United Patriots of America
The United Patriots Of America was founded December 2001 in response to 911

UPA Report 4.12.15 It is time to de-legitimize the Leftist media.

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United Patriots of America

Founded December 2001 in response to 911


UPA Report

Sunday April 12, 2015



It is time to delegitimize the Leftist media.

Make the Leftist Media the 2016 Issue

April 11, 2015,  Bruce Walker

In the 2016 election cycle, which includes the battle for the Republican nomination and then the battle in the general election, Republican candidates ought to publicly announce that they will decline interviews with news organizations patently hostile to conservatives, that the Republican nomination debates will exclude these as well, and that this ban will extend throughout the general election.



Too many folks believe that Islam can peacefully coexist with non-Muslim religions and cultures. Unfortunately those people include the media and all the globalist leaders in all Western Civilization nations.


Anti-Islamic protests around the country spark ugly stand-offs



This could happen here

French media groups to hold emergency meeting after Isis cyber-attack

Culture minister calls talks after television network TV5Monde is taken over by individuals claiming to belong to Islamic State



This is happening here.

4-Star Admiral Slams Obama: Muslim Brotherhood Infiltrated All Of Our National Security Agencies



Sharing a tweet.

Multicultural globalists force us to wear blindolds.



PRESIDENT COWARD or Manchurian Candidate.

Published on Sep 5, 2014

He delayed the mission to rescue James Foley and other ISIShostages because he didn’t want to be “Carterized.” He sent the men in the rescue helicopters back to their bunks as he watched our people die in real time atBenghazi. And he delayed the Osama bin Laden raid for MONTHS out of fear of what a failed attempt would do to his re-election chances. In his latest FIREWALL, Bill Whittle shows how President Coward always puts his personal image ahead of the lives of American citizens.



World War III.  It’s here and it’s happening now. It’s asymmetric..

Since It’s not an army in uniform marching across borders as the Germans and the Japanese did in World War II we don’t realize for sure whether it’s a war or just some terrorists, etc.

We need to acknowledge clearly that this is war.

It is Islamic Jihadists waging war against all non-Muslims in the world.

They are at war with us, it’s time we took our government imposed blindfolds off and fight back.

Now we have to figure out what we are going to do about it.  






Historically it takes about 200 years for Islam to dominate a country once they get a foot hold. They are in America now. Fact check. The head of the CIA is a Muslim convert. Fact check. Our president’s father was a Muslim.

Fact check. Dearborn , MI implements Sharia law.

In a surprise weekend vote, the city council of Dearborn, Michigan voted 4-3 to become the first US city to officially implement all aspects of Sharia Law. http://nationalreport.net/city-michigan-first-fully-implement-sharia-law/


Asymmetric Warfare   11min 17 sec 

New Islamic State Video Calls for Attacks on the American Homeland, Promises Another 9/11



Kansas Man, In The Name Of ISIS, Tries To Detonate Truck Bomb At Army’s Fort Riley

FBI agents apprehended him as he was arming the bomb outside of the post.



Border agents bracing for new immigrant surge

Officials says agencies are better equipped to manage another influx




If ISIS threatens Saudi oil you know our troops will be sent in.

Pro-Iran Shiite Rebellion In Saudi Arabia Erupted In An Armed Battle

Shiite rebellion erupted triggering a battle between Saudi security forces and Shiite rebels allied to Iran extending the problems in Yemen to inside Saudi Arabia.





Game Changer OR Paradigm Shift ?

Walter Scott Shooting:

Enhanced Video Shows Officer Slager With Taser Darts



Militias Make Their Move Against Obama’s “Martial Law” Exercises

Just because helicopters are flying doesn’t mean the world is ending. Organize locally if you can and gather intel as best you can. It doesn’t do us any good to jump to the wrong conclusion,” he told members.



Sheriff Orders Immediate Internal Investigation Into Arrest Seen on “Disturbing” Video

Deputies beat man after horse chase..



5 key demands US dropped in Iran talks



Parents Hear Mysterious Music Playing From Their Baby’s Nursery and Make Disturbing Discovery



2nd verse of the Star Spangleled banner



Rand Paul’s tangled approach to H-1B visas

Can’t get excited about a man who wants to increase foreign work visas, when so many Americans are unemployed. Fact. See 2 very short videos below. Better letRand know.



Rescue Christians Org

The focus of our work is to save the lives of Christians whom are suffering from the ‘Blasphemy Laws’, aiding relatives of martyred families, women and children who are victims of rape.


We aid the most severe cases. For example, blasphemy laws are used by Islamic extremists to make up charges against innocent Christians in order to steal their property and stir up violence against the Christians population.


 We provide means of escape, safe houses, legal help, and in extreme circumstances, security details for rescue missions.


This includes cases of abduction of women, rape and forced marriages.


Our mission field also includes aiding suffering Syrian Christians, Iraqi Christians and Christian Copts inEgypt.



New: I Gun 4



Refugee Resettlement Watch

The path a refugee takes to America; note that the UN is the primary gatekeeper

Ann Corcoran on April 11, 2015


Why Jihad Watch?

Why Jihad Watch? Because non-Muslims in the West, as well as in India, China, Russia, and the world over, are facing a concerted effort by Islamic jihadists, the motives and goals of whom are largely ignored by the Western media, to destroy their societies and impose Islamic law upon them — and to commit violence to that end even while their overall goal remains out of reach. That effort goes under the general rubric of jihad.



Free Clint Lorance

Clint has been sentenced to 20 years confinement, forfeiture of all pay, and dismissal from the Army. We are currently working on the appeal for Clint.



The Case against Clint Lorance

In July 2012, while serving as a Rifle Platoon leader in a remote sector of Kandahar Province Afghanistan, First Lieutenant Clint Lorance’s platoon embarked on what was seemingly a normal combat patrol. Clint’s patrol, consisting of 16 US Infantrymen, 5 Afghan National Army Soldiers, and 1 US Interpreter, left their Strong Point early in the morning on July 02, 2012 to a neighboring village. The platoon knew this village all too well, as only days before, one of their brothers, a US Soldier, had been shot in the neck in this very village.




Top 5 Post Apocalyptic Livestock For Preppers


Raise the Right Livestock


5 Best Livestock Animals for Preppers









Call your representatives in Congress and tell them to stop the Refugee Resettlement program for Muslims

Find and contact your Senator and House Representative



Government Agencies and Elected Officials

Find contact information for federal, state, local, or tribal governments and elected officials.


 I am only one, but I am one. I cannot do everything, but I
can do something. And because I cannot do everything, I will
not refuse to do the something that I can do. What I can do,
I should do. And what I should do, by the grace of God,
I will do.” ~ Edward Everett Hale

Ron Bass

Follow the UPA on



Ron Bass

Subscribe to the UPA Report


http://www.UnitedPatriotsOfAmerica  com
E-mail – ronbass2010@comcast.net


UPA Report 4.05.15 Pres. Reagan’s Radio Address to the Nation on Observance of Easter and Passover – 4/2/83

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United Patriots of America

Founded December 2001 in response to 911


UPA Report

Sunday April 05, 2015

Happy Easter / Happy Passover


President Reagan’s Radio Address to the Nation on the Observance of Easter and Passover – 4/2/83




Common Core School Assignment FORCES Students to Make Islamic Prayer Rugs, Recite Muslim Prayers

A father in Seminole County, Florida, is stunned after discovering a indoctrination “lesson” on Islam in his son’s 10th-grade history textbook, a book that is also used as part of the Common Core standards across the state.







Outraged Father Removes Son From Class That Was Teaching THIS About Islam



Roughly 40,000 babies are born each year to women visiting the United States for the sole purpose of giving birth.

Published 5 March 2015



Latino CA Highway officer stop patriots from entering a public meeting at the request of a Latino California State Senator.

Senator Ricardo Lara Denies Citizens Entrance To His Immigration Roundtable



Does Ted Cruz Have a “Natural Born Citizen” Issue When It Comes to His Presidential Bid?




MARCH 30, 2015



Huge military exercise in Fort Lauderdale Florida



(Pictures) of Strange Martial Law Military Training Exercise in ArkansasRecently

Posted on March 10, 2015   



Two Queens, N.Y. women arrested for plotting propane tank bomb attacks in New York

Published 3 April 2015

Roommates Noelle Velentzas, 28, and Asia Siddiqui, 31, were arrested Thursday morning and charged with conspiracy to use a weapon of mass destruction in theUnited States, according to federal prosecutors. FBI officials say both women, who live inQueens,New York, were radicalized by Islamic State (ISIS) propaganda.



Guess Whats Back? Ebola: Guinea declares 45-day “health emergency”

March 30, 2015       



The Gays are now becoming a threat to our freedoms.

The Real Power of the One Percent

Statistics show that 1.6 percent of the population identifies itself as gay orlesbian.



Huge Military Drill in FT Lauderdale Jade Helm 15 Comes to Life as a Large Martial Law Drill Frightens Floridians

March 29, 2015     



Bob Menendez, N.J. senator, indicted on corruption charges



Another Mysterious Death in Missouri Government

 March 31, 2015







A fatal wrong turn suspected at NSA

What had first appeared to be an attempt to breach security at the listening post that eavesdrops on communications throughout the world now appears to be a wrong turn by two men who police believe had robbed their companion of his vehicle and perhaps didn’t stop because there were drugs inside.



Bombs Dropping

By Joe Harrison

No, I don’t mean bombs are literally dropping on us, not yet anyway. I’m talking about the actions taken by Obama and the things coming to light since the midterms.





We have admitted 83,991 Somali Shariah-supporting immigrants to the US in 25 years

How did we get so many Somali refugees—the numbers are telling

Update October 26, 2014:  The final tally for FY2014 is 9,000!

We have admitted 83,991 Somali Shariah-supporting immigrants to the US in 25 years.   More then half, 43,682, came since September 11th!



Minnesota: More than half of the state’s Somalis live in poverty, yet feds and contractors continue to pour them into the US



Is bringing huge numbers of black African refugees from Somalia into Minnesota a good idea? It has been going on for a number of years. Eventually Somalia’s Al-Shabab will emerge.


Tensions high following Somali protests in St. Cloud, MN

ST. CLOUD,Minn.- Tensions remain high inSt. Cloudfollowing a walkout and protest by Somali students alleging a pattern of bullying and discrimination against them.



Somalia’s Al-Shabab threatens ‘bloodbath’ after Kenya attack

The bodies of dozens of students massacred by Somalia’s Shebab Islamists at a Kenyan university arrived in the capital Friday, as grieving relatives faced a desperate wait to receive the remains of their loved ones.



Top languages spoken by refugees admitted to the US—Arabic is #1

 Ann Corcoran on April 1, 2015



The Battle for Iraq: Shia Militias vs. the Islamic State



The Islamic State (Full Length) 42 min 31 sec

Published on Aug 14, 2014

EXCLUSIVE: VICE News Meets Barack Obama: http://bit.ly/1wT03Bi

The Islamic State, a hardline Sunni jihadist group that formerly had ties to al Qaeda, has conquered large swathes of Iraq and Syria. Previously known as the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS), the group has announced its intention to reestablish the caliphate and has declared its leader, the shadowy Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, as the caliph.



Jihadi Terror Isn’t “Crazy,” It’s a Manifestation of Islamic Theology

by DIANA WEST January 4, 2015

One hundred years ago today, a lethal jihad attack was staged against New Year’s Day picnickers in Broken Hill, Australia.  This attack and the recentMartin Place siege, events separated by almost exactly a century, show striking similarities. …

Also misleading is the widely used term lone wolf, which implies social disengagement and dysfunction, including disconnection with the broader jihadi movement.  This very Western secular construct overlooks the considerable attention in Islamic jurisprudence to the idea of warfare as an ‘individual obligation’ (fardh al-‘ayn), which is incumbent upon Muslims as individuals, even if they are not enlisted in a jihad army.



Al-Shabab gunmen attacked a college in northeast Kenya early Thursday, targeting Christians and killing at least 15 people and wounding 60 others, witnesses said.



Surrender, Genocide… or What?





Pakistanis not enough.Indiais set to have the largest Muslim population. The creation ofPakistanis one example of Islam’s violent history in the Hindu-majority nation…


Refugee Resettlement Watch


Judicial Watch sues DOJ for withholding documents on mysterious 2014 explosion and fire in Somali neighborhood in Minneapolis





How Many Visa Overstayers?

MARCH 27, 2015

It seems that everybody agrees that there is no definitive answer to what share of the illegal alien population entered the country legally with visas but stayed illegally. FAIR describes the range of estimates in an issue brief “Visa Overstayers.” Official sources have cited a rate of one-third and two-fifths of the illegal alien population as visa overstayers. Pew researchers have cited a



NumbersUSA  NEWS


El Paso Sector Agents Halt Presence of Sex Offenders


American Tech Workers Would Compete With Hundreds of Thousands of New Guest Workers Under Obama’s L-1B Visa Proposal


Report: Large Numbers of Minors, Family Units Again Crossing Border Illegally



Judicial Watch

Weekly update from the desk of Tom Fitton.


Judicial Watch Files New Lawsuit on Bergdahl-Terrorist Swap Scandal

   Open Borders for Terrorists?

      Obama Amnesty is Threat to Public Safety


Why Jihad Watch?

Why Jihad Watch? Because non-Muslims in the West, as well as in India, China, Russia, and the world over, are facing a concerted effort by Islamic jihadists, the motives and goals of whom are largely ignored by the Western media, to destroy their societies and impose Islamic law upon them — and to commit violence to that end even while their overall goal remains out of reach. That effort goes under the general rubric of jihad.



Free Clint Lorance

Clint has been sentenced to 20 years confinement, forfeiture of all pay, and dismissal from the Army. We are currently working on the appeal for Clint.



The Case against Clint Lorance

In July 2012, while serving as a Rifle Platoon leader in a remote sector of Kandahar Province Afghanistan, First Lieutenant Clint Lorance’s platoon embarked on what was seemingly a normal combat patrol. Clint’s patrol, consisting of 16 US Infantrymen, 5 Afghan National Army Soldiers, and 1 US Interpreter, left their Strong Point early in the morning on July 02, 2012 to a neighboring village. The platoon knew this village all too well, as only days before, one of their brothers, a US Soldier, had been shot in the neck in this very village.




The Lone Wolf VS The Survival Group




How to Build Your Own Survival Team

Why Are You Prepping?

Start Forming Your SHTF Team

Assigning Roles Based On Skill Levels

The Leader


Food Personnel

Medical Staff

Additional Skilled Personnel

Form a Facebook Group or Other Online Forum




Call your representatives in Congress and tell them to stop the Refugee Resettlement program for Muslims

Find and contact your Senator and House Representative



Government Agencies and Elected Officials

Find contact information for federal, state, local, or tribal governments and elected officials.


 I am only one, but I am one. I cannot do everything, but I
can do something. And because I cannot do everything, I will
not refuse to do the something that I can do. What I can do,
I should do. And what I should do, by the grace of God,
I will do.” ~ Edward Everett Hale

Ron Bass

Follow the UPA on



Ron Bass

Subscribe to the UPA Report


http://www.UnitedPatriotsOfAmerica  com
E-mail – ronbass2010@comcast.net


UPA Report 3.29.15 U.S. Iraq war veteran fighting to Defend Christians in Iraq.

Comments Off on UPA Report 3.29.15 U.S. Iraq war veteran fighting to Defend Christians in Iraq.

United Patriots of America

Founded December 2001 in response to 911


UPA Report

Sunday March 29, 2015

An American Hero is in Iraq Fighting to Defend Christian Lives from ISIS

 25 March 2015/ 16 Comments

5 min 53 sec video

Brett Felton is a real American hero.

 He is a 28-year old Iraq war veteran from Michigan who also happens to be a Christian and is now helping to train fledgling Christian militias in an effort to fend off the ISIS threat.

 Brett is not in Iraq serving our nation, but serving the Christians of Iraq.

Our government even reached out to him after he was able to sneak away from his “study abroad” program and into Iraq, asking Felton not to fight and to return home as soon as possible.

But Felton chose to stay and to fight, anyway.



You decide

Germanwings co-pilot Andreas Lubitz praised on Facebook: ‘Our holy martyr Lubitz died for our prophet’ – See more at:



Join the Bundy Family in Celebration!

Bundy Ranch Anniversary Celebration!   

Date: April 10-12, 2015 (Fri, Sat, Sun)

Location: Bundy Ranch – Bunkerville NV 89007 – Exit 112 off of I-15, follow the American flags

Purpose: To gather in celebration of our liberties, agency and stand with God, for our U.S. Constitution, State sovereignty, Property rights and to enjoy access to our lands.

Who is Invited: All people who enjoy freedom




How to Build Your Own Survival Team
See link near end of report

Islam is here and more coming.

Muslim immigration from dangerous nations is dramatically higher in recent years, and government assurances that immigrants are being properly screened is “a farce,” according to accomplished author and columnist Paul Sperry.

“It’s really insane what we’re doing. No one’s really talking about it, but this mass immigration from Muslim countries poses a serious national security threat,”




What has the FBI testimony shown?

“They admit, under oath, that they have no idea who these people are, and they can’t find out what type of backgrounds they have, criminal, terrorism or otherwise, because there is no vetting opportunities,” Sperry said. “You can’t vet somebody if you don’t have documentation, police records, etc.”

He said, “Of course, Iraq and Syria are now failed states and the police. There are no police records, so we are not vetting these folks.”

Sperry said it’s a huge gamble to let people from hostile nations enter the U.S. without any meaningful background check.



Texas Mayor Doubles Down on Islamists Who Want Sharia in Irving: “I’m Not Going to be Bullied”

Last weekend, Walid Shoebat covered what took place down in Irving. He wrote:

The intense national spotlight on Islam has shifted to Irving, where Mayor Beth Van Duyne has accused mosque leaders of creating separate laws for Muslims and the City Council voted Thursday to endorse a state bill that Muslims say targets their faith. (You can practice your so-called ‘faith’ in 56 countries. Pick one)

As a final note to Islamists who may read this article, there are at least 56 countries that practice your Sharia. If that is what you want to live under, I’m sure the American people would be more than happy to purchase you a one way plane ticket to the Islamic country of your choice so that you can bask in the “freedom” that Sharia provides you.



Newsletter #159 – Islamist Bullying in Tennessee



ISIS is now the Fourth Reich



Islamic State attack on Italy coming




A Muslim immigrant should not integrate with the host society, but if his stay depends on showing some kind of integration to the host non-Muslim society, then he is permitted to demonstrate a fake  integration, only in appearance and only temporarily, until the goal of subduing and the Islamization of this host society is achieved.


The next rule Muhammad made clear was that immigration for Muslims is a religious duty. The reason is simple and evident: the more Muslims come to a non-Muslim country, the more possibilities this will open for infiltration in all structures of this country with the final goal of securing victory for Islam, and more soldiers will stand up when the time of Jihad comes. Immigration is a preparatory stage to Jihad, and Muhammad made it very clear when he said:


“I charge you with five of what Allah has charged me with: to assemble, to listen, to obey, to immigrate and to wage Jihad for the sake of Allah.”[1]



Islamic Enclaves in America

How the Muslim Brotherhood Operates in Tennessee (Part 1 of 8)

Posted on March 27, 2015



U.S. Soldier Arrested for Helping ISIS

USArmy National Guard Soldier and his Cousin Arrested for Conspiring to Support Terrorism (ISIL)

One Man Arrested While Attempting to Travel Abroad; Both Chicago Area Men Spoke of Using Army Uniforms, Military Knowledge and Access to Attack Illinois Military Installation



Harry Reid to retire, will not be seeking re-election; he served for 5 terms



DHS secretary says Mayorkas will keep his job amid immigration flap



Wisconsin’s Supreme Court upholds photo voter ID law.

ACLU gets Stung in Wisconsin

March 26, 2015

Governor Scott Walker, Wisconsin voters, and champions of clean elections won a crucial decision at the U.S. Supreme Court on Monday when the justices declined to hear a challenge to an appeals court’s decision upholding Wisconsin’s photo voter ID law.

While miffed by the Court’s action, the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) crowed today (Tuesday) that state officials said the law still will not be in effect for the April 7 election.



2min 42sec

Who at an Article V Convention can save us?

Published on Mar 26, 2015

No one! We must enforce the Constitution with our Votes and with Nullification by refusing to comply with unconstitutional laws



Black on white attacks


The Old Man and the Sea of Black Mob Violence

By Colin Flaherty

“Through the MSM, the popular culture, and liberals in government, the message to black people for years has been that they are not responsible for their actions, nor will there be serious consequences for their violent behavior.”




Interview with the mother charged after defending family.

(Her name is Gina Herring, not Helen.)



Immigrant population surges in Georgia..

More than 40 percent of people in Norcross were born in another country. According to the 2013 American Community Survey, Latinos and Asians make up about 60 percent of the population.



Immigrants end the decline in Buffalo, NY, Erie County population

Large refugee influx leads to first increase since 1960s



Immigrants filling the void as residents flee N.J. by the tens of thousands (Interactive Map)



DHS Secretary: ‘Thousands’ of Unaccompanied Children Still Crossing Into U.S.

March 27, 2015



House Dem Makes ‘Do Not Deport Me’ Cards for Illegal Immigrants






Tyranny in America


Rockwood treats his animals better than most factory farms do, but since he uses traditional farming methods, his farm will fail regulatory inspections, while factory farms will pass.

Police Raid Small Family Farm, Charge Family, Seize Animals Because they were Free Range

Rockwood has launched a $50,000 gofundme campaign to raise money to post bond for his horses and to pay for the disrupted legal fees and lost business he has incurred and will incur due to the publicity and effort involved in defending himself. He means to go to court to try to fight the charges and to win back his reputation, his rescue dog, and his horses.

Because of his caring and generous customers and supporters they are almost halfway to that goal.



4409 — NAZI Checkpoint Confronted – 5



VIDEO: Thug Border Patrol Agents Rip Man from his Car for Asserting His Constitutional Rights

A shocking video posted to youtube Monday shows what life in a police state looks like. A family was on their way back from a doctor’s appointment when they drove through a checkpoint that was staffed by tyrants.

Rick Hebert was simply traveling through the checkpoint and lawfully refused to tell the agents where he was going. This checkpoint was well inside the US border on Highway 89 North.

At these constitutionally questionable checkpoints, you are not required to answer the agent’s questions (usually starting with “Are you a United States citizen?”). Nor can the agents require you to consent to any searches.

Apparently the agents at this checkpoint are unaware of the constitution.

This man simply asserts his rights and is subsequently assaulted and kidnapped in front of his 4-year-old son and wife. The video is horrifying.

This is what life in a police state looks like.



Special forces set to swarm Southwest and operate undetected among civilians in massive military exercise

 26 March 2015 | UPDATED:  27 March 2015

Hostile: An unclassified military document reveals the states involved in a controversial multi-agency training exercises that will place 1,200 military personnel into 7 Southwest states–with residents of Utah, Texas and part of Southern California designated as ‘hostile’

Operation Jade Helm will see 1,200 service members including Green Berets and SEALs and special forces from the Air Force and Marines in July

Soldiers armed with blank rounds will operate in and around towns in Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, California, Nevada, Utah and Colorado for 8 weeks

The so-called Realistic Military Training has some residents fearful the drill is a preparation for martial law



Border Security???

It’s all about politics. It is not about securing the border. Just another government dog and pony show.

Gaming the Border: a Report from Cochise County, Arizona

Uploaded on Aug 9, 2010

WASHINGTON (August 10, 2010) — Federal officials routinely assure the public that they are gaining control over the Arizona border. Despite these assurances, “Gaming the Border: a Report from Cochise County, Arizona,” shows why the border there remains porous, as illegal immigrants avoid the Border Patrol and walk around checkpoints on highways north of the border.




…..cancels Medicare budget cuts that eat into doctors’ pay,

House passes Medicare payment overhaul in rare spark of bipartisanship

The normally fractious House made governing look effortless Thursday, passing a long-sought deal to permanently cancel Medicare budget cuts that eat into doctors’ pay, erasing a perennial political headache while praying that a set of replacement reforms will help pay for some of the $200 billion in new spending.

It was unclear whether the Senate would take up the bill before leaving Capitol Hill,



Obamacare flying machine begins a death spiral

Premiums are rising rapidly and the young and healthy are bailing out





Hillary Clinton wiped email server clean, refuses to turn it over



School Named After A War Hero Forced Student To Shave Off Military-Style Haircut Honoring Soldier Step-Brother –

According to the feckless principle at Bobby Ray Memorial Elementary School a ‘high and tight’ military-style haircut is an extreme haircut (along the lines of a ‘mohawk) worthy of suspension. –  http://www.libertynews.com/2015/03/school-named-after-a-war-hero-forced-student-to-shave-off-military-style-haircut-honoring-soldier-step-brother/#sthash.D0xxBctR.dpuf


Here comes Florida: The President takes another golf weekend in Palm City just west of Stuart FL on the east coast..



Militants Storm Somali Hotel in Deadly Attack

At least 10 killed, including officials attending conference; some assailants still at large

National Security Spokesman Mohamed Yusuf said more than 10 people died in the attack and that some of the deaths appeared to be the result of beheadings.



2nd Western Minnesota Turkey Farm Hit by Bird Flu Outbreak

Associated Press Mar 27, 2015





Refugee Resettlement Watch


Ten things your town needs to know when (if!) “welcoming” refugees for the first time

Posted by Ann Corcoran on March 11, 2015





Walker’s Immigration Position Unclear

“Where does Scott Walker stand on the thorny subjects of immigration reform and a pathway to citizenship? Well, it’s increasingly difficult to tell — especially after the Wall Street Journal today reported that, according to three people present, he told a March 13 private dinner of New Hampshire Republicans that he favored a way for undocumented immigrants to obtain citizenship,” NBC News says.



Ted Cruz, the presidential candidate who wants to increase the H-1B cap by 500%

Cruz Supported H-1B Increase

“It’s going to be hard for the Republicans to field a presidential candidate as enthusiastic about the H-1B visa as U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas).

Cruz, who announced his presidential bid this morning, once proposed an immediate increase in the base H-1B cap from 65,000 to 325,000. Cruz offered the H-1B increase as an amendment in 2013 to the Senate’s comprehensive immigration bill,” says Computerworld.



See all FAIR Immigration news





The Senate passed a border amendment to its budget resolution late Thursday night that attempts to prevent future border surges like the one experienced last summer along the U.S.-Mexico border. The amendment, offered by Sen. John McCain (#360), passed by a 58-to-42 margin, but not before a bit of drama.



All these amendments were withdrawn by their sponsors.


In the realm of immigration, amendments are expected that instruct Congress to clarify birthright citizenship and massively increase the number of work permits issued to foreign tech workers.



See all NumbersUSA News



Judicial Watch

Weekly update from the desk of Tom Fitton.


Obama Lawyers Afraid to Go to Court on Email Scandal

The request is before U.S. District Court Judge Royce C. Lamberth, who is the judge assigned to what should have been a simple FOIA lawsuit to find out more about Hillary Clinton’s role in the Benghazi cover-up.



4th Amendment privacy violation.

Obamacare Docs:  Obama White House Violates Your Privacy?

Some of that personal health care information that you want kept private and confidential is anything but secure.  Apparently, Obama White House pressure led to changes to the Healthcare.gov privacy policies that make it possible for certain private information to be shared with advertisers and who knows who else.

Scroll down for article in this link.


Why Jihad Watch?

Why Jihad Watch? Because non-Muslims in the West, as well as in India, China, Russia, and the world over, are facing a concerted effort by Islamic jihadists, the motives and goals of whom are largely ignored by the Western media, to destroy their societies and impose Islamic law upon them — and to commit violence to that end even while their overall goal remains out of reach. That effort goes under the general rubric of jihad.



Free Clint Lorance

Clint has been sentenced to 20 years confinement, forfeiture of all pay, and dismissal from the Army. We are currently working on the appeal for Clint.



The Case against Clint Lorance

In July 2012, while serving as a Rifle Platoon leader in a remote sector of Kandahar Province Afghanistan, First Lieutenant Clint Lorance’s platoon embarked on what was seemingly a normal combat patrol. Clint’s patrol, consisting of 16 US Infantrymen, 5 Afghan National Army Soldiers, and 1 US Interpreter, left their Strong Point early in the morning on July 02, 2012 to a neighboring village. The platoon knew this village all too well, as only days before, one of their brothers, a US Soldier, had been shot in the neck in this very village.




How to Build Your Own Survival Team

Why Are You Prepping?

Start Forming Your SHTF Team

Assigning Roles Based On Skill Levels

The Leader


Food Personnel

Medical Staff

Additional Skilled Personnel

Form a Facebook Group or Other Online Forum




Call your representatives in Congress and tell them to stop the Refugee Resettlement program for Muslims

Find and contact your Senator and House Representative



Government Agencies and Elected Officials

Find contact information for federal, state, local, or tribal governments and elected officials.


 I am only one, but I am one. I cannot do everything, but I
can do something. And because I cannot do everything, I will
not refuse to do the something that I can do. What I can do,
I should do. And what I should do, by the grace of God,
I will do.” ~ Edward Everett Hale

Ron Bass

Follow the UPA on



Ron Bass

Subscribe to the UPA Report


http://www.UnitedPatriotsOfAmerica  com
E-mail – ronbass2010@comcast.net




UPA Report 3.22.15 Islam is unconstitutional. What Islam really is.

Comments Off on UPA Report 3.22.15 Islam is unconstitutional. What Islam really is.


United Patriots of America

Founded December 2001 in response to 911


UPA Report

Sunday March 22, 2015



 Islam is in direct violation of the First Amendment


Islam is in direct violation of the First Amendment.

Islam and it’s Sharia Law demands the establishment of it’s religion, Islam.

All Muslims seek to establish their religion as a state religion thru Sharia law. That is exactly what Islam is about. It is in their holy book the Koran and is practiced in every country that they control.


First Amendment

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion,

 or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.


This is long. Set aside some time to read it.  It is a chilling explanation of what Islam really is. You will never think the same about Islam after you read this.

An Inquiry Into Islam

What Islam Really Is

A non-racist, unbigoted inquiry into the core teachings of Islam and what it all means (if anything) for non-Muslims



The Muslim Brotherhood Takeover of the Obama Administration

Muslims have a constitutional right to practice their religion and hold any office within the American government so long as they are sincere in protecting and defending the Constitution of the United States. However, when members of any religious, or any other kind of group openly advocate for the hijacking of the American government and ultimately the American people under the Sharia law applications of the terrorist organization, the Muslim Brotherhood, their right to hold any governmental position is forfeited. Further, it is a crime, under Federal law which is punishable by fines and imprisonment, to openly advocate for the overthrow of the  United States of America. Yet, this is what the personal and public beliefs reflect for the following list of Muslim Brotherhood sympathizers serving in the U.S. government, who openly advocate for the domination of Islam over all other religions in the United States and “to make the United States an “Islamic nation”.



The United States Government:  Patron of Islam?



Islam is engaged in dominating the lands of non-Muslims through military and political warfare, as we engage them with politically correct compassionate conservativism as exemplified by our

Refugee Resettlement Program.

Call Congress and tell them to stop the Islamic resettlement into our homeland. We hope a number of you let Rep. Trey Gowdy (chairman of the House subcommittee responsible for the refugee program) know how you feel!


Call your state representatives also.


Millions of our taxes dollars are given to key Non-Profits across the country to fund this resettlement.

We are all either part of the solution or part of the problem.

If we remain silent and do not communicate we become part of the problem.

Contact info

Government Agencies and Elected Officials

Find contact information for federal, state, local, or tribal governments and elected officials.



RRW (Refugee Resettlement Watch)weekly round-up for week ending March 21st; best day ever last week!

We hope a number of you let Rep. Trey Gowdy (chairman of the House subcommittee responsible for the refugee program) know how you feel!



Muslims in America. 1975

Born Cassius Clay, he began training at 12 years old and at the age of 22 won the world heavyweight championship in 1964 from Sonny Liston in a stunning upset. Shortly after that bout, Ali joined the Nation of Islam and changed his name. He converted to Islam in 1975.


Muslims in America 2015

Barack Hussein Obama (Our current President)

Valerie Jarret (#1 Advisor to the President)

John Brennan (Our current Director of the CIA)



Instead of deporting or arresting Ahmed for anti-white subversive behavior he is invited as a respected guest on a FOX TV show.

In Europe if you disrespect Islam in any way they will kill you if they find you.

Video 2min 59sec Don’t miss this short video.

Muslim Brotherhood Capitol Day: Misogynist Ahmed Bedier on Families and Women



Manchurian Candidate BHO

Obama and the Muslim Gang Sign

February 18, 2015

Is President Obama a Muslim?  A lot has been written about this, but if photographs speak louder than words, then a photo taken at last August’s U.S.-African Leaders’ Summit in Washington D.C. might shed considerable light.

It shows Barack Hussein Obama flashing the one-finger affirmation of Islamic faith to dozens of African delegates.



Manchurian Candidate BHO

Former Ambassador Ann Wagner…Benghazi Stand Down Order Came From Obama

Posted on May 10, 2013 by Tim Brown



Manchurian Candidate BHO

Here are the Taliban Terrorists Obama Released to Free POW Bowe Bergdahl

The five Guantanamodetainees released by the Obama administration in exchange for America’s last prisoner of war in Afghanistan, Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl, are bad guys. They are top Taliban commanders the group has tried to free for more than a decade.



Posted on 2/5/2015, 9:30:50 AM by javie

Valerie Jarrett said what?? In her own words:

“I am Iranian by birth and of my Islamic Faith. I am also an American citizen and seek to help change America to be a more Islamic country. My faith guides me and I feel like it is going well in the transition of using freedom of religion in America against itself”

Valerie Jarrett Stanford University 1977.


Islamic State posts kill list with purported addresses of U.S. military personnel

A group affiliated with the Islamic State published a list of addresses purportedly belonging to about 100U.S.service members late Friday night, calling for their beheadings.

The self-identified “Islamic State Hacking Division” claimed to have obtained the information by hacking into military servers, databases and emails, The Blaze reported Saturday.



Yemen Division of Islamic State Claims Suicide Bomb Attacks That Killed Scores

Bombers attacked two mosques controlled by Houthi rebels in the Yemeni capital San’a



MARCH 18, 2015

ObamaLaw – Coming to a police department near you! – Part 5



Repeals Obamacare

Senate GOP unveils budget with Obamacare repeal, dismisses president’s ‘unserious’ plan

The plan from Senate Budget Committee Chairman Mike Enzi of Wyoming repeals Obamacare and would achieve a $3 billion surplus 10 years out through spending cuts and zero tax increases.



James Stavridis: How to prevent ISIS from a new sack of Rome



How to counter the political establishment at the local level.

Get the Neighborhood Project E-Book and Workbook

Many people are looking for a road map of how to remove the power that money has in politics. People are looking for a way to give principled grassroots candidates a chance against establishment candidates. The Neighborhood Project is a how to guide to accomplish this in the most important place you can. Your own neighborhood.


This book was written to show you as an individual how to obtain and keep real political power in your own neighborhood and how this method is vital in restoring honest leadership at every level of government. This book is not reinventing the wheel. It is to show you how to pick up the wheel and use it.



The Terry Trussell story

Posted by Raquel Okya  March 15, 2015           

Floridaofficials, including 2016 presidential front runner John Ellis “Jeb” Bush, are scrambling to keep aDixieCountycommon law grand jury foreman quiet as evidence mounts of inappropriate execution of Common Core.



“Lightning Round” on FOX News with Guest Ahmed Bedier

Uploaded on Nov 13, 2007

Ahmed Bedier from The Council on American-Islamic relations is a guest on “Lightning Round” on FOX News.




Published on Mar 16, 2015

Once again, The United West brings you some cutting edge video of what “appears” to be a CAIR/Muslim Brotherhood information operation promoting the nefarious activities of fellow-traveler, Republican charlatan, Grover Norquist. Check out this “Imam” and his activity on Florida Muslim Brotherhood Capitol Day in Tallahassee, FL. 



Persecution of Christians a Growing Problem in Pakistan – RescueChristians.org




Young girl and her brother beaten up in Brookside Park




Florida Muslim Brotherhood Organizes Muslim Capitol Day



Common Core and PARCC testing

Teaching History the Pearson Way

Posted: 03/16/2015



How Bill Gates pulled off the swift Common Core revolution





Refugee Resettlement Watch


Ten things your town needs to know when (if!) “welcoming” refugees for the first time

Posted by Ann Corcoran on March 11, 2015





See all FAIR Immigration news





The House Committee on the Judiciary yesterday approved a bill that would recognize a state’s inherent authority to enforce federal immigration laws and negate the president’s unconstitutional executive amnesties. The committee also



See all NumbersUSA News



Judicial Watch

Weekly update from the desk of Tom Fitton.


New Court Action in Hillary Clinton Email Scandal

   Judicial Watch Gets Records That Show al Qaeda Terrorist May Have Been Govt. Source

      Obama’s Gruber Cover-Up


Why Jihad Watch?

Why Jihad Watch? Because non-Muslims in the West, as well as in India, China, Russia, and the world over, are facing a concerted effort by Islamic jihadists, the motives and goals of whom are largely ignored by the Western media, to destroy their societies and impose Islamic law upon them — and to commit violence to that end even while their overall goal remains out of reach. That effort goes under the general rubric of jihad.



Free Clint Lorance




Six survival skills you should learn now

December 20, 2013 by graywolf

There are six top skills you should focus on learning. You should also pack your bugout bag and EDC with equipment to help you with each of these skills:



Best SHTF and TEOTWAWKI Movies Webstore




Call your representatives in Congress and tell them to stop the Refugee Resettlement program for Muslims

Find and contact your Senator and House Representative



Government Agencies and Elected Officials

Find contact information for federal, state, local, or tribal governments and elected officials.


This will run every week.

Special Report
This report prints out to 12 pages but worthwhile reading.

The Posse Comitatus Act does not prohibit US Military on our borders.

US Military is allowed as authorized by the Constitution or Act of Congress 


Fighting tyranny in America 2014



We Are Entering An Era Of Shattered Illusions

Our mission as an opposing force to globalism is to come to terms with our own illusions and to erase them, to stop compromising and to stop waiting for the final shoe to drop and to take positive action now rather than after the endgame develops.


This means preparation and organization for the worst-case scenarios.


 This means making one’s family, neighborhood and community as self-reliant and secure as possible.


The excuses have to stop.


The distractions and intellectualized silver bullet solutions have to stop. Hard work and risk are all that are left, all that matters. If we do this, and if we do this now, then victory is possible.


 In any contest of strength and will, he who knows himself best, he who sheds all illusion, will be the winner.



Nonviolent resistance (NVR or nonviolent action) is the practice of achieving goals through symbolic protests, civil disobedience, economic or political noncooperation, or other methods, without using violence.


24/7 boycott of corporations.

They take our money and give it to the political elites to trash our Constitutional Republic.

Fight back. Don’t spend your money with them.


Rules of Engagement – Get SASSY

Save America – Shop Smart Y’all


The tyranny emanating from the political, corporate and media world survives because we fund them by doing business with them.


We are actually financing our own national suicide by spending our money every day with them.


Do not spend money with your political enemies.

Avoid corporations, seek out small local businesses

Avoid mainstream media seek out alternative media.

Do business with like minded patriots.

Save America – Shop Smart Y’all (SASSY)

 I am only one, but I am one. I cannot do everything, but I
can do something. And because I cannot do everything, I will
not refuse to do the something that I can do. What I can do,
I should do. And what I should do, by the grace of God,
I will do.” ~ Edward Everett Hale

Ron Bass

Follow the UPA on



Ron Bass

Subscribe to the UPA Report


http://www.UnitedPatriotsOfAmerica  com
E-mail – ronbass2010@comcast.net




UPA Report 3.15.15 Armed Patriots Stand Against Feds & great song, don’t miss this 1.

Comments Off on UPA Report 3.15.15 Armed Patriots Stand Against Feds & great song, don’t miss this 1.


 United Patriots of America

Founded December 2001 in response to 911


UPA Report

Sunday March 15, 2015


We the people are the rightful masters of both Congress and the courts, not to overthrow the Constitution but to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution.

Abraham Lincoln


“We don’t need everyone to agree with us. We need everyone who agrees with us to Unite”

“Let’s get to Work”

Judy Stines (@jstines3), 3/8/15


Armed Patriots Stand Against Feds!!!



Great song    Don’t miss this one.


When you’re Holding a Hammer (Everything Looks Like a Nail)



ATF waves white flag, kills AR-15 bullet ban in big win for NRA

Under intense pressure from majorities in the House and Senate, the National Rifle Association’s huge membership, the Obama administration has abruptly changed course and is rescinding its push to ban popular and cheap ammo used by AR-15 owners.



Excellent video presentation – must watch

All Federal Gun Laws Are Unconstitutional

Freedom Outpost’s Constitutional scholar Publius Huldah recently explained why Federal gun laws are unlawful. She noted that the first gun control measures put in place in theUnited States did not take place until 1927, when Congress banned the mailing of certain weapons. We went from 1776 to 1927, 150 years after our founding, when Congress decided,

 “We better start disarming the American people.”



US Embassy in Saudi Arabia halts operations amid “heightened security concerns”




Understanding US negotiations with Iran

Editorial cartoon: Engaging with dangerous lunatics



Obama in Contempt of Court? Texas Judge Orders New Hearing for Violation of Amnesty Injunction

A stunning judicial move has exposed Barack Obama’s possible concealment of unlawful actions from a federal judge.

 TheTexas court that blocked Obama’s executive action on immigration has ordered the Justice Department to answer allegations the government misled him about part of the plan.



Vitter Seeks to Attach Amendment Ending Birthright Citizenship to Anti-Trafficking Bill

Caroline May, Breitbart, March 10, 2015

Sen. David Vitter (R-LA) has introduced a measure that would end birthright citizenship as an amendment to the Justice for Victims of Trafficking Act, a bipartisan bill currently under consideration in the Senate.

“This practice comes down to a fundamental misunderstanding of the 14th Amendment, and we can stop the massive problem with some simple clarification,” he added.



Birthright Citizenship: The New Immigration Scam

Advice to candidates: maybe it’s time for some new policy ideas, like demanding an end to our so-called “birthright citizenship.”Among developed nations, only theU.S. andCanada still offer automatic citizenship to children born on their soil. Not a single European country follows the practice. We take this right for granted, but the evidence is that this entitlement encourages a booming birth tourism business (which undermines our immigration objectives) and virtually guarantees that the number of people in the country illegally will continue to grow.



Over 110,000 Iraqis have entered the US since the end of the Bush Administration



Social Security Admin. Expects Beneficiaries of Obama’s Amnesty Will Be Covered Starting Later This Year

Amnestied Illegals May Receive Social Security As Early As 2017



A Quarter of Young Adults Now Use a Language Other Than English at Home

See the cities where most Millennials speak two languages

More than half of young adults inLos Angelescan fluently speak a language other than English, despite the fact that the city’s percentage of foreign born residents is decreasing.

Fifty-seven per cent of those aged 18 to 34, in LA spoke a language other than English at home, beating outMiamiwhich had 55 per cent andSan Josewith 54 per cent.



All Federal Gun Laws Are Unconstitutional



2 States Pass Bills that Block Federal Gun Control Following Obama’s Unconstitutional Threats of Executive Orders



The 2nd Amendment Is Your Concealed Carry Permit – West Virginia Senate Votes To Eliminate Permit Requirements

West Virginiais set to become the sixth state to eliminate the requirement of a concealed carry permit for firearms. On Friday the State Senate voted 31-3 in favor of legislation which recognizes the Second Amendment as being all the permit one needs to have in the state.

West Virginiajoins five other states,Alaska,Arizona,Arkansas,VermontandWyoming, which already have passed similar legislation.



FL – House panel approves bill allowing armed teachers


The proposal (HB 19) would let schools superintendents designate employees or volunteers to carry concealed weapons on school property.

Any designated individuals would have to have served in the military or law enforcement, and undergo special training from the Florida Department of Law Enforcement.

They would also need to hold concealed weapons permits.

State Rep. Greg Steube, R-Sarasota, says the measure would keep students and teachers safe in a school shooting.



Trey Gowdy says “There are Gaps of Months and Months” in Hillary Clinton’s Emails!



Chicago black hole people are disappearing.

Chicago “Black Site” Suggests America Has Passed the Point of No Return

Posted by Marilyn Calkins on March 8, 2015 at 4:40pm in Domestic Terrorism



An Inquiry Into Islam: Alexis de Tocqueville on Islam

Even those that came before us know the danger of islam

Here is Alexis de Tocqueville on Islam:

“I studied the Quran a great deal. I came away from that study with the conviction that by and large there have been few religions in the world as deadly to men as that of Muhammad. As far as I can see, it is the principal cause of the decadence so visible today in the Muslim world and, though less absurd than the polytheism of old, its social and political tendencies are in my opinion more to be feared, and I therefore regard it as a form of decadence rather than a form of progress in relation to paganism itself.”




Just don’t call him Mad Dog

Influential Marine general prepares to retire after four decades in uniform



ICE nabs undocumented convicted criminals in Arizona



Ferguson: The Big Picture

Why Brown’s body was in the street so long.

Paul Kersey explains whatFergusonmeans for whites.



Video ‘shows University of Oklahoma fraternity’s racist chant’



No, it’s not constitutional for the University of Oklahoma to expel students for racist speech [UPDATED in light of the students’ expulsion]





Refugee Resettlement Watch


Ten things your town needs to know when (if!) “welcoming” refugees for the first time

Posted by Ann Corcoran on March 11, 2015





Why Do Illegal Workers Have Valid SSNs?



See all FAIR Immigration news





Fri, MAR 13th 2015

The 5th Circuit Court of Appeals today denied the Obama Administration’s request for an expedited ruling on Judge Andrew Hanen’s injunction blocking President Obama’s executive amnesties.

Justice Department attorneys asked the court to rule within seven days but the court allowed the normal 10-day period for states to respond to the Administration’s request. Politico reports this could be an early sign that the 5th Circuit may not want to overturn Judge Hanen’s injunction quickly.



See all NumbersUSA News



Judicial Watch

Weekly update from the desk of Tom Fitton.


JW Exposes Clinton Misconduct in Court

Plus –

Clinton Email Scandal Breaking News

   Judicial Watch Forces Obama Administration to Admit To Misconduct in Email Scandal

      Obama’s Hawaii Blow-Out


Why Jihad Watch?

Why Jihad Watch? Because non-Muslims in the West, as well as in India, China, Russia, and the world over, are facing a concerted effort by Islamic jihadists, the motives and goals of whom are largely ignored by the Western media, to destroy their societies and impose Islamic law upon them — and to commit violence to that end even while their overall goal remains out of reach. That effort goes under the general rubric of jihad.



Free Clint Lorance





Prepping: 10 simple ideas on how to start

January 22, 2013 by graywolf

Former US Army Chief Warrant Officer, Counter-Intelligence Special Agent and Combat Veteran. I grew up in the woods and spent a lifetime in various environments from deserts to jungles to politically-sensitive urban environments.





Call your representatives in Congress and tell them to stop the Refugee Resettlement program for Muslims

Find and contact your Senator and House Representative



Government Agencies and Elected Officials

Find contact information for federal, state, local, or tribal governments and elected officials.


This will run every week.

Special Report
This report prints out to 12 pages but worthwhile reading.

The Posse Comitatus Act does not prohibit US Military on our borders.

US Military is allowed as authorized by the Constitution or Act of Congress 


Fighting tyranny in America 2014



We Are Entering An Era Of Shattered Illusions

Our mission as an opposing force to globalism is to come to terms with our own illusions and to erase them, to stop compromising and to stop waiting for the final shoe to drop and to take positive action now rather than after the endgame develops.


This means preparation and organization for the worst-case scenarios.


 This means making one’s family, neighborhood and community as self-reliant and secure as possible.


The excuses have to stop.


The distractions and intellectualized silver bullet solutions have to stop. Hard work and risk are all that are left, all that matters. If we do this, and if we do this now, then victory is possible.


 In any contest of strength and will, he who knows himself best, he who sheds all illusion, will be the winner.



Nonviolent resistance (NVR or nonviolent action) is the practice of achieving goals through symbolic protests, civil disobedience, economic or political noncooperation, or other methods, without using violence.


24/7 boycott of corporations.

They take our money and give it to the political elites to trash our Constitutional Republic.

Fight back. Don’t spend your money with them.


Rules of Engagement – Get SASSY

Save America – Shop Smart Y’all


The tyranny emanating from the political, corporate and media world survives because we fund them by doing business with them.


We are actually financing our own national suicide by spending our money every day with them.


Do not spend money with your political enemies.

Avoid corporations, seek out small local businesses

Avoid mainstream media seek out alternative media.

Do business with like minded patriots.

Save America – Shop Smart Y’all (SASSY)

 I am only one, but I am one. I cannot do everything, but I
can do something. And because I cannot do everything, I will
not refuse to do the something that I can do. What I can do,
I should do. And what I should do, by the grace of God,
I will do.” ~ Edward Everett Hale

Ron Bass

Follow the UPA on



Ron Bass

Subscribe to the UPA Report


http://www.UnitedPatriotsOfAmerica  com
E-mail – ronbass2010@comcast.net




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