taught in our schools
Tennessee School Districts REFUSE to Comply with Open Records Requests and Reveal Contents of Lessons About Islam
Christians are up in arms against what they perceive to be a radical and sudden transformation of the American public school system where Christianity is being eased out of children’s education and replaced with Islamic “indoctrination.”
See photo shopped photos
Oregon shooter is a mixed race black racist with Jihad connections.
CNN photo shopped his picture to make him look white.
Summary: The immediate on-line web history of Chris Harper-Mercer showed him to be a mixed-race, angry young man in general alignment with various radical racially aligned groups such as Black Lives Matter, Fuck The Police and Fuck Yo Flag – all of which carry a sentiment of favorability and ideological alignment with Islam which was similarly evident in the Ferguson protest movement.
Calling them refugees means they are fleeing from something but the good heart is not enough; And we must have the courage to say they are TOO MUCH.
-Dalai Lama
“If they come in, and if I win, they’re going back. They’re going back,” Trump said to applause.
“This could be the ultimate Trojan horse.
Trump: Bringing Syrian refugees to U.S. could result in military coup
He called for the creation of a “safe zone” in Syria where the refugees could settle.
US Mayors ask for more refugees.
Mayors of NYC, LA, Chicago, Baltimore and others who are part of Cities United For Immigration Action Coalition issue letter to Obama Administration
Undermining America: The Refugee Coalition
Note the Date almost 1 year ago
Here’s why Somali Muslim Refugees are moving to Cheyenne, Wyoming, Prepare to be shocked
ByPAMELA GELLER on November 16, 2014
They are going there to get subsidized Section 8 housing vouchers to take to another state.
Terrifying Video Shows Muslim Leader Admitting the True Purpose of the Muslim Refugees
WE SHALL CONQUER THEIR COUNTRIES – whether you like it or not, oh Germans, oh Americans, oh French, oh Italians and all those like you.
Congress – KEVIN MCCARTHY is a Rino just like Boehner
Mark Levin warns House Republicans: do not support Kevin McCarthy for speaker
SHTF ALERT — Russians Say U.S. Not Bombing ISIS At All… Obama Lying to the American People
by Kurt Nimmo,
Argentine President: Obama Administration tried to convince us to give Iran nuclear fuel
By PAMELA GELLER on October 3, 2015
Obama Administration and UN Announce Global Police Force to Fight ‘Extremism’ In U.S.
Unbelievable list – must see
The Complete List (Well, Almost) of Obama’s Scandals, Misdeeds, Crimes and Blunders…
Carson‘s ‘I am a Christian’ instantly goes viral
Candidate asks for help honoring Oregon shooting victims
Poland: 5,000 join anti-refugee march in Katowice
‘Stop Invasion!’ Thousands protest at anti-immigration rally in Italy
Czech Republic: Thousands rally against EU refugee policy
Pat Condell
Try To Get Your Head Around This – Sweden Is Gone, Sweden Is Finished
Islamic Invasion Of Sweden Has Led To Rape Crisis
Mother of two was kidnapped and raped by 11 young Muslim men for 7 hours. She is now in a wheel chair with extreme mental disorders.
French far-right leader to face trial for inciting racial hatred
UK: Muslims assault, harasses, threaten, persecute family, drive them from their home, for converting to Christianity
Refugee Resettlement Watch
Ten things your town needs to know when (if!) “welcoming” refugees for the first time
Posted by Ann Corcoran on March 11, 2015
PBI – Patriot Bureau of Intelligence
Repeat from last week
SHTF Security is a Family Job
Security will no doubt be an issue in a SHTF scenario. People will be panicked and looking for food. Looting will begin. Protecting your supplies and your home should be a job that your family is prepared in handling.
7 Worst Rookie Prepper Mistakes and How to Avoid Them
Repeats every week
Militia units of 50-200 members should be organized at the local level, by going house by house, covering entire neighborhoods, towns, and counties.
This will initially be easier to do in rural areas, where people are already more receptive to the patriotic message. In urban areas, it may work better to start by organizing “neighborhood associations”, and then educating the members gradually until it can be converted into a self-conscious Militia unit. Finding members for your group can be easy or difficult,
PBI…Listed by State with addresses.
Database of Masjids, Mosques and Islamic Centers in the U.S.
Twitter – http://twitter.com/ronbassUPA
Facebook – www.facebook.com/UPA.RonBass
Subscribe to the UPA Report – http://eepurl.com/Mfp3X
http://www.UnitedPatriotsOfAmerica com
E-mail – ronbass2010@comcast.net
UPA Report 9.27.15 We the people are getting stronger with Boehner out.
September 27, 2015 by admin
Filed under Border Control, Europe / Islam, Islam in America, Islamic Jihad & Sharia, PBI, Prepping, Refugee Resettlement program, Survivalists, UPA Report
Comments Off on UPA Report 9.27.15 We the people are getting stronger with Boehner out.
United Patriots of America
Founded December 2001 in response to 911
UPA Report
Sunday September 27, 2015
Getting Stronger Now
Boehner’s Out
“Restore the Republic – I’m In”
We the people have lost control of our country.
That one thing would be your constitutional authority and RESPONSIBILITY to control your elected officials.
Make the time, just like you do for all the other things in your life!
Courtesy of Center for Self Governance
Construction of the RTR site is progressing and we are more than halfway done.
Sign up now.
“Sign up at- http://restoretheusa.ning.com/
Calling them refugees means they are fleeing from something but the good heart is not enough; And we must have the courage to say they are TOO MUCH.
-Dalai Lama
Pope Francis is urging America to throw open her borders to thousands of impoverished migrants, in part to atone for the “sins” of the colonial era.
All around the world, events seem to be lining up with the predictions of the book. The novel features a new pope, born in Latin American, who is “in tune with the times, congenial to the press” who preaches “universal love” and calls on the Western world to open its borders to the world’s migrants. Now, as in the novel, prominent political officials are urging on ever larger waves; secular and religious leaders hold hands to pressure blue collar citizens to drop their resistance; media elites and celebrities zealously cheer the opportunity that the migrants provide to atone for the alleged sins of the West— for the chance to rebalance the wealth and power of the world by allowing poor migrants from failed states to rush in to claim its treasures.
John Boehner’s departure creates uncertainty for President Obama
The resignation of Speaker John A. Boehner is sure to complicate life for President Obama, who was able to work with the Ohio Republican on occasion despite a contentious partisan relationship.
Presidential Candidates Tap Dance Around the need for Effective Enforcement of Immigration Laws
By Michael W. Cutler, September 25, 2015
Immigration has emerged as the critical issue in the Presidential campaign. Most of the candidates have agreed the U.S.-Mexico border must be made secure, although former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush has declared that securing that border and deporting illegal aliens would simply cost too much.
Media thumps Trump, but polls show he’s winning big
The Cantor List
This list is named after illegal alien amnesty supporter Congressman Eric Cantor who was defeated by a landslide in the GOP primaries of 2014! The names below are other amnesty supporters that are being targeted for defeat in 2016!
All Democrats support amnesty and ALIPAC is currently tracking 99 GOP members of the house and 6 Senators that back amnesty that are up for reelection in 2016.
Watch the Invasion at our Southern Border.
The month of August saw a surge of illegals crossing the border. In some regions along the southern border, the number of families crossing into the U.S. has risen 251% compared to last year (according to the government’s own figures)
Dayton, OH mayor: Bring us some Syrian (Muslim) refugees! Congressman says NO way!
Dayton, Ohio mayor is one of the 18 we told you about here yesterday who wrote to Obama asking for a supply of Syrians for their cities. They think more refugees are going to be an economic boon to failing Democrat-run cities. The only boost in the economy I can see is from the federal welfare dollars that would flow from Washington (but Washington doesn’t grow money on trees, it all comes from us). Heck, they can even get more HUD housing to be built by crony developers!
Swedes’ Homes May Be Confiscated to Accommodate Asylum Seekers
by Ingrid Carlqvist • September 25, 2015
One month of Islam and Multiculturalism in Sweden: August 2015
Germany: Migrants In, Germans Out
The Death of Property Rights
September 27, 2015
“The proposed confiscation of private land and buildings is a massive attack on the property rights of the citizens of Hamburg. It amounts to an expropriation by the state [and a] “law of intimidation.” — André Trepoll, Christian Democratic Union.
Germany in a state of SIEGE: Merkel was cheered when she opened the floodgates to migrants.
Now, with gangs of men roaming the streets and young German women being told to cover up, the mood’s changing
Thousands of economic migrants are posing as refugees to reach Europe
David Cameron said this week that Europe must said failed asylum claimants back to their countries
Demands for Germany’s ‘open doors and windows’ policy to be scrapped
Women said rape and child abuse were rife in Giessen’s refugee camp
Crowds of aggressive Muslims at the borders of Europe are not immigrants or refugees, they are AN AVANGUARD OF THE INVASION ARMY.
And they do not come to Europe to integrate- they come to conquer.
Mayor of Bomb-Clock Kid’s Town Reveals Startling TRUTH About Muslim Family
Jersey City, NJ
Muslims Make Disturbing Move Against NJ Schools… School Board SHUTS Them Down
Muslims in Jersey City, New Jersey demanded that public schools be closed on Sep. 24 to celebrate the Islamic holiday of Eid al-Adha. Dozens of Muslims crowded a school board meeting last Thursday — with many reportedly bused in by CAIR to intimidate local officials.
Study finds IRS suppression of Tea Party swung 2012 election
Do political protests matter? Evidence from the Tea Party movement
Media Blackout: American Town Rejects Mega Mosque [Video]
Obama – Man on a Muslim Mission
Posted on September 23, 2015 by Craig Andresen
By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots on
Islam, first of all is not a religion and never was. It is nothing more than a political ideology masquerading as a religion and always has been. Mohammad was no religious prophet…he was a power-hungry, pedophile and misogynist who ruled by fear and intimidation while preaching death to those who would not follow in his barbaric wake.
More Refugees Coming to US
Rohingya Muslims arriving in Malaysia in large numbers, how many are headed to the US?
After Christians were Driven Out of the Military, Diocletian Used Milita…
Sunday, May 3, 2015 14:12
From: charlite58
Excellent reminder of early Christian persecution. After you read this post, consider how Barry Soetoro and his ‘team’ have been importing 100s of 1000s of Muslims into this country, while at the same time castigating our local police forces, purging our military of ‘the best and the brightest,’ leaving weak ‘Yes Men’ as current top brass, forbidding Christian symbols, Bibles or pro-Christian remarks within ‘his’ military…..fêting Islamists preaching Sharia in ‘halls of learning’ throughout our nation………and it isn’t difficult to see how this dastardly alien invader is laying the groundwork for extinguishing Christianity (and Judaism) in America, while the EU is essentially doing exactly the same thing.
We’re living in a madhouse world of incomprehensible perversion – a denial and a reversal of all that is good, right, honest and true. The days of Diocletian REDUX aren’t far away, unless we urge our military all over the country to formulate plans to ‘take the country back’ – by sheer numbers and resolute refusal to sit down, back down or disperse until the current administration is ‘dismissed’ – tried in courts of law…….which is the obvious next step in the mind of anyone who is watching the shredded pieces of our Constitution of the United States of America lying all over the floors in the centers of power.
OBAMA’S BFFs (Best Friends Forever)
State Dept. Official Wants ‘Steep’ Increase in Syrian (Muslim) Refugees Admitted to U.S.
Refugee Resettlement Watch
Ten things your town needs to know when (if!) “welcoming” refugees for the first time
Posted by Ann Corcoran on March 11, 2015
PBI – Patriot Bureau of Intelligence
Repeat from last week
SHTF Security is a Family Job
Security will no doubt be an issue in a SHTF scenario. People will be panicked and looking for food. Looting will begin. Protecting your supplies and your home should be a job that your family is prepared in handling.
7 Worst Rookie Prepper Mistakes and How to Avoid Them
Repeats every week
Militia units of 50-200 members should be organized at the local level, by going house by house, covering entire neighborhoods, towns, and counties.
This will initially be easier to do in rural areas, where people are already more receptive to the patriotic message. In urban areas, it may work better to start by organizing “neighborhood associations”, and then educating the members gradually until it can be converted into a self-conscious Militia unit. Finding members for your group can be easy or difficult,
PBI…Listed by State with addresses.
Database of Masjids, Mosques and Islamic Centers in the U.S.
Twitter – http://twitter.com/ronbassUPA
Facebook – www.facebook.com/UPA.RonBass
Subscribe to the UPA Report – http://eepurl.com/Mfp3X
http://www.UnitedPatriotsOfAmerica com
E-mail – ronbass2010@comcast.net
UPA Report 9.06.15 Special message to readers of the UPA Report.
September 6, 2015 by admin
Filed under Europe / Islam, Fighting the Left, Globalization, Islam in America, Patriot Resistance, Prepping, Refugee Resettlement program, UPA Report
Comments Off on UPA Report 9.06.15 Special message to readers of the UPA Report.
United Patriots of America
Founded December 2001 in response to 911
UPA Report
Sunday September 06, 2015
We are 5 days away from 911
Three years ago on September 11, 2012 the attacks in Benghazi took place.
A Special Message to the readers of the UPA Report.
As Europe falls to massive refugee migration from the Middle East and Africa it becomes all the more important for American Patriots to stop the ongoing Refugee Resettlement Program in the United States.
The way to stop this program is to unite and organize at the local level and take action in the towns and cities that the refugees are being inserted.
That process of organizing at the local level has already started, thanks to the efforts of Ann Corcoran, the founder and operator of the web site Refugee Resettlement Watch and another organization that Anne has partnered with.
As some of you already know, the UPA is in the process of developing a social network called “Restore the Republic – I’m In” for the sole purpose of taking action.
The platform is set up geographically at the local level in order to unite concerned citizens to be able to join together in order to take action. There are some sites that are set up geographically but they are not geared for action like our site will be.
Recruiting and putting together large numbers of people for the specific purpose of taking action is why we are building this site.
It’s not about family and friends; it’s about how to take action to protect your family and friends from the disintegration of our great nation.
Look at what is happening to Europe today. The same process is happening here in Americatoday on a much lesser scale. But it is happening here. If not for the Atlantic and Pacific Ocean those hordes of refugees that have been crossing into Europe for many years would be walking into our country.
The melting pot has been turned off by the people with all the “good ideas”, as they promote multiculturalism and political correctness, so we are not getting assimilation and that is a huge problem.
Therefore, we at the UPA are asking for all our readers to go into action.
In order to accelerate the progress in the development of our RTR social network we are asking that you consider a donation of $5.00- $50.00-$100.00 to $500.00 or more.
If you want to know what’s in it for you, it’s to “Restore the Republic” so your children and grandchildren can look forward to living in the kind of great country that you grew up in.
If we do nothing now, we will be facing a hell hole of a multicultural society dominated by bickering and violence from the different segments of society; like the killings of police officers from the black extremist. Forget not, the Islamic attacks that have taken place recently, directed at the military.
The Jihadists have chosen our military as their targets and the Panthers have chosen our police.
If we think it can’t happen here, we all know it is happening here. So if tomorrow, or Tuesday after labor day, you decided that you wanted to take action and really do something, about the only thing you could do is to go outside and set your self on fire. That’s why are building the social network. Alone we can do little. Together we can do a lot.
Why the request for funding.
Because I don’t want someone saying to me, hey Ron, if you needed money why didn’t you ask us for it.
Donations will be used to complete the construction of the social network and then for marketing and recruitment.
Donations can be sent electronically by Pay Pal, a bank quick pay or any other electronic means to the following email address.
Please mark your donation “RTR”
If any one interested in funding this project would like more information or to see what is being built send an e-mail to ronbass2010@comcast.net.
Christian Broadcasting Network Warns About Population Replacement And The End Of Europe As A Christian-Majority Continent
Whatever you call it, the massive influx of Muslim illegals, most of whom are freeloaders at best, jihadists at worst, will destroy Europe within a few decades.
5min 31sec
Immigration Wave: Will Europe Still Be Europe?
42 Years ago in1973 this book predicted what is happening now in Europe.
The Camp of the Saints (Le Camp des Saints)
is a 1973 French apocalyptic novel by Jean Raspail. The novel depicts a setting where in Third World mass immigration to France and the West leads to the destruction of Western civilization. Almost forty years after publication the book returned to the bestseller list in 2011.[1] The title is a reference to the Book of Revelation (Rev 20:9).
America Alone: The End of the World as We Know It (ISBN 0-89526-078-6) is a nonfiction book by Mark Steyn, published in 2006. It forecasts the downfall of Western civilization owing to internal weaknesses and the increasing Muslim population in Western countries and the world generally.
Steyn attributes the forecast fall of the Western world to three factors:
Demographic decline,
The unsustainability of the advanced Western social-democratic state
The exhaustion of civilization.
Steyn’s final argument is that the Muslim world will not need to carry out an outright attack. Instead, Europe will collapse from “wimpiness” or “multicultural ‘sensitivity,'” leading to betrayal of the state’s core values
Europe Or Die (Full Documentary)
Since 2000, more than 27,000 migrants and refugees have died attempting the perilous journey to Europe. With an unprecedented number of people breaking through its heavily barricaded borders in 2014, the EU continues to fortify its frontiers.
Three years ago on September 11, 2012 the attacks in Benghazi took place.
September 11, 2012
40 Minutes In Benghazi
After the fall of Colonel Qaddafi, in 2011, Libya had become an al-Qaeda-inspired, if not al-Qaeda-led, training base and battleground.
In April 2011, Chris had been dispatched to Benghazi as a special envoy by then secretary of state Hillary Rodham Clinton. On this, his second tour to the country, he would be America’s man on the ground in the Arab Spring conflict to oust Qaddafi.
“Pockets of Resistance” growing and spreading
Posted by Ann Corcoran on July 11, 2015
You’ve heard me often refer to “Pockets of Resistance,” those towns/cities and states where activists are demanding answers to the many questions citizens have about the United Nations/US State Department colonization of their towns by third worlders through the Refugee Resettlement Program.
Ben Shapiro: The Myth of the Tiny Radical Muslim Minority
Trump and Bill O’Reilly
Before he threw his hat into the ring.
28min 14sec
What Pisses Me Off About The European Migrant Crisis
Restore the Republic – I’m In
Update. Our new social network website is under construction and progressing nicely.
Stand by. Coming soon.
More on
The Mission – Restore the Republic.
Status Report
The mission is to Restore the USA .
To restore good constitutional Government at all levels.
We have begun to hire web workers to expedite the completion of the site.
If you would like to make a donation to move this forward send it electronically to Americanbedrockfoundation @durfee.us
Paypal and your banks “quick pay” only need this email to complete your donation.
Consider a $10.00 donation now.
Please mark your donation “RTR”
Thanks. Ron Bass
Restore the Republic – I’m In”
A Project of the United Patriots of America
We are in phase 1. Recruiting and setting up a national communications network.
Sign up now at http://eepurl.com/buJAS1
Note: All operations will conform to all Local, State and Federal laws.
“I’m In” is a project of the UPA (United Patriots of America) to restore our Republic.
Refugee Resettlement Watch
Ten things your town needs to know when (if!) “welcoming” refugees for the first time
Posted by Ann Corcoran on March 11, 2015
PBI – Patriot Bureau of Intelligence
Repeat from last week
SHTF Security is a Family Job
Security will no doubt be an issue in a SHTF scenario. People will be panicked and looking for food. Looting will begin. Protecting your supplies and your home should be a job that your family is prepared in handling.
7 Worst Rookie Prepper Mistakes and How to Avoid Them
Repeats every week
Militia units of 50-200 members should be organized at the local level, by going house by house, covering entire neighborhoods, towns, and counties.
This will initially be easier to do in rural areas, where people are already more receptive to the patriotic message. In urban areas, it may work better to start by organizing “neighborhood associations”, and then educating the members gradually until it can be converted into a self-conscious Militia unit. Finding members for your group can be easy or difficult,
PBI…Listed by State with addresses.
Database of Masjids, Mosques and Islamic Centers in the U.S.
Twitter – http://twitter.com/ronbassUPA
Facebook – www.facebook.com/UPA.RonBass
Subscribe to the UPA Report – http://eepurl.com/Mfp3X
http://www.UnitedPatriotsOfAmerica com
E-mail – ronbass2010@comcast.net
UPA Report 8.30.15 for the United Patriots of Ameirca
August 30, 2015 by admin
Filed under Border Control, Europe / Islam, Immigration, Patriot Resistance, PBI, Prepping, Refugee Resettlement program, UPA Report
Comments Off on UPA Report 8.30.15 for the United Patriots of Ameirca
United Patriots of America
Founded December 2001 in response to 911
UPA Report
Sunday August 30, 2015
You need to fear this woman and the people that she works with.
Jessica Lilley
Jessica Lilley, USCRI (U.S. Committee for Refugees and Immigrants) field representative, obviously traveled to Twin Falls from USCRI’s Arlington, Virginia headquarters to help organize against the growing ‘pocket of resistance’ that has developed in Twin Falls
See complete details below where her picture is reposted.
Restore the Republic – I’m In
Update. Our new social network website is under construction and progressing nicely.
Stand by. Coming soon.
He is the unapologetic, quintessential warrior male of yore capable of vanquishing any and all opposition in his way.
Exclusive: Kent G. Bailey, Ph.D., says such men have ‘sustained the human race’
Published: 08/21/2015 at 7:15 PM
Donald Trump is the prototypical, archetypal and testosterone-driven alpha male who rules by the sheer force of his personality, imposing physique, quick wit, mastery of repartee and almost hypnotic control over his gathering masses of adoring followers. He is Attila to the Huns, Henry V to the outnumbered English army, Winston Churchill to desperate allied forces, and now our fearless leader against the pagan forces of progressivism and political correctness. He is the unapologetic, quintessential warrior male of yore capable of vanquishing any and all opposition in his way.
The taxpayer funded ISIS program coming to your neighborhood.
No Refugee Resettlement without Local OK
Petition published by Center for Security Policy on Aug 27, 2015
Welcome to the signature map for the petition No Refugee Resettlement without Local OK. Here you may browse various locations provided by signers and view where signers are geographically clustered. Please note that our maps do NOT identify any particular signer, nor are they intended to. The maps are simply designed to give a geographical overview of supporter interest. We offer an embedding service to various authors, so in some cases it may be possible to embed the following map on your own webpage or blog. Just contact the petition’s author at the link above to request the map code.
Europe is now, right now!, on the edge of being colonized and turned forever into a Muslim-dominated continent.
America cannot survive alone if Europe under goes an Islamic takeover.
See mark Steyn’s book America Alone.
America Alone: The End of the World as We Know It (ISBN 0-89526-078-6) is a nonfiction book by Mark Steyn, published in 2006. It forecasts the downfall of Western civilization owing to internal weaknesses and the increasing Muslim population in Western countries and the world generally.
Hungary, Slovakia, Poland, Bulgaria, Czech Republic
Eastern European leaders say “NO” to Muslim mass migration/colonization
Posted by Ann Corcoran on August 30, 2015
Merkel might be going mad, but European leaders in Hungary, Slovakia, Poland, Bulgaria and the Czech Republic see clearly that Europe is now, right now!, on the edge of being colonized and turned forever into a Muslim-dominated continent.
Merkel has gone mad!
German Chancellor Angela Merkel has announced that any Syrian who gets to Germany can apply for asylum there. Of course this is going to be great news for Italy and Greece in particular which are now bearing the greatest burden in the invasion by mostly Middle Easterners and Africans.
Jean-Marie Le Pen Expelled From National Front
Former leader expelled from French far-right political party he helped to found
Her efforts to steer the party away from its inflammatory past has helped the National Front attract new supporters across France–chalking up a string of victories in local elections–and has positioned Ms. Le Pen as a presidential contender in 2017.
Great Britain
How many more can we take? Number of migrants entering Britain breaks all records in humiliating blow to Cameron
U.S.A. Still the best country in the world. Let’s keep it that way.
Must see this video
Ann Coulter Introduces Donald Trump at Iowa Speech, 2016 Presidential Campaign Rally 8/25
FULL: Donald Trump Gives Rousing Speech in Hampton, NH (8-14-15)
Correcting Bill O’Reilly (Again!) on “Birthright” Citizenship and the Constitution
The Refugee Resettlement program –it must be Shut down.
This woman is part of the taxpayer funded ISIS program coming to your neighborhood.
This woman may not realize that she is sowing the seeds for the future destruction of our country by inserting foreign refugees who are not compatible with our American culture and who will not assimilate.
A Face of the Refugee Resettlement program
Jessica Lilley
Jessica Lilley, USCRI (U.S. Committee for Refugees and Immigrants ) field representative, obviously traveled to Twin Falls from USCRI’s Arlington, Virginia headquarters to help organize against the growing ‘pocket of resistance’ that has developed in Twin Falls. Photo:
Program Officer at U.S. Committee for Refugees and Immigrants (USCRI)
Arlington, VirginiaNonprofit Organization Management
Episcopal Migration Ministries, Church World Service, United Way of Greater Richmond & Petersburg
Virginia Commonwealth University
Twin Falls, ID: Article tells us why you must demand answers BEFORE refugees begin arriving
Twin Falls, Idaho has developed a very active and competent ‘Pocket of Resistance’ in spite of the local media’s effort to denigrate opponents of the UN/US State Department plan to further seed the community with third world refugees. This round of controversy began in earnest back in April when the local resettlement contractor bragged to the media that Syrian (mostly Muslim) refugees were coming to Idaho.
“Pockets of Resistance” growing and spreading
Posted by Ann Corcoran on July 11, 2015
You’ve heard me often refer to “Pockets of Resistance,” those towns/cities and states where activists are demanding answers to the many questions citizens have about the United Nations/US State Department colonization of their towns by third worlders through the Refugee Resettlement Program.
The one sided race war continues in America in the form of Black on white crime.
Atlanta, GA
Father shot three times in front of his wife and children by teen robbers who knocked on their door claiming to have a flat tire in horror ambush
Mike and Whitney Lash had their Atlanta home invaded August 16
Mr Lash was shot three times in the right leg by the four robbers
Mrs Lash and their six-month-old daughter were threatened with a gun as she ran away and called 911
The thieves detained the family and stole numerous items from the house
Police have arrested Brandon Jerome Smith, 18, in relation to the crime
Houston, TX
Deputy Fatally Shot from Behind at Houston Gas Station
Moneta, VA near Roanoke, VA
TV Shooting Claims Lives of Reporter, Cameraman; Gunman Kills Self
Suspect had worked at same station and claimed he was unjustly fired
Illegal alien Latino crime on Americans continues.
Our borders, if secured would keep out criminals.
That’s why countries have borders. To keep the bad guys out.
Legal immigrants and visa holders are supposed to be screened before given permission to enter our country.
Which politically correct “assholes” in our state department issued visas
to the 19 Muslim Jihadists who attacked our Pentagon and World Trade Centers on 911.
Illegal immigrants, obviously are not screen and pose a threat to all Americans.
Now Trump wants to build a wall if elected President and the “pollsters” are dumbfounded at his polling numbers. We the people needed a “leader” and Trump has stepped up to the plate. This is a political revolution, a revival of the “silent majority’ and more.
Brazoria County, Texas
Police: Illegal Alien, Registered Sex Offender Assaults 16-Year-Old Downs Syndrome Victim
In the latest outrageous instance of immigrant sex crimes, an illegal alien and registered sex offender sexually assaulted a 16-year-old teenage girl with Down Syndrome on Monday, Brazoria County Sheriff Department’s officials say.
200 US Generals, Admirals and others Just Stepped Up to Obama
More on
The Mission – Restore the Republic.
Status Report
The mission is to Restore the USA .
To restore good constitutional Government at all levels.
We have begun to hire web workers to expedite the completion of the site.
If you would like to make a donation to move this forward send it electronically to Americanbedrockfoundation @durfee.us
Paypal and your banks “quick pay” only need this email to complete your donation.
Consider a $10.00 donation now.
Please mark your donation “RTR”
Thanks. Ron Bass
Restore the Republic – I’m In”
A Project of the United Patriots of America
We are in phase 1. Recruiting and setting up a national communications network.
Sign up now at http://eepurl.com/buJAS1
Note: All operations will conform to all Local, State and Federal laws.
“I’m In” is a project of the UPA (United Patriots of America) to restore our Republic.
Refugee Resettlement Watch
Ten things your town needs to know when (if!) “welcoming” refugees for the first time
Posted by Ann Corcoran on March 11, 2015
PBI – Patriot Bureau of Intelligence
New Posting
SHTF Security is a Family Job
Security will no doubt be an issue in a SHTF scenario. People will be panicked and looking for food. Looting will begin. Protecting your supplies and your home should be a job that your family is prepared in handling.
7 Worst Rookie Prepper Mistakes and How to Avoid Them
Repeats every week
Militia units of 50-200 members should be organized at the local level, by going house by house, covering entire neighborhoods, towns, and counties.
This will initially be easier to do in rural areas, where people are already more receptive to the patriotic message. In urban areas, it may work better to start by organizing “neighborhood associations”, and then educating the members gradually until it can be converted into a self-conscious Militia unit. Finding members for your group can be easy or difficult,
PBI…Listed by State with addresses.
Database of Masjids, Mosques and Islamic Centers in the U.S.
Twitter – http://twitter.com/ronbassUPA
Facebook – www.facebook.com/UPA.RonBass
Subscribe to the UPA Report – http://eepurl.com/Mfp3X
http://www.UnitedPatriotsOfAmerica com
E-mail – ronbass2010@comcast.net
A Report 8.23.14 The First Rock Star President to Take on the Establishment – Papa Delta Tango.
August 23, 2015 by admin
Filed under Europe / Islam, Immigration, Patriot Bureau of Intelligence, PBI, Prepping, Refugee Resettlement program, UPA Report
Comments Off on A Report 8.23.14 The First Rock Star President to Take on the Establishment – Papa Delta Tango.
United Patriots of America
Founded December 2001 in response to 911
UPA Report
Sunday August 23, 2015
Restore the Republic – I’m In
For all UPA members if you have not signed up please do so now at
Sign up early and stand by. Our new social network is under construction.
A Patriot Political Rock Star.
He will rock this country right to its bedrock foundations.
Papa Delta Tango – Patriot Donald Trump
Trump exposes the historical misinterpretation of the
14th Amendment
No country in the world allows automatic citizenship to the newly born of foreigners who are not citizens.
A Patriot has been delivered to us in the form of a golden haired Businessman/TV celebrity/ who has morphed into a Patriot Political Rock Star.
A Patriot behind Trump – Sen. Sessions (AL)
Game Changer: Trump & Sen. Jeff Sessions Meeting
The reason this is so important – and really is a game changer – is that no one on the national scene understands the politics of populist opposition to open borders and amnesty for illegal aliens better than Senator Jeff Sessions.
The clause as written “All persons born or naturalized in the United States and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside.”
2016 GOP Candidates and Birthright Citizenship
Thursday, August 20, 2015 By Douglas V. Gibbs
The Republican Party 2016 Presidential debates and forums, and particularly Donald Trump’s popularity due to his willingness to speak frankly about the immigration issue, has enabled a discussion regarding Birth Right Citizenship to emerge. Birthright Citizenship is the concept that if someone is born on American soil, they are automatically a United States Citizen. The concept is attributed to the Citizenship Clause which is the first clause of the 14th Amendment. A few candidates have indicated they would like to eliminate the clause, while others have defended Birthright Citizenship. However, if one studies the clause, and the debates from the Congressional Globe during the time period the clause was being debated, we learn that both supporters, and critics, of the clause, are in error regarding their position.
Listen to this old video. These people may be waiting in the wings to resurface.
Aztlan Rising – YouTube
by stepman
I offer this piece as a grime reminder of why we must control OUR border. When we have a revolutionary class of people that are willing to teach and believe that OUR land is their land, then we need to educate and inform those that think this is racist or xenophobic. AWAKEN AMERICA TODAY!
Posted on the UPA PBI page
Pay close attention to what Rodriguez says about Americans and “their” law and order. We saw this scam played out at the LASD meeting about the new implementation of PEP in LA Co. All the socialists spoke about during their time at the podium was the LGBGT illegal alien criminals in the jails. The rest of the time they were calling the opposing side racists for using the term “illegal alien” and directing the deputies to make us stop saying it.
Must watch and listen to this video
The video – Freedom-The future of America and Canada
The Web site – Freedom-The future of America and Canada
Babies Don’t Provide Anchors!
By Publius Huldah
Mark Levin: Congress can end birthright citizenship without amending the Constitution
US military members overpower terrorist gunman on train in France
Two off-duty members of the US military prevented a massacre Friday by overpowering a rifle-wielding madman after he opened fire aboard a high-speed train in France, wounding three people.
How American heroes prevented terrorist train massacre
Exclusive: Dozens of Clinton emails were classified from the start, U.S. rules suggest
The next Surgeon General?
Dr. Benjamin Carson should have a place in the new Republican Administration
Entire speech
MUST SEE: Obama destroyed by Dr. Benjamin Carson’s Amazing Speech ( MUST WATCH to see Obama’s face )
Short excerpt 7 min 4 sec
Dr. Benjamin Carson Wipes The Smile Off Obamas Face At The National Prayer Breakfast
European resistance to the alien Invasion
Germany: violent protests erupt over new asylum center in town near Dresden
Posted by Ann Corcoran on August 23, 2015
The Islamic Invasion of Europe
France train jihadi trained in Islamic State, was being watched by police
AUGUST 22, 2015
Not closely enough, obviously. Why was he allowed to return to France after training with the Islamic State? The Islamic State is at war with France. Going there should be considered an act of treason, disqualifying one from returning to the country.
Macedonia: Syrian refugee “…tell Brussels we are coming, no matter what” as thousands break through the border
Posted by Ann Corcoran on August 23, 2015
In World War II America sent an army to save Europe from the Nazi takeover.
We need to go back there again and save Europe from an Islamic takeover.
If not, the Islamic takeover of our country will surely follow.
For more on this see Mark Styn’s book “America Alone”
The Coming of Eurabia
Review: America Alone
ISIS No. 2 killed by US strike
Hajji Mutazz, the Islamic State’s second in command, was killed in a U.S. airstrike in Iraq, the White House confirmed Friday.
Mutazz was killed in the Aug. 18 strike while traveling in a vehicle near Mosul, Iraq, the White House said. Also killed was an ISIS media operative known as Abu Abdullah.
More on
The Mission – Restore the Republic.
Status Report
Restore the Republic – I’m In”
A Project of the United Patriots of America
We, the Patriots of America need to join together locally and unite to restore good constitutionally responsible government.
Together we have to fight and win back our country.
For all UPA Report readers if you have not signed up please do so now do so now at
Sign up and stand by. Our new social network is under construction.
We are developing our own social network and will be going public in the very near future.
This web site will enable all of us to connect and communicate with each other at the local level in order to employ tactics to move forward the mission of restoring our Constitutional Republic at all levels of government:
City/Town, County, State and Federal.
We are in phase 1. Recruiting and setting up a national communications network.
Sign up now at http://eepurl.com/buJAS1
Note: All operations will conform to all Local, State and Federal laws.
“I’m In” is a project of the UPA (United Patriots of America) to restore our Republic.
Refugee Resettlement Watch
Ten things your town needs to know when (if!) “welcoming” refugees for the first time
Posted by Ann Corcoran on March 11, 2015
PBI – Patriot Bureau of Intelligence
New Posting – Interesting commentary
7 Worst Rookie Prepper Mistakes and How to Avoid Them
Repeats every week
Militia units of 50-200 members should be organized at the local level, by going house by house, covering entire neighborhoods, towns, and counties.
This will initially be easier to do in rural areas, where people are already more receptive to the patriotic message. In urban areas, it may work better to start by organizing “neighborhood associations”, and then educating the members gradually until it can be converted into a self-conscious Militia unit. Finding members for your group can be easy or difficult,
PBI…Listed by State with addresses.
Database of Masjids, Mosques and Islamic Centers in the U.S.
Twitter – http://twitter.com/ronbassUPA
Facebook – www.facebook.com/UPA.RonBass
Subscribe to the UPA Report – http://eepurl.com/Mfp3X
http://www.UnitedPatriotsOfAmerica com
E-mail – ronbass2010@comcast.net
UPA Report 8.16.15 Trump says “We either have a country or we don’t have a country” Trump receives “first ever” endorsement from the UPA.
August 16, 2015 by admin
Filed under Border Control, Immigration, Islam in America, Militias, Prepping, UPA Report
Comments Off on UPA Report 8.16.15 Trump says “We either have a country or we don’t have a country” Trump receives “first ever” endorsement from the UPA.
United Patriots of America
Founded December 2001 in response to 911
UPA Report
Sunday August 16, 2015
Status Report
Restore the Republic – I’m In”
A Project of the United Patriots of America
We are in formation and will be going public in the near future.
Our initial strategy will be to provide an internet platform, via a social network website, to connect activists at the local level to communicate with each other in order to employ tactics to move forward the mission of restoring our Constitutional Republic.
For all UPA Report readers if you have not signed up you can do so now at
We have set up a new e mail list for the RTR project.
When you sign up for the RTR you will be sent a confirmation email, if you opt to return to the website it will bring you to the UPA web site.
Sign up and stand by.
Trump says….
“We either have a country or we don’t have a country”
Trump: If I’m Elected, Obama’s Immigration Executive Order “Gets Rescinded”
Well worth watching and listening
Donald Trump: Undocumented Immigrants ‘Have to Go’
Donald Trump would reverse President Obama’s executive orders on immigration and deport all undocumented immigrants from the U.S. as president, he said in an exclusive interview with NBC’s Chuck Todd.
What the president (BHO) is doing is tearing at the very fabric of the constitution
, not only with the soon to come passage of these deals, but with virtually every policy pushed under his administration. We have a separation of powers not created to protect the executive branch or the legislative branch, but to protect each and every individual American’s liberty. It was created to keep any branch from assuming so much control that they become a threat to liberty. As Turley warned, “The problem with what the president is doing is that he’s not simply posing a danger to the constitutional system, but he’s becoming the very danger the Constitution was designed to avoid. That is the concentration of power in every single branch.”
We as a country have failed to heed this warning, for we have all but forgotten that it is drastic changes such as this that have set the stage for a revolution that is sure to come.
Stop the Refugee Resettlement program – call your Congressman
“Suicide By Immigration”: Sightings Of Immigration Realism Among The Big-Shots
The late Lawrence Auster had a list of “Usual Suspects,” meaning those who regularly wrote about the existential threat of Islam to Western civilization yet failed to hint at even the obvious first step in a solution: Ending immigration by Muslims into the countries of the West.
Hundreds of Muslim refugees headed to Idaho
Invasion of Europe’ news – U.S.A. also
Ethnic groups fight each other as they try to get a spot on Greek refugee ship
Posted by Ann Corcoran on August 16, 2015
Jade Helm
Mission accomplished in Barstow Successfully Infiltrated Entire TOWN! No One Even Noticed!
US Soldier Exposes USA FEMA Camps
Islamic State group’s command is dominated by ex-officers from Saddam’s military, spy agency
The ongoing migratory Invasion of America
Open Borders & Non-Enforcement of our Immigration laws = Sanctuaries
The source of the nation’s heroin epidemic.
Illegal Alien From Belize Charged in Triple Homicide
Another illegal alien has committed a horrible crime. It’s not isolated. It’s not rare. It’s happening all over the country. And while Obama and even some Republicans talk about amnesty, illegal aliens continue the violence.
Islam in America
The New Black Panthers are heavily involved in the Ferguson Riots
What you should know is that the new Black Panther Party is Muslim
Islam in the United States
Islam is perhaps the fastest growing religion in the United States due to both immigration and conversion. It is estimated that there are between 1 and 6 million Muslims in the United States. [1] The vast majority of American Muslims are of South Asian, Arabic, or African descent; about one-quarter are African-Americans. There are, as of 2010, 2106 mosques in the United States, up 74% in 10 years.
Listed by State with addresses.
Database of Masjids, Mosques and Islamic Centers in the U.S.
If you know of an event that would be of interest, let us know
Do not know what to make of this event yet. Any feedback welcome.
Feedback to ronbass2010@comcast.net
Million Mask March
Time: November 5, 2015 from 9am to 10:30am
Location: Washington Monument and WWII Memorial
Street: 15th & Independance Ave SW,
City/Town: Washington, District of Columbia 20245
World’s first off-grid Ecocapsule home to hit the market this year, shipping in 2016
3HRS, 27 MIN worth watching to see what our gov’t agencies are capable of.
JFK to 911 Everything Is A Rich Man’s Trick
Comment from viewer: If anything could be said about this vid, it’s the incredible detective work and research done. You can make your own mind up, but you won’t get a better painted picture of what went on with JFK’s assassination than what’s delivered here.
More on
The Mission – Restore the Republic.
We are in phase 1. Recruiting and setting up a national communications network.
Sign up now at http://eepurl.com/buJAS1
Note: All operations will conform to all Local, State and Federal laws.
“I’m In” is a project of the UPA (United Patriots of America) to restore our Republic.
Sign Up here for Refugee Resettlement Activism
Refugee Resettlement Watch
Ten things your town needs to know when (if!) “welcoming” refugees for the first time
Posted by Ann Corcoran on March 11, 2015
Repeats every week
Firearms Marketplace
Listings for each state.
Repeats every week
Militia units of 50-200 members should be organized at the local level, by going house by house, covering entire neighborhoods, towns, and counties.
This will initially be easier to do in rural areas, where people are already more receptive to the patriotic message. In urban areas, it may work better to start by organizing “neighborhood associations”, and then educating the members gradually until it can be converted into a self-conscious Militia unit. Finding members for your group can be easy or difficult,
New Posting – Interesting commentary
Maine Prepper – Preppers Will Die by a Combat Veteran
PBI…Listed by State with addresses.
Database of Masjids, Mosques and Islamic Centers in the U.S.
Call your representatives in Congress and tell them to stop the Refugee Resettlement program for Muslims
Find and contact your Senator and House Representative
Government Agencies and Elected Officials
Find contact information for federal, state, local, or tribal governments and elected officials.
Twitter – http://twitter.com/ronbassUPA
Facebook – www.facebook.com/UPA.RonBass
Subscribe to the UPA Report – http://eepurl.com/Mfp3X
http://www.UnitedPatriotsOfAmerica com
E-mail – ronbass2010@comcast.net
UPA Report 8.09.15 United Patriots of America. Idaho Sheriff Stands Down The VA
August 9, 2015 by admin
Filed under Immigration, Islam in America, Islamic Jihad & Sharia, Patriot Resistance, Prepping, Survivalists, Tyranny, UPA Report
Comments Off on UPA Report 8.09.15 United Patriots of America. Idaho Sheriff Stands Down The VA
United Patriots of America
Founded December 2001 in response to 911
UPA Report
Sunday August 09, 2015
We are awake and we will not comply.
Resistance to Tyranny from the Federal Government
This Vet Is Not A Threat: Idaho Sheriff Stands Down The VA
You are not alone.
Connect with your fellow Patriots locally.
Sign up with the UPAs new Restore the Republic project.
“RTR – I’m In” at
The Donald Trump phenomenon explained:
The American people are on the verge of revolt and looking for an agent of radical change
The American people are sick and tired of being constantly lied to by doublespeak politicians and Washington criminals like the Clintons and Bushes.
They’re sick and tired of the McCain RINOs, the Biden clowns and the same old useless ideas of hope and change which always end up being “tyranny and impoverishment” with a heavy dose of government propaganda.
The one reason Donald Trump was the clear winner of the first GOP debate
Donald Trump News
FBI Report says Muslim Men Intimidating Military Families in Colorado and Wyoming!
August 7, 2015
The FBI says that Middle Eastern men have recently been approaching the homes of U.S. military members in Colorado and Wyoming.
One suggestion for Action – Stop the Refugee Resettlement of Muslim speaking refugees.
Send an e-mail to the Heritage Foundation, a major DC conservative lobbying organization and tell them to lobby congress to stop the Refugee Resettlement program for followers of Islam.
Sign Up here for Refugee Resettlement Activism
Maine Governor LePage Slashes State Aid For Cities That Give Welfare to Illegal Aliens
JADE HELM 15 Exposed: PURGED General Spills Beans. Forewarned.
JADE HELM 15 Exposed: PURGED General Spills Beans. Forewarned.
The Betrayal Papers Video: Part II – In Plain Sight – A National Security Smoking Gun
Who are the individuals and Muslim Brotherhood front organizations responsible for their influence in the administration of Barack Hussein Obama?
This video names several key people who were or are in the Obama administration and who have various, documented associations with organizations which are directly tied to and/or funded by the Muslim Brotherhood and the State of Qatar (home to Brotherhood’s Spiritual Leader, Yusuf al-Qaradawi).
Organizations: CAIR, ISNA, MPAC, MAS, MSA, and Georgetown University and the Brookings Institute.
Individuals: Huma Abedin, Arif Alikhan, Eboo Patel, Mohamed Magid, Mohammed
Elibiary, Rashad Hussein, Salam al-Marayati
These individuals have helped dictate national security policies that have crippled counter-terrorism efforts at home and abroad.
President Obama’s trusted senior advisor, Valerie Jarrett
FBI Files Document Communism in Valerie Jarrett’s Family
JUNE 22, 2015
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) files obtained by Judicial Watch reveal that the dad, maternal grandpa and father-in-law of President Obama’s trusted senior advisor, Valerie Jarrett, were hardcore Communists under investigation by the U.S. government.
Faithful to her roots, she still has connections to many Communist and extremist groups, including the Muslim Brotherhood. Jarrett and her family also had strong ties to Frank Marshal Davis, a big Obama mentor and Communist Party member with an extensive FBI file.
FBI Files Document Communism in Valerie Jarrett’s Family
JUNE 22, 2015
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) files obtained by Judicial Watch reveal that the dad, maternal grandpa and father-in-law of President Obama’s trusted senior advisor, Valerie Jarrett, were hardcore Communists under investigation by the U.S. government.
Farrakhan: Retaliation.. If the Federal Government won’t intercede –
Full Show – Cecil the Lion Outrage Hypocrisy – 07/31/2015
More on
The Mission – Restore the Republic.
We are in phase 1. Recruiting and setting up a national communications network.
We will be using a large conservative social media website as our communications network.
This website already has approximately 96,000 members. Unlike facebook this conservative web site has all 50 state groups in place and Congressional Districts groups for the local level. It is flexible like facebook, so County groups can easily be set up for all the states.
Sign up now at http://eepurl.com/buJAS1
Note: All operations will conform to all Local, State and Federal laws.
“I’m In” is a project of the UPA (United Patriots of America) to restore our Republic.
Sign Up here for Refugee Resettlement Activism
Refugee Resettlement Watch
Ten things your town needs to know when (if!) “welcoming” refugees for the first time
Posted by Ann Corcoran on March 11, 2015
New posting
Firearms Marketplace
Listings for each state.
Repeats every week
Militia units of 50-200 members should be organized at the local level, by going house by house, covering entire neighborhoods, towns, and counties.
This will initially be easier to do in rural areas, where people are already more receptive to the patriotic message. In urban areas, it may work better to start by organizing “neighborhood associations”, and then educating the members gradually until it can be converted into a self-conscious Militia unit. Finding members for your group can be easy or difficult,
Call your representatives in Congress and tell them to stop the Refugee Resettlement program for Muslims
Find and contact your Senator and House Representative
Government Agencies and Elected Officials
Find contact information for federal, state, local, or tribal governments and elected officials.
“If there must be trouble, let it be in my day, that my child may have peace.”
Thomas Paine
What kind of country are we leaving for our children and grandchildren?
Twitter – http://twitter.com/ronbassUPA
Facebook – www.facebook.com/UPA.RonBass
Subscribe to the UPA Report – http://eepurl.com/Mfp3X
http://www.UnitedPatriotsOfAmerica com
E-mail – ronbass2010@comcast.net
UPA Report 5.10.15 U.S. Department of State inserting Muslims into Idaho, Christians excluded from refugee program.
May 10, 2015 by admin
Filed under Constitution, Fighting the Left, Islam in America, Patriot Resistance, Prepping, UPA Report
Comments Off on UPA Report 5.10.15 U.S. Department of State inserting Muslims into Idaho, Christians excluded from refugee program.
United Patriots of America
Founded December 2001 in response to 911
UPA Report
Sunday May 10, 2015
“US Constitution is NOT for the government to restrain the people.
It is for the people to restrain the government.”
What are we doing to enforce our constitution and restrain our government?
Obama Admin to Colonize Idaho with Thousands of Muslim Refugees from Syria
Idaho is the most right wing survivalist state in the union, where survivalists communities are being built and requirements to live in those communities are that you are armed. As a military strategy, inserting Muslims into Idaho using the Refugee Resettlement program is brilliant.
U.S. State Dept. Invites Muslim Leaders, Denies Christians
Raymond Ibrahim, May 10, 2015
“In the same week that the State Dept says it will take the engagement of religious leaders seriously … it refuses a visa to a persecuted Christian nun who has fled ISIS, Sister Diana.” — Chris Seiple, President, Institute for Global Engagement.
Sister Diana, an influential Iraqi Christian leader and spokeswoman who was scheduled to visit theU.S.to advocate for persecuted Christians in the Mideast, earlier this month was denied a visa by the U.S. State Department, even though she had visited theU.S.before, most recently in 2012.
Sister Diana was to be one of a delegation of religious leaders from Iraq– including Shia and Yazidi — to visitWashington,D.C., to describe the situation of their people. Every single religious leader from this delegation was granted a visa — except for the only Christian representative, Sister Diana.
It is a crime against the American people for the U.S. State Department to bring in large numbers of Muslims through their Refugee Resettlement program.
They must be exposed and the program stopped immediately.
If you can help expose the Refugee Resettlement program please do so
An enemy of the American people.
U.S. Department of State
Secretary of Sate John Kerry
Senior Officials
Two from the list of Senior officials
Antony John ‘Tony’ Blinken
During the 1988 presidential campaign, Blinken became a Democratic partisan, working with his father in fundraisers for Michael Dukakis.
Heather Higginbottom
Higginbottom began her government service in 1999, when she joined the office of then Senator John Kerry as Legislative Assistant.
Tactics for Fighting Back
Learn from the left.
General Strategies
1. Shine a light on the cockroaches.
2. Take calculated risks.
3. Exploit technology.
4. Never give up.
5. Join forces with other patriots.
FOX News Host Urges Submission to Sharia – Pleads with Pamela Geller to Respect Islam
May 5, 2015 by Pamela Geller
The Black Revolution in America in the new millennium.
2 Mississippi officers slain after traffic stop; 2 brothers arrested
The Strategy of killing police officers was used inAlgeriato liberate them selves from French rule.
This tactic has been studied by the Black Liberation Army and first employed in NYC in the the 60’s and 70′.
Police have been identified as the enemy of African Americans. Criminals are acting on this information in the same way that Jihadist andIsissends out their message.
In Baltimore similar strategy (physically attacking police) throwing rocks and objects at Baltimore police.
>>> Oath Keepers Goes “Operational” with “Civilization Preservation Teams” Stewart Rhodes
The Muslims are here in America in the new millennium.
TEXAS: Two Muslim terrorist suspects shot dead by police after they opened fire at Pamela Geller’s ‘Draw the Prophet Mohammed’ cartoon contest
Heavily armed police secure art work before the Dutch member of parliament and leader of the far-right Party for Freedom, Geert Wilders delivers the keynote address at the Muhammad Art Exhibit and Contest at the Curtis Culwell Center in Garland, Texas, USA, 03 May 2015. The art exhibit is being put on by the Pamela Geller’s American Freedom Defense Initiative. ANSA/LARRY W. SMITH
good video
Garland Shooting – Attack at Anti-Muslim Mohammad Cartoon Event in Texas: 2 Islamists Killed |VIDEO
good video
Michael Savage: Civil War Is Here in America in the new millennium.
>>> Oath Keepers Goes “Operational” with “Civilization Preservation Teams” Stewart Rhodes
Saturday, May 9
With over 300 participants in today’s barbecue and rally, Oath Keepers, III Percent and all our other Patriots are greatly appreciative and deeply humbled. The Sugar Pine Miners and so many others are grateful and heartened at the show of support from our community!
Activist Organization and Information
Refugee Resettlement Watch
RRW Weekly wrap-up for week ending May 8th, 2015
Posted by Ann Corcoran on May 9, 2015
Here are the Top Posts of the past week
>>> Oath Keepers Goes “Operational” with “Civilization Preservation Teams” Stewart Rhodes
Call your representatives in Congress and tell them to stop the Refugee Resettlement program for Muslims
Find and contact your Senator and House Representative
Government Agencies and Elected Officials
Find contact information for federal, state, local, or tribal governments and elected officials.
I am only one, but I am one. I cannot do everything, but I
can do something. And because I cannot do everything, I will
not refuse to do the something that I can do. What I can do,
I should do. And what I should do, by the grace of God,
I will do.” ~ Edward Everett Hale
Ron Bass
Follow the UPA on
Ron Bass
Subscribe to the UPA Report
http://www.UnitedPatriotsOfAmerica com
E-mail – ronbass2010@comcast.net
UPA Report 5.3.15 White Man: Why Are You Giving Away Your Country?
May 3, 2015 by admin
Filed under Immigration, Prepping, Tyranny, UPA Report
Comments Off on UPA Report 5.3.15 White Man: Why Are You Giving Away Your Country?
United Patriots of America
Founded December 2001 in response to 911
UPA Report
Sunday May 03, 2015
Immigration enforcement victory in Tennessee
Tennessee House Defeats Bill Granting In-State Tuition to Illegal Aliens
“These cops are political prisoners”
Sheriff David Clarke: Freddie Gray Charges are “George Zimmerman and Duke Lacrosse Cases All Over Again”
“There are some things I find in this case… that are problematic from a procedural standpoint, but Neil, it doesn’t make it criminal,” he concluded. “These cops are political prisoners. I’m calling them political prisoners because this state’s attorney, stood up there and made a political statement at the end, talking about she hears the voices, and no justice and no peace.”
Whites continue to elect politicians who do not represent them. As a Hispanic, I cannot understand this. There is not one white congressman in Washington today who actually looks out for whites, at least not openly.
White Man: Why Are You Giving Away Your Country?
There is no greater culture in the world than European culture. I can admit it because it’s true. I enjoy living in a First-World nation shaped by people of the same stock as George Washington, Ben Franklin, Beethoven, Picasso, and Galileo.
Have whites decided that their people and cultures are no longer worth fighting for? Is Guatemalan or Ethiopian or Vietnamese culture better forAmerica? Whites must believe this, because why would they otherwise let a great nation’s culture be replaced with that of Third-World immigrants?
People Stomping On American Flag In #Hashtag Challenge Support For Self-Proclaimed “Terrorist Against White People”
Georgia university cancels classes after flag stomping causes protest
Riot-Plagued Baltimore Is a Catastrophe Entirely of the Democratic Party’s Own Making
April 28, 2015
A few weeks ago, there was an election in Ferguson, Mo., the result of which was to treble the number of African Americans on that unhappy suburb’s city council. This was greeted in some corners with optimism — now, at last, the city’s black residents would have a chance to see to securing their own interests. This optimism flies in the face of evidence near — St. Louis — and far — Baltimore, Detroit, Philadelphia, Cleveland, Atlanta, Los Angeles, San Francisco . . .
Baltimore – Photos
Video 7 min 8 sec
Baltimore Riots 2015 A Compilation All Angles Freddy Gray
Black on White Crime
No Country for White Children
As White children are bullied, beaten, and murdered at the hands of non-Whites, we are continuously told that “diversity” is our greatest strength. These local news stories are some of the things you missed while the national news media covers stories like Trayvon.
Why Isn’t Black on White Crime Reported in the Mainstream Media Like White on Black Crime?
Chief tells the TRUTH that Black People don’t want to hear.
New York City
NYPD cop in coma after being shot in the head
A city cop was critically wounded by a cowardly ex-con who blasted two bullets into his head on a Queens street Saturday evening — the fifth NYPD officer to be shot in as many months.
Plainclothes officer Brian Moore, 25, was in a medically induced coma after surgery to relieve pressure on his brain, law-enforcement sources told The Post.
The Coming Race War in America
April 19, 2012
Whites are frightened of blacks. They are afraid of taking the wrong exit from the freeway and ending up in a black ghetto. They are afraid when they pass young black males in a dark neighborhood. White women clutch their purses and cross the street, try not to get into elevators with them. The fear, seldom mentioned, determines where whites live, where they go, and where they send their children to school.
This SICK new challenge is going viral in America?!
Flag stomping.
Texas Jade Helm 15
Called Jade Helm 15, the exercise is one of the largest training operations done by the military in response to what it calls the evolving nature of warfare.
Paranoia catches Abbott’s attention: Gov orders Texas guard to monitor military exercises over fears of federal takeover
Al Sharpton Reaffirms Obama’s Call to Unconstitutionally Nationalize Police
From Obama’s days back at Occidental College, Dr. John Drew told reporter Leon Puissegur that Obama was a member of the Democratic Sociality Alliance at Occidental, which was the Marxist student association on campus.
Jade Helm and the Fifth Column Invasion of America
For real
More Than 6,000 Major Retail Stores Are Closing
May 2, 2015
If theU.S.economy really is improving, then why are bigU.S.retailers permanently shutting down thousands of stores? The “retail apocalypse” that I have written about so frequently appears to be accelerating.
David Clarke: The Sheriff as Rebel
Why The Democrats Are The Party Of SLAVERY And VICTIMIZATION – ZoNation
Texas Ranger Drops Jade Helm Bombshell: “There Are Trains With Shackles On Them”
http://freedomoutpost.com/2015/04/texas-ranger-drops-jade-helm-bombshell-there-are-trains-with-shackles-on-them/ permission denied to sync a folder
Pantex Plant
New Black Panther Chairman: We Should be Applauded Like Founding Fathers for Willingness to Die and Kill for Black Nation
Just like in Ferguson, the New Black Panthers have been exposed as leaders in the Baltimoreriots. Right on the heels of those riots, New Black Panther Party National Chairman Hashim Nzinga has claimed that the New Black Panthers should be applauded as the Founding Fathers and that they are ready to die or kill for the black nation.
Restaurant Owner Fights Off Looters
Axe handles
Published on Apr 24, 2015
I want to thank all my subs and followers that have sent in footage, pictures and info. This military movement is more proof of massive military build up in the country. These vehicles were not headed for the West coast from Oroville, But headed East Away from the Coast ofCalifornia. They could be inTexas by now. The important thing is that we all now know what they look like.
All of this and Jade Helm has not even started Yet. Just remember they like to run Beta phases. Now that Jade Helm is Annual, The big event could be planned for 2016!
Either way, Right Now In America, There Is An Undeniable Build Up of Military Movement All Across the Country.
Stay Tuned for More. I will be dropping more big info regarding Official documents connecting Walmart to DHS and FEMA. And Concrete Proof of a Plan for Underground Tunnels!
Baltimore riots: State of emergency declared, National Guard activated
Video 58 min 37 sec
Stewart Rhodes, (Oath Keepers) Patriot’s Day, April 19, 2015
Published April 25h, 2015
1 May 2015
At approximately 11:07 on Thursday, a helicopter landed multiple times directly on the Sugar Pine Mining Claim (SPM) above the mine security camp.
QRF (Quick Reaction Force) responded and Overwatch responded to mitigate any threat to the security teams at the mine. No contact occurred and a STAND DOWN order was given. During the After Action Review it appeared to the security teams that up to 3 helicopters were landing and circling the mine due to different vantage points and observations. The incident aircraft is believed to be either a Robinson R-44 or a MD 500, Black with a Red stripe along the bottom part of the fuselage. We are attempting to locate the Helicopter and speak to the pilot. The aircraft did land directly onto the mining claim without permission of the mining claim owners. We will file a report with the FAA concerning this incident.
Activist Organization and Information
Baltimore: Thousands of impoverished refugees poured into city in last ten years; fuel for the fire?
Ann Corcoran on May 3, 2015
Muslim refugees to Idaho; Spartanburg, SC update; and the juggernaut facing the American middle class
Ann Corcoran on May 2, 2015
The multicultural transformation of Idaho will continue with a planned infusion of hundreds of refugees from Muslim countries over the next one to three years.
Tennessee House Defeats Bill Granting In-State Tuition to Illegal Aliens
The Tennessee House of Representatives killed Senate Bill (“S.B.”) 612, which would have provided illegal aliens with taxpayer-funded in-state tuition rates as long as the illegal alien has resided in the state for at least one year,” notes an update from FAIR’s State and Local team.
NumbersUSA – NEWS
House committee approves amendment that affirms Pres. Obama’s DACA Amnesty.
Thu, APR 30th
Republican Reps. Mike Coffman of Colorado, Chris Gibson of New York, Frank A. LoBiondo of New Jersey, Thomas MacArthur of New Jersey, Martha E. McSally of Arizona, and Ryan Zinke of Montana voted for the amendment.
Disney it restructuring favored foreign guest workers over Americans
Computerworld’s Patrick Thibodeau examined a restructuring of IT operations at Disney’s Parks and Resorts division last year and found the company replaced American workers with contractor-based guest workers. The laid-off workers he interviewed said Disney’s restructuring, which the company claims was meant to refocus resources on innovation, was motivated by cost cutting and unnecessary since there was no “skills gap” among existing workers.
Judicial Watch
Weekly update from the desk of Tom Fitton.
MAY 01, 2015
JW Launches New Lawsuit over Clinton Cover-Up
Obama IRS Targets Churches
Why Jihad Watch?
Why Jihad Watch? Because non-Muslims in the West, as well as in India, China, Russia, and the world over, are facing a concerted effort by Islamic jihadists, the motives and goals of whom are largely ignored by the Western media, to destroy their societies and impose Islamic law upon them — and to commit violence to that end even while their overall goal remains out of reach. That effort goes under the general rubric of jihad.
Free Clint Lorance
Clint has been sentenced to 20 years confinement, forfeiture of all pay, and dismissal from the Army. We are currently working on the appeal for Clint.
The Case against Clint Lorance
In July 2012, while serving as a Rifle Platoon leader in a remote sector of Kandahar Province Afghanistan, First Lieutenant Clint Lorance’s platoon embarked on what was seemingly a normal combat patrol. Clint’s patrol, consisting of 16 US Infantrymen, 5 Afghan National Army Soldiers, and 1 US Interpreter, left their Strong Point early in the morning on July 02, 2012 to a neighboring village. The platoon knew this village all too well, as only days before, one of their brothers, a US Soldier, had been shot in the neck in this very village.
Master prepping list
An Article from the List
16 Reasons Why the United States is Going to Hell in a Handbasket
May 13, 2014 By M.D. Creekmore
Call your representatives in Congress and tell them to stop the Refugee Resettlement program for Muslims
Find and contact your Senator and House Representative
Government Agencies and Elected Officials
Find contact information for federal, state, local, or tribal governments and elected officials.
I am only one, but I am one. I cannot do everything, but I
can do something. And because I cannot do everything, I will
not refuse to do the something that I can do. What I can do,
I should do. And what I should do, by the grace of God,
I will do.” ~ Edward Everett Hale
Ron Bass
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Ron Bass
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http://www.UnitedPatriotsOfAmerica com
E-mail – ronbass2010@comcast.net
UPA Report 4.26.15 Oath Keepers providing security to mine in Oregon. BLM again.
April 26, 2015 by admin
Filed under Immigration, Islam in America, Patriot Resistance, Prepping, UPA Report
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United Patriots of America
Founded December 2001 in response to 911
UPA Report
Sunday April 26, 2015
Another Bundy confrontation on the way?
Video 4 min 29 sec
Oregon Mine Owner In BLM Dispute Talks To Local Media
Not a standoff yet? Video 24 min 21 sec
Sugar Pine Mine – Oath Keepers Public Information Officer Interview
Almost one year to the day of the Cliven Bundy standoff with the BLM, we have a situation developing in Southern Oregon’s,JosephineCountythat may become the standoff at Sugar Pine.
26 April 2015
At the request of the Sugar Pine Mining Claim owners, Oath Keepers of Josephine County mission is to ensure the mining claim owners 5th Amendment Constitutional Right to Due Process is not violated by the Bureau of Land Management.
Oregon‘s Sugar Pine Goldmine: Caretaker Danny VanDerschelden On What He Witnessed
clip 1 min 5 sec
Idaho III Percent – Call to Action for Sugar Pine Mine
III Percent groups are called on to support the Constitutional defense operation at Sugar Pine Mine in southern Oregon.
Loretta Lynch approved for Attorney General by Senate
While 10 Republican senators voted for Lynch’s final confirmation, it was the cloture vote—which had a 60-vote threshold—where Senate GOP leadership could have stopped Lynch if they wanted to. A whopping 66 senators voted for cloture, which means 20 Republicans technically voted for Lynch’s nomination—and by extension, for President Obama’s executive amnesty indoing so.
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell personally whipped votes for Lynch’s nomination, and for the cloture vote, according to a report from The Hill‘s Alex Bolton.
Cloture vote;
Those Republicans who voted for cloture alongside all 46 Democrats are: Sens. Lamar Alexander (R-TN), Kelly Ayotte (R-NH), Richard Burr (R-NC), Shelley Moore Capito (R-WV), Thad Cochran (R-MS), Susan Collins (R-ME), Bob Corker (R-TN), John Cornyn (R-TX), Jeff Flake (R-AZ), Cory Gardner (R-CO), Lindsey Graham (R-SC), Orrin Hatch (R-UT), Ron Johnson (R-WI), Mark Kirk (R-IL), Mitch McConnell (R-KY), Rob Portman (R-OH), Pat Roberts (R-KS), Mike Rounds (R-SD), John Thune (R-SD) and Thom Tillis (R-NC).
Floor vote.
Ten Republican senators broke ranks and sided with Democrats to get Lynch over the 50-vote threshold:
Kelly Ayotte (N.H.), Orrin Hatch (Utah), Lindsey Graham (S.C.), Susan Collins (Maine), Jeff Flake (Ariz.), Mark Kirk (Ill.), Rob Portman (Ohio), Thad Cochran (Miss.), Ron Johnson (Wis.) and Mitch McConnell (Ky.).
Lynch vs. the Constitution
A senator who votes to confirm Ms. Lynch would be guilty of aiding and abetting President Obama’s unconstitutional amnesty decree. It does not matter whether the senator claims to oppose the amnesty decree and wishes Ms. Lynch would refuse to carry it out. Ms. Lynch has put everyone on notice that she will carry it out; she cannot carry it out unless she is confirmed by the Senate. A vote to confirm her, therefore, is not only a vote for President Obama’s unconstitutional usurpation; a senator who votes to confirm Ms. Lynch will be just as culpable for the implementation of the president’s unconstitutional decree as Ms. Lynch will be — after all, Ms. Lynch cannot implement the plan unless the senators confirm her.
Republicans Who Voted For Loretta Lynch Voted For the Abuse Of Executive Power
Do senators have a duty to defer to the president’s choices simply because the nominee has an impressive resume? Or do they take oaths to uphold the Constitution? There’s little doubt that Lynch has the professional credentials necessary for the job, but a nominee for Justice Department’s top position disqualifies herself when she can’t, for ideological reasons (or won’t, for partisan ones) concede that there is a single genuine limitation on presidential power. The role of Congress is to check the executive branch, not expand its reach.
NRA Opposes (opposed) Confirmation of Obama’s U.S. Attorney General Nominee, Loretta Lynch
As the Nations’ top law enforcement officer, Lynch would almost certainly have an impact on our Second Amendment rights. We know Lynch supports the Obama administration’s position to ban “assault weapons.” And, we know that the general-purpose rifles that gun control supporters call “assault weapons”–such as the AR-15–are the most popular rifles in the United States. We also know that the President’s previous choice for Attorney General–Eric Holder–clearly demonstrated the damage an Obama-appointed, agenda-driven, anti-gun Attorney General can do to our rights and freedoms as Americans.
Police Protested
Baltimore, MD
At least a dozen arrested as Freddie Gray protests in Baltimore turn violent
Gray died April 19 after suffering a fatal spinal injury while in police custody. Authorities have not explained how or when Gray’s spine was injured. Police have said Gray should have received medical attention at the spot where he was arrested — before he was put inside a police transport van handcuffed and without a seat belt, a violation of the department’s policy.
Borders and Illegal Immigration
The White House And Soros-Backed Open Borders Group Strategize About Bribing Immigrants To Naturalize Before 2016
The new Task Force is chaired by White House Domestic Policy Advisor, Cecilia Munoz and its representatives include almost everyone from Obama’s cabinet. Munoz was previously vice president of the National Council for La Raza (or “the Race” in English), an organization that reportedly encourages illegal aliens and non-citizens to vote, pushes for “Reconquista” of the Southwest, and whose founder once advocated for the mass murdering of white people.
Still, the group manages to receive millions of your tax dollars annually.
Displaced American Workers Sue Government for Alleged Illegal Issuance of Work Authorization to Foreign Labor
Suit is on behalf of Americans who were fired and had to train H1-B replacements.
Islam in America
Phoenix, AZ good video
Christians In Arizona Get So Enraged At Muslims Slaughtering Christians That They Go Right In Front Of The Muslims, And Tear The Koran To Pieces, And The Muslims Attack Them.
The Police Then Arrest The Christians
ST. Paul, MN good video
Somali Families Rally At State Capitol Over Terror Arrests
April 25, 2015 5:49 PM
Dozens of local Somali families gathered at the State Capitol Saturday afternoon, calling for the release of six terror suspects.
St. Cloud, MN at High School
Tensions high after Somali protests in St. Cloud
Ten Obvious Reasons Why Islam is NOT a Religion of Peace
Republican Presidential primary race.
For the first time since the founding of the UPA in 2001 we are endorsing a candidate in the presidential primary.
Scott Walker, for his updated position on Borders and Immigration enforcement.
David Koch: Scott Walker Is ‘Terrific’
Invasion of Europe
Pope’s life in danger as 18 arrested in foiled terror plot; believed to have entered Europe as refugees
So just as the Catholic Church is helping to pour tens of thousands of Muslim refugees into US towns and cities, and as the Pope himself welcomed them to Italy in 2013, here, we have news that (surprise!) some “refugees” want to kill the Pope!
Excellent clip 1 min 24 sec
This is what Sheriff Grady Judd thinks about ‘political correctness’ when dealing with a dangerous suspect on the run:
Puerto Rico Officials Warn Government Shutdown Imminent
Puerto Rico’s top finance officials said the government of the U.S. territory will likely shutdown in three months because of a looming liquidity crisis and warned of a devastating impact on the island’s economy.
‘He and I shared a view of where theUnited Statesfit in the world’
NEW YORK– Critics of the Obama administration’s diplomatic clash with Israeland tilt toward Iran, resulting in a nuclear “framework agreement” to be finalized by the end of June, have pointed to the influence of top White House adviser Valerie Jarrett, who was born inIran.
“There are many who are now saying that [Jarrett] is really the architect of this non-treaty with the Iranians,” he said, “which ultimately will result in the Iranians having a nuclear program, and America having to accept a nuclear-armed Iran.”
Two Philly 15 Yr Olds Murdered A Married Father ➠ As He Begged For His Life
Same story as above
Philadelphia 15-year-olds murdered married father in failed robbery: cops
All Laurens County (GA) schools closed Friday due to virus
1 injured in shooting at MSP International Airport
U. of Florida frat (ZBT) accused of spitting on veterans, peeing on American flag.
Police kill more whites than blacks, but minority deaths generate more outrage
America slides to the right, faster. Why? What you can do about it!
Military training in America Excellent video 40min 59 sec
Dave Hodges: Jade Helm15 Update
Extraction drills.
Activist Organization and Information
Refugee Resettlement Watch
Little Mogadishu update: Somali refugee tweeted death threat against US Attorney General (Holder or Lynch ?)
Posted by Ann Corcoran on April 26, 2015
Why Jihad Watch?
Why Jihad Watch? Because non-Muslims in the West, as well as in India, China, Russia, and the world over, are facing a concerted effort by Islamic jihadists, the motives and goals of whom are largely ignored by the Western media, to destroy their societies and impose Islamic law upon them — and to commit violence to that end even while their overall goal remains out of reach. That effort goes under the general rubric of jihad.
Free Clint Lorance
Clint has been sentenced to 20 years confinement, forfeiture of all pay, and dismissal from the Army. We are currently working on the appeal for Clint.
The Case against Clint Lorance
In July 2012, while serving as a Rifle Platoon leader in a remote sector of Kandahar Province Afghanistan, First Lieutenant Clint Lorance’s platoon embarked on what was seemingly a normal combat patrol. Clint’s patrol, consisting of 16 US Infantrymen, 5 Afghan National Army Soldiers, and 1 US Interpreter, left their Strong Point early in the morning on July 02, 2012 to a neighboring village. The platoon knew this village all too well, as only days before, one of their brothers, a US Soldier, had been shot in the neck in this very village.
A Green Beret’s Guide To Developing Local Intelligence Networks: “Allies and Assets”
Now what about your locale? How do you develop good intelligence locally? Who can you trust, and who is reliable on such matters? In short, your intelligence sources will be broken down into two categories: Allies and Assets. The first is fairly self-explanatory; the second needs to be examined in depth. Both are critical in the formulation of your pre and post-SHTF-activities.
Call your representatives in Congress and tell them to stop the Refugee Resettlement program for Muslims
Find and contact your Senator and House Representative
Government Agencies and Elected Officials
Find contact information for federal, state, local, or tribal governments and elected officials.
I am only one, but I am one. I cannot do everything, but I
can do something. And because I cannot do everything, I will
not refuse to do the something that I can do. What I can do,
I should do. And what I should do, by the grace of God,
I will do.” ~ Edward Everett Hale
Ron Bass
Follow the UPA on
Ron Bass
Subscribe to the UPA Report
http://www.UnitedPatriotsOfAmerica com
E-mail – ronbass2010@comcast.net