United Patriots of America
The United Patriots Of America was founded December 2001 in response to 911

  United Patriots of America

Founded December 2001 in response to 911


UPA Report Special Report


Sunday January 07, 2017



At @MoonPalaceBooks I just found the book that strikes fear in
the heart of @reakDonaldTrump


Should Congressman Keith Ellison, a follower of Islam, Be Charged with Treason?


Ellison’s choice of words in his tweet is telling, especially when juxtaposed with the Koranic verse from which the sentiment likely came.

“Against them make ready your strength to the utmost of your power, including steeds of war, to
strike terror into (the hearts of) the enemies, of Allah.”  Koran 8:60


Four years after the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, Japan agreed to an unconditional surrender. Things sure have changed.

Today, sixteen years after attacking the Pentagon in DC, our Military command center, and the World Trade Center, Islam is on the slow but sure track to the Islamization of our nation as it’s happening in Europe.

Sending our sons and daughters into harms way in Pakistan will not stop the Islamic takeover of America.
Islam is winning the political and cultural war for control of America as they are in Europe.
They are hiding behind the protective wall of our first Amendment which clearly says:
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.

In the case of Islam which seeks to replace our US Constitution with their Sharia Laws, should we still allow them to freely exercise their religion. The answer is no, absolutely not.

Islam is protected by every single left wing ideology and organization in America and the West, which includes the Democratic Party whose Vice Chairman is Congressman Keith Ellison pictured above who has threatened our POTUS with Anti Fa in a recent tweet. Other supporters and enablers of Islam are Hollywood, the media, large corporations, Social media like facebook and twitter, Black Lives Matter and Universities and Colleges including our public education
system at the grade school and High School levels.

We had all hoped that our new President would take care of this problem. But after one year in office many of us are realizing that the forces against him are huge and that he needs our help.

The “deplorables” have to organize at the local level where we all live and work to prevent our Constitution and our country from being overthrown by foreigners.

The UPA mission from it’s founding was to concern itself with the safety, security and prosperity of Patriots in
our homeland.

Most of us are well informed and know whats happening. What were not so sure about is how we get the upper hand in our own  country.

To that end we have been working on the RTU project for the last two years and which is now in formation to “unite ourselves” in a realistic workable plan to engage and win. Losing is not an  option. We have a two part strategy-
Politics and CPT. And we have a website to coordinate this effort.

We are recommending that “all Deplorables” sign up to this network

Restore the USA http://restoretheusa.net/

The two part strategy will include “politics” and “CPT” (Community Preparedness Teams).

The following excerpt is from a blog whose name shall remain anonymous.

The archaeological, anthropological, and historiographic record of the
collective human experience pretty clearly indicates that, in order for any
human cultural activity to succeed, some form of community must be engaged in
the collective effort towards the achievement of the goal. In order for that to
take place,
the members of the community must be willing to sacrifice self to some degree, and act
in a spirit of service to the community
. The idealist naïveté of “reason always
prevails,” or that mental cleverness alone can resolve the world’s problems,
without physical effort or community participation, falls flat, as soon as a
foe is met who is willing to stop talking, and start chopping the heads off the

Unite – sign up to Restore the USA http://restoretheusa.net/

Twitter suspended ALIPAC’s account. They have been reinstated since they filed a civil rights complaint
Immigration PAC blocked for issuing statement about DACA legislation

Sharia for New Year’s
by Bruce Bawer, January 7, 2018
The same reporters and commentators who insist that it is absurd to worry about sharia coming to the West are, in fact, ideologically arm-in-arm with those in authority who are aggressively introducing sharia-style laws in the West, prosecuting speech that violates those laws, and issuing dark warnings — in tones unbefitting public officials in a free
country — that you had better learn to be sharia-compliant or you will be sorry.

The real lesson of all this is that we had better learn to be aggressive in our resistance to this
proliferation of sharia-influenced prohibitions or we will, indeed, end up being very, very sorry.

The simple fact is that nowadays it would be exceedingly unlikely to see an individual in the Western world being prosecuted by a government for mocking and disparaging a gun-rights organization or a Christian politician. No, these extraordinary legal actions are almost exclusively reserved for the punishment of those who have criticized Islam.

U.S. woman stabbed 14 times by Somali explodes police narrative“Minneapolis police and the sheriff’s office there are so in bed with the jihadis they don’t know which way is up,” Guandolo told WND.
That’s an accusation some might find alarming and even too sensational to believe. Yet, the best evidence may be the words coming directly from the mouth of Hennepin County Sheriff Rich Stanek three years ago at the White House Summit on Countering Violent Extremism, comments that were captured on video by C-SPAN.
Stanek told the White House Summit in February 2015 that he basically gets all his information about what’s going
on in Minneapolis’s Somali neighborhoods from a local Somali imam he affectionately referred to as “Imam Roble.”

Kicking Them In The UN

The Greatest Constitutional Crisis Of Trump’s Presidency

CA Better Hold On Tight’: ICE Dir Promises Doubling of Officers After ‘Sanctuary’ Law Signed

Democrat Rep and DNC Deputy Chair Keith Ellison Promotes Antifa Handbook on Twitter, Says It Will ‘Strike Fear’ Into Trump

Trump Axes Obama NY/NJ Amtrak Deal, Saves Taxpayers Billions

‘Jail!’ Trump slams ‘crooked’ Hillary aide Huma, calls on ‘DeepState‘ DOJ Huma Abedin jeopardizes state department secretsShe was sending classified info on her personal Yahoo account.

Are Whites Being Setup For Genocide?
The immigration policies of white countries have created a diversity basis for ganging up on whites. If we put together a diverse population with the anti-white ideology of Identity Politics, we have a political and cultural trap for white people.

The Islamization of Britain in 2017 “I think we are heading towards disaster.”
by Soeren Kern January 1, 2018

In France on New years Eve a thousand cars were torched.
Over 1,000 cars torched across France as New Year’s Eve arrests rise

Germany’s New Social Media Hate Speech Law Is Now Being Enforced

Go local with the RTU.

For step by step instructions how to deploy unto the political battlefield join this political social network.

A new social internet destination for networking and controlling your local community
 In formation, new sign ups every day.



Can The US Survive An EMP Attack?
http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2017-12-22/can-us-survive-emp-attac    k

Gadsen and Culpeper
America’s Official Don’t Tread on Me Outfitter:

Emergency Preparedness Guide

Bugging In | What You Need To Do

Survival Threads – A Forum

The Survivor good site

Field Manual of the Free Militia

General organization of the Free Militia


Twitter – http://twitter.com/ronbassUPA 

Facebook – www.facebook.com/UPA.RonBass


E-mail – ronbass2010@comcast.net




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